

Well-Known Member
LOL, you guys seriously crack me up. Now atheists claim to fame is Darwin is religous? So, it MUST have relevance NOW, hehe.
Picking and choosing......all about convenience, sound familiar?
No, it's not our claim to fame. He shouldn't actually be in that poster. But, oddly enough, the creationists won't accept that he was religious, since they're convinced he was trying to "destroy" god.
He was very troubled by the fact all the evidence pointed to evolution, in conflict with what he'd been taught by the church.

Now on the other hand it's quite common for Christians to claim that the founding fathers of the US were all Christian but that's wrong too. And some atheists claim they were all atheist. But some were theist, some were deist, and some were Christian. But they all agreed that secular government was required to prevent the tyranny of the religious state.


New Member
Charles Darwin's views on religion have been the subject of much interest. His work was pivotal in the development of evolution theory.

Charles Darwin had a non-conformist background, but attended a Church of England school. He studied Anglican theology with the aim of becoming a clergyman, before joining the Voyage of the Beagle. On return, he developed his theory of natural selection in full awareness that it conflicted with the teleological argument. Darwin deliberated about the Christian meaning of mortality and came to think that the religious instinct had evolved with society. With the death of his daughter Annie, Darwin lost all faith in a beneficent God and saw Christianity as futile. He continued to give support to the local church and help with parish work, but on Sundays would go for a walk while his family attended church. However, at the time of writing On the Origin of Species he remained a theist, convinced of the existence of God as a First Cause.


Yeah Robert, P is a very humble....meek person at heart.
It showed several times over.

It's odd how other people can see reality quite well, you still seem to be missing most of it.

I don't start getting aggressive about anything till you show extreme ignorance on a subject.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
anger going
You are a godless communist, and that's fine, but why do you feel the need to peddle your propaganda here?
i would have to ask you the same question ,,why the name calling and anger:cuss:going back to the start of this thread i see the religious people get very angry in there posts


anger going
i would have to ask you the same question ,,why the name calling and anger:cuss:going back to the start of this thread i see the religious people get very angry in there posts

Thank you! All it takes is a quick read through the thread to see which side is of sound reason and logic and which side has a few holes in their ''theory''...


New Member
Know why the church resists having religion examined by science?

Paddy side swiped it a bit...:lol:

evolution is a theory.... and most ppl probably don't understand how strong a value the word theory actually carries in science.

What degree of strength would religion receive form actual evidence... :lol:

One can instantly see why the church is adamant that faith cannot be examined.



Active Member
All atheists start out teaching themselves how to not believe in God. There is no way a child can grow up without being bombarded with religious information and individuals. We are all incultureated into a world that believes in the existence of some being that is greater then ourselves.

How hard is it to prove to yourself a negative?


All atheists start out teaching themselves how to not believe in God. There is no way a child can grow up without being bombarded with religious information and individuals. We are all INDOCTRINATED into a world that believes in the existence of some being that is greater then ourselves.

How hard is it to prove to yourself a negative?

There ya go buddy, fixed it for ya. :-|

Everyone is born an atheist. You do not know anything about religion until someone, usually your parents, tells you about it. "Tells you"... if only we could all be so fortunate... Sadly, most kids are actually told this stuff is the litteral truth, that there's a heaven and a hell, that it's not the end when you die, etc... and most of them believe it. Take a look around, most of those same kids grow up to become adults and still believe it. A lot of them simply don't question things as they mature. I know this because I have a lot of friends who are utterly shocked when we engage in conversation and it steers towards religion. I ask them questions they are incapable of answering, just like you guys are.

85% of the world roughly is religious in one way or another, that means 1 out of 10 people are skeptical about their own personal beliefs. Then there's those correlations between intelligence levels and religion, university professors and relgion, scientists and religion, college students and religion... seems to me, and all the studies seem to agree, the smarter someone becomes, the less likely they are to hold a belief in God. Why is that? Can you guys answer that for me? Look around these boards, you see the same thing. People who make complete sentences for example, use correct grammar and spelling, punctuation... Those are the self proclaimed atheists. Take a look at the believers posts, misspellings, CAPS, incomplete sentences... what's that about? Maybe it's just me and my own personal observation... but I'm concluding that's not simply a coincidence either... This is highschool shit... I'm not saying everything you post MUST BE SPELLED CORRECTLY AND HAVE CORRECT GRAMMAR! no, not at all. I don't give a fuck about that honestly, that's just one more thing you inadvertently reveal about yourself.


Active Member
You do not know anything about religion until someone, usually your parents, tells you about it. "Tells you"... if only we could all be so fortunate... Sadly, most kids are actually told this stuff is the litteral truth, that there's a heaven and a hell, that it's not the end when you die, etc... and most of them believe it. Take a look around, most of those same kids grow up to become adults and still believe it. A lot of them simply don't question things as they mature. 85% of the world roughly is religious in one way or another, that means 1 out of 10 people are skeptical about their own personal beliefs.

All this proves is that there is a very rich spiritual history of tradition that stems back to the beginning of time. Meaning, God created the heavens and the earth. Then he created humanity in his image. Most people believe this is true in one form or another. What ever percentages you toss out there, it all shows that those who do not believe in the presence of a greater being are the aberration.

You can choose to believe that your ancestry tree originated from an ape. It's kind of a cool thought! I remember the evolution stories when I was a boy. Very interesting! But, they were just stories. Like Star Trek and Star Wars.

Then there's those correlations between intelligence levels and religion, university professors and relgion, scientists and religion, college students and religion... seems to me, and all the studies seem to agree, the smarter someone becomes, the less likely they are to hold a belief in God.

Here we have evidence the studies were wrong. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You can choose to believe that your ancestry tree originated from an ape. It's kind of a cool thought! I remember the evolution stories when I was a boy. Very interesting! But, they were just stories. Like Star Trek and Star Wars.
Just like those math, geography, physics, and chemistry stories.

It must be awesome living in a world where everything is powered by magic and the supernatural.