I have a problem in one of my rooms


Active Member
Hi folks, I tried asking a couple of questions in chat... not so helpful, so here are a few pics and a quick description of the problem I have.

I have 25 plants (G13) in 10 inch mesh tops. The system is a constant circulation 5 gallon bucket system. I have a chiller on the rez, I supplement with 1500 ppm of CO2. The garden is lit by 16 X 1000 watt HPS. I have a three ton A/C that keeps my room no higher than 85 degrees. My humidity is normally around 45%.

My ph is 6.0, I'm feeding with DNF. The plants are in week 5 of flower.

I have the same genetics in my other rooms and by this point they are showing big buds... in this room all I have are small buds. Any suggestions?

My partner is looking at pulling this grow and replanting, I'd like to fix the problem... if not for this crop at least for the next one.



ps: the personal message is something I just had to do!


Well-Known Member
welcome to rollitup :D the irc channel isn't for asking questions that's probably why you didn't get much help.

wow thats a nice setup you got there. awesome plants too. Just give them more time don't pull them, even if they are the same genetics they could be a different phenotype


Well-Known Member
this is one of our small rooms

...and all you have is small buds....right.

Ok, I don't believe you. Somebody with that type of FACTORY!! doesnt come to RIU and ask this question.

...but I guess you could drop your PH a couple points, drop your temps to 77-78F , raise your humidity a little.

I mean, you can do that right? With such a monster set up, these should be trivial things to fix.


Active Member
...and all you have is small buds....right.

Ok, I don't believe you. Somebody with that type of FACTORY!! doesnt come to RIU and ask this question.

...but I guess you could drop your PH a couple points, drop your temps to 77-78F , raise your humidity a little.

I mean, you can do that right? With such a monster set up, these should be trivial things to fix.
Are you saying that just because we have a big show we can't learn anything from the good folks here?

There isn't one person in the whole world that knows "everything". The logical thing to do when you can't answer a question yourself is to consult others opinions...



Active Member
We have consulted a very trusted source and the overall consensus is to flush for 24-48 hours and feed lightly for the next week.

Thank you to those that added their input, I'll fill in the results as they show up in the room :)



Well-Known Member
nice set up u have, by looking at the picktures i would say u are burning the plants, the leaves are looking yellow on the tips try haveing the lights come on at different times and maybe that would decrease heat, you have alot of tops so your buds are going 2 start out small, are u growing ak-47?? how long have u been budding now? takes a good 3-4 weeks 2 really bloom away, it looks like your early still.


Active Member
The "burn" that can be seen is from an errant top touching a lamp, lamp has been repositioned and all is good. Humidity is roughly 45%, there is no way I'm going to intentionally raise my humidity (no mold for me thanks). ph pens are definitely a suspect in this, we have a number of "hannah" pens and even after calibration with new solution I find a wide range of data being presented. Going to convince my partner to buy "oakton" pens to replace the JUNK hannah instruments.

Second day of flush, we will be swapping out for fresh ph'd flush water and going for the next 24 hr's. I'll up-date when results show themselves.

Thanks again
