what nutrients would u use with this?


hi im new to growing and currently have some plants on the go witch i think are dieing to Nitrogen Deficiencies witch i hope to sort out today! but i have got a new 20 ltr pot hydro with 3 plant sites that i want to grow my g13 northan lights in. what i would like to know is what nutrients should i use with this system? i see things like big bud, bud blood, bud candy! i dont know where to start? what would you use in this set up? as for my 1 month old plants, the bottom leaves are turning yellow and dieing and curling under, but i hope a high Nitrogen plant food will sort it out? any advice would be great.



Put the light closer if you can. They are stretching too much

I would def give it a hit of someting with nitrogen... I would suggest Fox Farm big grow. just my .02

Good luck


thanks for your reply, i have moved the light down from about 8' to 5' over the plants, gave them some high nite food today so hope that will stop any more leaves from yellowing and dieing! any ideas on what nutes to use for the hydro 3 pot system? thanks. ps. im using a 300watt dual spec clf light witch from what i have read about is fine.



Well-Known Member
You have far too many plants for the light you have. I would either pick the smallest, stoutest plants to keep, or just start over again. The plants you are growing now had to reach for the light too much at a crucial early point in their lives. They might recover, but it would probably take longer to go about repairing the damage to your current plants than it would to just start new ones. At most you'd want to veg. about 9 plants with that light, and you'll need a lot more light in order to flower those 9 plants. Currently you have, what, 21 plants under one cfl? I gotta applaud your ambition, but start a little smaller, or at least accomodate your plant's needs better.

If you were going to save your current grow you'd have to replant your stretched plants into deeper pots and get another 2 or 3 of those fluorescents. I would, in your shoes, either pick the 6-9 shortest plants or just start new ones, because that's about the number you want under the light, and it needs to be within inches of the plants. Not 8", not 5", more like 1" or 2". If you can't get that distance between your plants and the light you either need less plants, more lights, or just a more powerful light.


Well-Known Member
thats not a nitrogen def., its way too early to start feeding them. wait 3 weeks and use 1/4 strength at first(i just noticed you already fed em.....flush the soil. asap) and slowly work your way up to full strength as the grow progresses. have u fed em?what strength? how often do you water? how much each time? they are badly stretched, what kind of light and distance from plant? got a fan on them? whats the temps?


thanks for all your replys, let me give you all the info. the plants are 3 and a half weeks old, started growing them on window sill for first 2 and half weeks with just daylight as i didnt have a light. built the cupboard and got a light a week ago and had them under 24 hour light since. the fan runs every day between 12 / 18 hours a day and the temp is 31. used miricle grow bulb booster compost in the pots and used filtered tap water to spray soil every two days just to wet the top soil though i did over water them for first two weeks. i dont know what the seeds they are as they came from my brothers plant. the reason i planted so many is cos i didnt want to grow 5 or 6 plants only to find out 4 were male! so i planted 28 after germination. if half the plants are male then that takes me down to 14 females though at this rate ill be lucky to end up with 5! i have now moved my light down to 2' above the plants. i really dont want to scrap them so ill just try to follow advice as to save my crop. any more help will be great. if you need any more info, let me know. thanks for all your help so far.

ps. if the yellowing is not down to Nitrogen Deficiencie, what is the problem and how can i sort it?


Well-Known Member
its from the overwatering. dont spray the soil anymore if u still are. water when you can stick your finger 2 inches into the soil and it feels dry. i'd be more concerned with the stretching at this point. the overwatering is easy to correct. lol. dont overwater em anymore and they will fix the problem themselves. the nutes are gonna burn your plants bro, they are too small to feed yet. the soil your using comes with pre-added nutes most likely too. their is no way they used all the nutes up if they are that small.what is your temp in faranheit? im from america. lol


Well-Known Member
You have far too many plants for the light you have. I would either pick the smallest, stoutest plants to keep, or just start over again. The plants you are growing now had to reach for the light too much at a crucial early point in their lives. They might recover, but it would probably take longer to go about repairing the damage to your current plants than it would to just start new ones. At most you'd want to veg. about 9 plants with that light, and you'll need a lot more light in order to flower those 9 plants. Currently you have, what, 21 plants under one cfl? I gotta applaud your ambition, but start a little smaller, or at least accomodate your plant's needs better.

If you were going to save your current grow you'd have to replant your stretched plants into deeper pots and get another 2 or 3 of those fluorescents. I would, in your shoes, either pick the 6-9 shortest plants or just start new ones, because that's about the number you want under the light, and it needs to be within inches of the plants. Not 8", not 5", more like 1" or 2". If you can't get that distance between your plants and the light you either need less plants, more lights, or just a more powerful light.
right on, get more lights


temp is like 89/90! stopped over watering almost 2 weeks ago. i also read about putting my finger in the soil down 2' to make sure im not over doing it! so if the problem is not a chem problem, what is my problem? i looked at loads of pics of plants with yellow leaves but none of the pics look anything like mine? my whole leaf is yellow at the bottom, not just bits of it! and yes the soil i used dose have a pre-mix! but its like its eating it up or something cos ive had to top the soil up like twice since they were potted as the soil had sunk like an inch both times! maybe thats what soil dose? i dont know! i cant think of where else to look for my answer to the problem? i have googled for hours and hours and not found one person with this problem! lots of problems like mine but not the same! ill add some more pics of a few of the plants to see if anyone else can tell me whats up! thanks again for all your help.

