Aeroponics Setup

Hey all,

So I have been doing research for awhile now and decided to start a Aeroponics grow Although I do have some questions though. So I am posting my design up and experienced growers please tell me your concerns, suggestions, and or comments about the design. Just to let everyone know I am putting Mylar up around the room. The rooms will be tight IE water & air and super insulated. Also there is going to be a drain in the middle of the floor. The lights will be air cooled. The room will have air temp, CO2, humidity, and timer controls. Also water will be piped in, electrical will be done properly meaning 80% load on each circuit I use. Air from lights will be vented into the house, that way hot air won't give off a huge heat signature. Air from the room will be filtered through a carbon filter (whatever spec may call for). Then vented into attic. Air intake will be from attic in winter and inside house in summer (warmer) months. Also oscillating fans to keep plants strong and air moving. So here is the layout:

My questions are:

In this setup I am trying to achieve doing about 96 plants throughout the room (96/8 pipes= 12 plants per pipe).
Is that enough spacing for the plants?
I know MH for veg (or maybe florescence)
HPS for flowering with great reflective hood.
Am I using the correct Wattage lights?
Am I using enough lights?
Light movers yes or no? 6' overkill or will 4' do?
I am still a little confused about how to grow in the pipe. I know that you use either a 2" or 3.5" net pot. Okay so which one? Also once from veg, into the pot do I need the pellets to sustain the root growth and then transport into something else? Or is it something else? I am totally confused since many people do it differently!!!
Okay so that is all the questions I have for now :) Go ahead tell me what you think!!!!


Okay also I wanted to mention
I m putting 100 gal res's on each side.
I am also spray painting the pipes black so roots will NEVER have any light touch them
Also my home already has a bad ass water filter with UV light and the aquasana Rhino. Pretty much covered on having good water.
My other question is with growing Aero I am looking for the highest yield. I am growing two strains Dutch Passion Blueberry and Bubblegum from a reliable seed bank.
In regards to growing, do I just grow and prune? Or should I do the SOG or SCROG method? Everyone has their own ideas but, what really produces the best yields?
Hey Dieselman - looks like you have done quite a bit of research so far heading into aero.

Have you looked at the thread "harvest a pound every three weeks"? Seems to be a very good setup that many people have duplicated with great success. One thing in particular that is a little different in their setup is that they use 4" by 4" vinyl fencepost rather than the round pvc pipe. Definitely makes it easier to have good support for the 2" netpots (make sure to get the ones with the lip around the edge). They do not use any medium for any stage of the system so nothing but netpots from the cloner all the way through flowering. Makes it easy to move from one stage to the next.

How do you like the aquasana rhino water filter? I was just looking at that yesterday as an alternative option to R/O since I hate the idea of wasting so much water. I'd love to hear your experience with the unit since you already have one. Did you ever test your water ph and ppm before and then after getting the filter?
Hey Dieselman - looks like you have done quite a bit of research so far heading into aero.

Have you looked at the thread "harvest a pound every three weeks"? Seems to be a very good setup that many people have duplicated with great success. One thing in particular that is a little different in their setup is that they use 4" by 4" vinyl fencepost rather than the round pvc pipe. Definitely makes it easier to have good support for the 2" netpots (make sure to get the ones with the lip around the edge). They do not use any medium for any stage of the system so nothing but netpots from the cloner all the way through flowering. Makes it easy to move from one stage to the next.

How do you like the aquasana rhino water filter? I was just looking at that yesterday as an alternative option to R/O since I hate the idea of wasting so much water. I'd love to hear your experience with the unit since you already have one. Did you ever test your water ph and ppm before and then after getting the filter?

Hey BudMonster!

Thanks for the advice on the thread. I checked it out and i pretty much what I am looking for. I am looking to yield a little more than that but, I know I need some experience under my belt first and ha ha with any luck be damn happy with getting anything to yield my first time around! Also in regards to the Rhino, you know I pulled a dumb ass move and didn't measure the PH levels. I will measure it this week to let you know what the PH levels are now. I can say this much though the water tastes tremendously better! I live in a area where the water sucks. Have a good one!


Well-Known Member
I am just starting the grow mentioned. It was started by stinkbud. If you saw this in High Times, they made some errors in the article. You can modify his system and add another rail if you want more plants etc. He has a website that is specifically designed for his system and it has been very helpful. I am starting small and even though I made the cloner and veg units I am growing far fewer plants to get the hang of it. I also added a second veg station so that I could let my plants get bigger and do some training and still get a large yield. It will just take a little longer. Anyway, I've done a lot of research on different growing arrangements and I think it is a winner. Good luck
Hey All,

Okay sorry for not being online and giving updates. I had some issues come up and now I am back on track with my room. So now I made some changes, nothing serious. Although I have a whole bunch of new questions. Hopefully with all the experience on this web site someone can give me some good answers. Ha ha I promise no "how much will I yield" questions :) FYI I am growing Blueberry and Bubblegum.

1a. Which one can I grow using perpetual harvest while maintaining a good yield. I want to harvest every 30-45 days.
2. How do you figure out when you should plant clones, veg, or flower? Meaning, once running perpetual what are the time increments for plants in those 3 stages?
3. Can I take clones off my veg plants?
3a. Will that eliminate the need for mothers? Or should I have mothers on hand just in case?
4. Is 2400W enough for 40 plants?

I believe that's all my questions for now. If you can add on or take out some stuff please let me know. I am open to suggestions. Thanks for your feedback!

