To many plants?


Well-Known Member
How many plants can a 1000w light flower efficiently? would 23 plants ranging from 13-16in any suggestions if that is not enough light would a t5 with 8 bulbs add sufficient light?

Illegal Smile

if you had them 4 to a sq ft perhaps. They are probably more spread out than that though.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
A 250 watt fixture will supply enough light to cover a 2.5 foot by 2.5 foot grow area. (6 plants or less)
A 400 watt fixture will supply enough light to cover a 4 foot by 4 foot grow area. (12 plants or less)
A 600 watt fixture will supply enough light to cover a 5 foot by 5 foot grow area. (18 plants or less)
A 1000 watt fixture will supply enough light to cover a 6.5 foot by 6.5 foot grow area. (30 plants or less)
based on the height


Active Member
ya i do 32 in dwc (16 in each bucket) per 1000 watt. Great results, just be sure to prune underneath to allow for sufficient air flow when growing in tight areas. Remember that the goal is an even canopy for maximum spectrum efficiency. With that many plants, and the height of the plants you want, your 1000 wont penetrate the lower branches too much.