Stretched Seedlings? (pics)


Well-Known Member
24 hours I'd say, the PPP seeds are literally double the height of the Skunk #1 seeds that were planted at the same time and germed in the same box.
That's insane. I'm going to have to try those rapid rooters. Those seedlings look like they were in the dark for days.


They won't be put into pots with hydroton?
I am not a fan of ebb and flow with rockwool, that stuff holds too much water
Have you looked into growing in hydroton?
Allows for my better root aeration and that way you could still but the stems a little bit, you don't need to go all the way to the cotyledons just enough to hold the plant up sturdily
I've been considering hydroton recently, especially for the larger plants. My rockwool cubes are staying wet for days and I don't think that's healthy for the plants. I read that it's hard to clean and can cause some pH issues?

just do your thing as a few said they are not ruined but deffently keep them close to the light so they will catch up and one other thing that stalk will thicken so you wont have to worry about it your streesing over something to small i see the other plants in the back of the pic lol your stressin to much just keep closer to the light i repeat
The plants in the back are fresh transplants from bad soil, they were stressed out to being with and are doing much better than they were. They were more of an experiment than anything.

Also, I can't get the light much closer to the seedlings, I can only get it about 8" away before I have to remove my humidome. 150w CFL in a Hydrofarm hood.


Well-Known Member
I have heard a lot of good things about those rapid rooters, some people swear by them

Hydroton is super easy to clean and is pH neutral, the only way it would cause pH problems is if it wasn't properly cleaned of the dust on it before you add it to your system
The rockwool staying wet is not good you as you said is not a healthy place for the plants to be growing in
The hydroton doesn't hold water for that long which allows you to flood more times a day bringing fresh oxygen to the roots


I have heard a lot of good things about those rapid rooters, some people swear by them

Hydroton is super easy to clean and is pH neutral, the only way it would cause pH problems is if it wasn't properly cleaned of the dust on it before you add it to your system
The rockwool staying wet is not good you as you said is not a healthy place for the plants to be growing in
The hydroton doesn't hold water for that long which allows you to flood more times a day bringing fresh oxygen to the roots
Probably going to start using hydroton then. I've been watering every three days and I think it might be causing some strange issues.

Here's a link to my pseudo-journal, it's unrelated to this thread but if you'd have a look I'd really appreciate it. :neutral: