first grow hydro


Well-Known Member
Well that explains it! LOL!
well here is an update but no pics . later they will come I have to do the lawn and wait for my PO to come to my house . but anyway back to growing. the other plant in the screen . the new one in the screen , is a female . and I took two clones from her and set up one of the fluros I took down from the veg room and put it over the propagation dome . I love that plant . It never got burned once and some of the branches stayed growing simetricly with close innernodes . you'll see the pics later. gotta change the rez tomorrow .



Well-Known Member
well no chacges today, I just changed both rez . and I switched back to using the jacks clasic . 20-20-20 and jacks 10-30-20. set ph and flora kleen .. just a question though . when does the buds start smelling and produsing tricoms


New Member
The buds usually start producing trichs you can see about half way through flowering or around 4-5 weeks. They are very, very small at first.

Smell is difficult to judge as different strains have different smells at different times. When they are eating heavily is usually the best time to smell them. I could smell my LSD when they were babies but they really started to stink around week 5 in flower.


Well-Known Member
The buds usually start producing trichs you can see about half way through flowering or around 4-5 weeks. They are very, very small at first.

Smell is difficult to judge as different strains have different smells at different times. When they are eating heavily is usually the best time to smell them. I could smell my LSD when they were babies but they really started to stink around week 5 in flower.
thanks bro , does that flowing plant in the screen look likw its buding fast, or thats normal ? its only 2 weeks flowering . lol, this is my first flowering stage I've been through.thanks again MC



New Member
2 weeks for that stage is fast but that's a good thing. Mine show at about 10 days to two week but when they show is strain dependant. The fact that they are in the screen and get strong light would lead be to beleive that you are getting the buds show about as early as the plant can. Good job! That's very promising for my future grow. I'll be back from vaca on the 11th, put some seeds to gern on the 12th and be growing in a propagator by the 14th if things go as planned. Room is ready, tubes are tested, supplies as gathered and I'm ready to go. Once last check - you flood yours for 15 minutes, 4 times per day, right? I always have a little water in the tubes after they drain but I am thinking the roots will suck that up after they get out of the netpot.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks for that stage is fast but that's a good thing. Mine show at about 10 days to two week but when they show is strain dependant. The fact that they are in the screen and get strong light would lead be to beleive that you are getting the buds show about as early as the plant can. Good job! That's very promising for my future grow. I'll be back from vaca on the 11th, put some seeds to gern on the 12th and be growing in a propagator by the 14th if things go as planned. Room is ready, tubes are tested, supplies as gathered and I'm ready to go. Once last check - you flood yours for 15 minutes, 4 times per day, right? I always have a little water in the tubes after they drain but I am thinking the roots will suck that up after they get out of the netpot.
I just had trouble with the water in the posts myself . alot of algea from stagnit water. I need to get another air pump.. I just put a piece of 2x4 on top of the rez to raise the top of the stand ( what the posts sit on) angeling the posts a little downwards towrds the drain and fill side. have a good one and congrats on your sons wedding. he is probably my age . I'm 26. . but anywho . I passed the drug screen yesterday at my PO's office by the way. niacin and water loading , took 4 asprins and 4 vitamin b complex to yellow my piss out and drank 5 32oz gateraids in a matter of 3 and a half hours . I started 745 in the morning and got to my po's at 1120-30 and pissed a clean yellow sample , oh I forgot 3 days ago I started taking 20mg of criatine a day. 10 in the evening and 10 in the morning. well enjoy your vacation


New Member
You're right he is about your age. He's 25. He and his future wife taught english as a second language in China for a year about 2 years ago and got back and finish his law enforcement degree. Nice to have a cop on call. I have a pack of those wedge thingies they use to square up a window/door so I'll just wedge those and get it to flow correctly.

Glad to hear about the drug test! Luckily I have never taken one for employment or otherwise. MY boss is fully aware of my activities and has bail money ready if needed! LOL!

So, 15 min - 4xday is right on the cycle?


Well-Known Member
You're right he is about your age. He's 25. He and his future wife taught english as a second language in China for a year about 2 years ago and got back and finish his law enforcement degree. Nice to have a cop on call. I have a pack of those wedge thingies they use to square up a window/door so I'll just wedge those and get it to flow correctly.

Glad to hear about the drug test! Luckily I have never taken one for employment or otherwise. MY boss is fully aware of my activities and has bail money ready if needed! LOL!

So, 15 min - 4xday is right on the cycle?
yes sir . 15 min 4x a day
My plants are in their third week of veg, and are growing nicely. They have nice, thick stalks, and wide beautiful leaves. This evening I cut some of the underlying growth off at the stalk to allow for more growth vertically. I also noticed that some of the underlying growth was browning at the tips. I assume this is from light starvation, but I don't know. Also, on my biggest plant, her two biggest leaves had some spottage on the tops of the leaves that shown threw to the underside. I have not cut them yet, but will keep an eye on them. One of the spotted leaves has rounded leaf tips.
Tomorrow they get an air bath and fresh water and nutes. They are all about 8 inches tall, and seem like they might start competing for light. Should I thin them back more or will they be ok? Also, I am thinking of taking 4 of them that will be my mothers and pairing them up in a couple of 5 gallon buckets to give them more space. Is now a good time to select clones and cut them? Should I be concerned about the spottage on that one? Thanks for any and all help.
What happened to this thread? I set up a similar setup and have mad questions. Now I got no one to talk to except my pH meter and my hydroton.


New Member
I'm here but I just have 3 total in the system right now. Waiting for some more seedlings to come out of the spongepots.


Well-Known Member
hey men and women of RIU. sorry but this thread died along with all my plants. root rot I guess. all the stems were hard execpt the tips were really soft. and all the leaves were limping. it looked like a naked tree.. so hurt I was . and no one could give an answer . I posted in the problem thread with pics. and it was too late . DD you can ask q's on this threa anytime . MC , purp and I will have an answer between us three. I took 19 clipings from the dieing plants and I am letting them take thier time rooting . 12 straight from clone to flower . and the rest I will veg and let mature and et larger. I have no luck with growing . I guess I am just a text book know what to do just cant do I also let the temp in the room get too high and the temp in the rez. took an ice cube maker from the freezer that was never used and puting that in the rez to keep the water cool .. I will take pics and sow how it's done . I dont have to keep on freezing bottles of water anymore.
Not good news at all. Man I'm sorry. I'm having second thoughts about perusing this hybrid system. My plants are doing great in the bubbleponics, but I really wanted to do this to give them more room to grow and more plant to harvest. I am going to hold off for another week before moving from veg to flower, my plants are fine, and I just gave them an air bath and fresh nutes so I have time. They are between 10 and 14 inches, and I have a few stranglers that I planted on the 29th of Sept that are only about 7-9". I'll likely move forward with the E/F concept anyway and just hope for better results. Man, I'm really sorry to hear that you lost them all bro. Now for my questions:
With the fill and drain in place with the ebb and flow, the drain needs to be higher than the fill (correct any and all errors of my understanding). When the water gets to a certain height, it drains back into the res. My question is this, when the water inside the PVC recedes below the level of the return line, or the higher of the two ports in the PVC, will the water drain back down through the pump through the intake line? Do I want water to constantly be in my PVC or should the roots be dry when the pump is not pumping water?
Right now, I have 2 PVC tubes, 50" each, with 6 nets 8" apart. I have an 18 gallon res, and I plan to build upon that to maintain 4 PVC tubes each 50" with 6 nets each, for a total of 24 nets, or plants, per res, which will be filled with 12 gallons of feed/water. Is this expecting too much from the plants, the system, or should I be ok?
I am doing all my vegetative growth in straight bubbleponics from SH and my only concern is the plants are gonna be competing with one another for light and space. Hence the reason I'm going to use this setup for my flowering.
Mostly, you are just now using this setup for your veg. Lemme know how it works for veg and I'll keep you posted with how its doing for flowering.
Again man I'm sorry to hear about your loss wmemae.


Well-Known Member
Not good news at all. Man I'm sorry. I'm having second thoughts about perusing this hybrid system. My plants are doing great in the bubbleponics, but I really wanted to do this to give them more room to grow and more plant to harvest. I am going to hold off for another week before moving from veg to flower, my plants are fine, and I just gave them an air bath and fresh nutes so I have time. They are between 10 and 14 inches, and I have a few stranglers that I planted on the 29th of Sept that are only about 7-9". I'll likely move forward with the E/F concept anyway and just hope for better results. Man, I'm really sorry to hear that you lost them all bro. Now for my questions:
With the fill and drain in place with the ebb and flow, the drain needs to be higher than the fill (correct any and all errors of my understanding). When the water gets to a certain height, it drains back into the res. My question is this, when the water inside the PVC recedes below the level of the return line, or the higher of the two ports in the PVC, will the water drain back down through the pump through the intake line? Do I want water to constantly be in my PVC or should the roots be dry when the pump is not pumping water?
Right now, I have 2 PVC tubes, 50" each, with 6 nets 8" apart. I have an 18 gallon res, and I plan to build upon that to maintain 4 PVC tubes each 50" with 6 nets each, for a total of 24 nets, or plants, per res, which will be filled with 12 gallons of feed/water. Is this expecting too much from the plants, the system, or should I be ok?
I am doing all my vegetative growth in straight bubbleponics from SH and my only concern is the plants are gonna be competing with one another for light and space. Hence the reason I'm going to use this setup for my flowering.
Mostly, you are just now using this setup for your veg. Lemme know how it works for veg and I'll keep you posted with how its doing for flowering.
Again man I'm sorry to hear about your loss wmemae.
hey DD ,

as far as water being in the tubes while the pump is off. I prefer no water at all . I want my roots ro dry out . that was one of my problems ( root rot ). . . . I would recomend spacing them out a little more . I am flowering 12 plants as soon as I get a good root system going. another week and I should be flowering . little sog. I have 19 clones in the propagater . 12 going straight to flowering . and tne rest in veg. best 5 or 6 will stay to veg for another month and one will get choped up for more clones :weed::weed:. well thats just a plan . doesnt mean it will be a succes . remember I'm just text I'm still hurting:sad::sad::sad:

but from then on I will just be flowering 5- 6 plants toped 3 times each . I dont even want to super crop them either . . I am going to keep it simple .


New Member
Well that's what I was planning to do on a first grow with new strains. See how they act naturally and just mange the height with some minor supercropping (top 6 " at most) to manage the canopy. I have my tubes tipped so that they are pretty dry after the pump shuts off. Maybe the one closest to the drain has 1/4" of water but that's it. I'll also be running my res with cannazyme which can take the dead roots and disolve them back into nutes. I'll be flowering as soon as I see alternating leaves.

Really sorry to hear about the trouble. Gotta pick yourself up and get back at it which sounds like what you are doing. Lessons learned are sometime brutal.

Yep, I'm just getting started. I have 2 in each tube and all systems are working and I getting new growth on the seedlings. No nutes yet. I'll wait until they have 2 nodes each.


Well-Known Member
Well that's what I was planning to do on a first grow with new strains. See how they act naturally and just mange the height with some minor supercropping (top 6 " at most) to manage the canopy. I have my tubes tipped so that they are pretty dry after the pump shuts off. Maybe the one closest to the drain has 1/4" of water but that's it. I'll also be running my res with cannazyme which can take the dead roots and disolve them back into nutes. I'll be flowering as soon as I see alternating leaves.

Really sorry to hear about the trouble. Gotta pick yourself up and get back at it which sounds like what you are doing. Lessons learned are sometime brutal.

Yep, I'm just getting started. I have 2 in each tube and all systems are working and I getting new growth on the seedlings. No nutes yet. I'll wait until they have 2 nodes each.
as soon as i get my computer running i will post pics