
Well-Known Member
I made a right balls on my last grow by pulling too earlly and someone then noticed a pistel after the deed was done. That ball could shoot pistels out of the middle, leave it a bit longer.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Almost assuredly a male, but there's no opportunity cost to let it go another week to make sure.

I'll take bets if anyone's interested, though.


Well-Known Member
Haha, Bob, opportunity cost, you would =P

Yea, it's definitely a guy, thing is covered in balls right now haha. Still not pulling it yet though because I still haven't seen any hairs from the other ones.


Well-Known Member
Hope everyone is doing well today. I just want to address a few things that may be starting to show their ugly head right about now.

For the little ones:

Today is day 15 of Flower for them and I still have yet to see any hairs. I do have the one plant that is surely chok' ful o' balls at the moment, but I am leaving him in for a bit just to make sure. I don't see any signs of sex, or anything else. I just wanted to double check and make sure I am doing this right. I know this is the worst question that I have ever asked on here, but am I doing the SCROG correctly? The buds grow from the various colas correct? Upon bending and tying, you allow sunlight to penetrate to the lower levels and have growth at each branch break. This is kind of like topping where the two smaller sites under the topped cola grow out. Now, these new growths are where the bud is going to grow correct? I feel so stupid asking that question, but I just want reassurance on that haha. I have many successful little "sprouts" you could call them from nodes all up and down the branches of these plants, but I wanted to make sure that this is what I am supposed to be doing. Also, I am going to change their nutes today and put them onto the nute levels for the 3rd week of flowering. Finally, for my flowering plants, I currently have two 65 real watt (300 equivalent) 6500k cfls, two 42 real watt (150 equivalent) 2700k cfls, and one 13W 3500k cfl. I know that the 3500k is not really that beneficial, but my other 2700k bulbs died. Is this ratio enough for these plants? I am thinking that I need to get more 2700k bulbs in there, but I am not sure how much of the 6500k I should be sacrificing. I could make it all 2700k, but I know that you are supposed to have a mixed spectrum.

On to the mother:

She is fine for the most part, but a little bit cramped. I know that you can trim and prune mothers and I have read about it quite a bit, but I'm not sure if I should do it or not. Also, height is going to start being an issue with her. Do you just continuously top all of the colas to keep the plant low, or is this going to cause too many branches to form and actually make it taller. It is a very indica plant, and she is nice and squatty because I kept lighting so close. Maybe she won't be growing too much higher? She is on day 51 of vegging.

I am going to post some pics up in a bit. Let me know if you guys have any thoughts on the issues noted above.

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Ooops, good thing I checked, the "early flowering stage" is 1-3 weeks, so I still have another week at this nutrient level. I am not exactly sure how to top it all off though, so I may just see how well they survive this next week without a change.


Well-Known Member
So I just deleted my photobucket account. I kept getting errors that I have never seen before and I freaked out. My mind could only go to the thoughts that someone has realized I post pictures of marijuana growing every day or something. So, now I need to figure out how to get RIUs uploader to work for me because it never has before.

*Ah, okay, so my pictures are too large in size and file-size by astronomical amounts. I like the HD and large pictures though, so I am just going to upload elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Some random SCROG shots of it filling in


here is my current lighting situation for flowering




Well-Known Member
Sorry for so many posts today guys, but I just have a lot on my mind. I think I just may have thought up a great place and way I suppose to start some of these clones.

I have the original 5 gallon bucket that has the big hole in the bottom that I never use. I also have a lid for a 5 gallon bucket with some big net pot holes in it that does not get used.

Now, if you look back a bit, you will see the clear plastic cylinders I tried to clone in last time. I really like them and I think that they will be beneficial with this too. I found out that the two cylinders fit in the bucket very easily next to each other with plenty of surrounding room.

Someone mentioned recently that cloning directly into the hydroton works really well too. I am thinking about trying this, but a bit differently. I want to use Net pots filled with hydroton as my holders, but they wont be hanging in anything. They will be sitting in the bottom of the bucket. This just allows me to try the hydroton method without having a bubble system going. Also, they stand up much better than just a piece of rockwool does.

Alright, so lets try and paint a little picture for you guys.

5 gallon bucket, completely empty. 2 net pots filled with hydroton are placed on top of the small white screw on lids for the clear cylinders. The cutting is placed inside the hydroton, and the cylinder is screwed into the base. That right there is a solid humidity dome. Now, I need the final step in getting it humid in there. Those holes in the bucket lid are perfect. I am going to lay a power strip across the top with the outlets facing down. Two of them line up with the holes very well. I then plan on taking 2 of my cfls, strapping them up to that and letting her rip. It all comes apart very easily and I don't need to get more room in my closet for it because it's stealth.

So, will this work? I know that many people have suggested that I use a bubble system, but I just can't afford that set up right now. This is all stuff that I have laying around the house and I feel like it will work.

What do you guys think?

Alright, here are some pics of what I threw together:

I have one of my 65W 6500k CFLs in there. Is that too much? I have it running right now to see how hot everything gets. All of the other bulbs that I have are not "effective" spectrums and not very large. Damn all you people at work, I want to make sure this is okay because I am so antsy! =P

hmm impatient? Time for a bowl.


Well-Known Member
wish i had more to say at this time. i'm still here and watching. screen looks good! my understanding of SCRoG is that all of those nodes you expose to the light grow up as tops and essentially cover your screen in mini-colas. it would be interesting to give the screen the once over and top all those newly formed nodes.. but why chance it your first time out? what do you think?



Well-Known Member
Shack, I'm so stoned that I just pictured you sitting in a ballin' ass lounge chair "watching" my grow, smokin', with nothing really to say haha.

But seriously, I think topping the small points would be very interesting. That is actually a crazy concept. I am getting some of the new growth chutes that are looking like small original branches. I may start tying them down haha.

That would be a really interesting comparison to do. For half a screen top as many as you can, and the other you leave it.


Well-Known Member
Hey tmsculli, Just went through your thread, very nice job! I've also done a ton of research and am about to start my first grow. Was wondering how big your grow box is and how many plants you got under that SCRog. I have a pretty small closet, about 2 1/2 width by 5 1/2 length and trying to figure out how many plants I can fit in that space and if I should build a box or not. I bought a 400 watt Hps. BTW I think I'm going to go with soil for this grow just because I want it to be succesful. o yea just wanted to add the breeds of seeds are 1 ak48 and 6 Ice. All input welcome, thanks


Well-Known Member
Shack, I'm so stoned that I just pictured you sitting in a ballin' ass lounge chair "watching" my grow, smokin', with nothing really to say haha.

But seriously, I think topping the small points would be very interesting. That is actually a crazy concept. I am getting some of the new growth chutes that are looking like small original branches. I may start tying them down haha.

That would be a really interesting comparison to do. For half a screen top as many as you can, and the other you leave it.
haha well it's a very large computer desk chair with a worn out cushion. BUT CLOSE!

TOP 'EM! my only concern is they won't have enough time to recover from the topping and would be too small as they start to flower. even though there are two tops, both are small they aren't heavy yielders, may hurt your harvest. at least consider topping two or three, you have a whole screen! if they grow out big and sturdy like the non topped colas, it might be a worthy cause. (haha by the way, i'm making you test this theory before i start my own grow.. DO IT! just fuckin around man, i smoked a little myself haha)



Well-Known Member
JN811 - Thanks for stopping in man. I have my single mother plant in a box that is roughly 2'x2'x4' and the remaining closet area is roughly 4'x2'x4'. Flowering I have 3 plants under the SCROG. I smoked some siiick ICE the other day, have fun with that one man, It'll toss you on your ass for a bit.

Shack, maybe I'll take a different approach. Instead of topping the well growing ones, ill top like 3 of the smaller ones and see what happens. The few big growing ones I want to leave be because after tossing all this time and money in here, I needs me some bud!


Well-Known Member

Dude, I think I have an idea. I just took a look at them and noticed that some of the growths....bud spots I guess?....are getting massive and look like full branches. I was thinking about continuing to top the end of the plant, like normal topping. Even though they are all tied down, I would still benefit from "topping" the plant. It will cause two more colas to form per each end. I think that this may be more effective than topping the independent growth chutes because the plant grows more length wise than those fill in.

You agree maybe?

Either way, I'm definitely down to top something for a bit of a comparison, but it will need to be done damn soon, like today. I just want some feedback on it before I do it.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I am pulling the male right now. He is definitely balls deep and is taking up valuable screen space. His big leaves are covering growth chutes that need not be covered.


Well-Known Member
Alright, so the above ground is all clean, and I'm glad I did it, I know how somewhere to navigate with these branches. Sad this is they are all root locked and tangled so hard. I am leaving the chopped stalk and roots in there. I am afraid of damaging the females. Should I cut them from the stalk or just leave them be? It will all be cleaned out in december after harvest, do you think it can wait?


Well-Known Member
EEK! you might be alright and you might not be. the stalk could stay viable and you'd need to keep trimming to keep pollen sacs out of the grow room. or the stalk could die and you have no problems, or the stalk could die and the roots die, and suddenly the roots are rotting in your res and spreading bacteria... risky business.



Well-Known Member
Yea man, I'm not really sure what to do about it. I'll just keep a close eye on it and see how it goes I guess. I had to chop it though, the sacks were getting really large with many balls per stalk.

On a better note, I decided to try out my new cloning system for shits and giggles. I just took two cuttings and started it up. I'm thinking that I keep taking too small of cuttings, but we'll see.


Well-Known Member
IMHO, cut the male roots out, all of them, the females shouldnt stress to much about it, its better than loosing them to root rot