I just got robbed.

I just got robbed while trying to get some green. I drove to my dealer's apt. complex. There were two hood m*therf*ckers outside his place. I got out, smoked a cigarette and waited for him... just like any other day. They came up to my car and drew a knife and a fucking fire extinguisher. (WTF?) They got 50 bucks, my cell phone (i was on it when they ripped it outta my hand.) They tried to get my car keys but i threw 'em across the street. They ran off, i got my keys from a bush and left. I am never going back there again. Seriously, stealth growing is the safest thing. I almost got stabbed for a few grams. Or worse... almost got my fire extinguished. I could really use a toke. Ugh.


lol sorry but thats kinda funny to me. stay out of bad areas if you arent from there.


well dont put ur self in those situations man GROW UR OWN!!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad. I got got the other day because I was a dumbass. Probably the last time I'm gonna see that $80 but I'm not givin up easy.


Well-Known Member
Next time smoke the cig in your car
Also get a bat or somthing..id take a bat over a knife any day
Knife hits are supposed to be fuckin awesome. Get really high off the least possible amount of weed. I want to try them but I can't be having knifes around with a burnt ass tip. I don't need people thinkin I'm a junkie. :)


Well-Known Member

i'd like to hear your story.


sorry dude, i would have stayed in the car if I saw 2 ghettoes out there.
You've heard the story a million times. I gave the money before I got the bud. I was fucking stupid. I should of known better.

I was stoned off my ass when I went to buy some bud from a guy I grew up with. Well I guess I should of known better when he told me "We'd see" if he could smoke some with me before he dipped out. I also should of known better then to try and buy drugs from behind a bowling alley. Oh well, you live and learn. :(


Well-Known Member
where i'm from if you go to the ghetto to buy weed or any drug you're sure you're not gonna get mugged, muss less carjacked, street dealers don't need that kind of attention around. if it's not somewhere safe i never go, it's just too risky, last time i was waiting on this guy at the gas station, he took 30 mins to arrive, never gonna have me again as a customer.... waiting on a dealer like that is riskier than going to the ghetto, at least back home..... if you're at the ghetto or near the ghetto, n you stop by every so often to buy weed n shit, all the lowlifes know who you are, and they watch your back. a friend of mine got his car window smashed in by a junkie (a lookout saw it go down)... that motherfucker got a big Xes cut into both his palms.... good luck trying to light that crack pipe, or cook that heroin, or eat a sandwich for that matter.... the dealers look out for us clients back home, for them its when business is quiet business runs smooth....

i moved far from where i'm from and here there's been a huge crackdown by cops, so going to meet a dealer is risky enough... that's why i got into this growing thing... we'll see how it goes
So I called the cops after i posted on here last night. Gave them the ol' scared little white boy. "Officer. Two Black men came up to me and offered me drugs. I refused. They robbed me."

Cops said they'd ask around and catch 'em by tonight. They said they can get any info from that location. I hope they do. Can't wait to spit in those M*therf*ckers' face. They kinda jabbed me with the fire extinguisher, so that's assault. Maybe if I'm lucky, they're repeat offenders.

Just love people. No hate. Why rob the poor? I'm a broke college kid who smokes to calm is nerves. My nerves now? F*cking shot. Oh well. Lesson learned. I guess one must be jaded and untrusting and think the worst in everyone they come across.

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
I just got robbed while trying to get some green. I drove to my dealer's apt. complex. There were two hood m*therf*ckers outside his place. I got out, smoked a cigarette and waited for him... just like any other day. They came up to my car and drew a knife and a fucking fire extinguisher. (WTF?) They got 50 bucks, my cell phone (i was on it when they ripped it outta my hand.) They tried to get my car keys but i threw 'em across the street. They ran off, i got my keys from a bush and left. I am never going back there again. Seriously, stealth growing is the safest thing. I almost got stabbed for a few grams. Or worse... almost got my fire extinguished. I could really use a toke. Ugh.
damn man atleast you didnt get cut up... thats a shitty situation to be in, stealth grow is the way to go