1st grow. 250w HPS

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey pp ust brought a ona (polar cystal) hopefully that will kill the smell a bit.

i took ur adive don an went for the nice smell rather than school toilets
good work LGP ! id recommend putting holes in the lid first just to see how it deals with the pong if you still smell the dope take the lid completely off. if its actually in the cupboard the heat will dry it out fast maybe put some into a jam jar and jam some holes through the top


mr west

Well-Known Member
I thought it might be better just outside the grow in the hall outside the bathroom. It dont matter if the bathroom smells its if it gets outside thats the problem lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah spot on man, i generally put it just near the bottom of the door to my grow so its not trying to neutralise the whole room when im drying just the escaping whiff

mr west

Well-Known Member
Drying is a whole new box of monkeys lol, ill prolly bring it all here to dry over my fan if i aint chocker block


Well-Known Member
cheers welshy lol. Check this pic of her cheese seedling and my jack the ripper seedling, i thnk the jtr is a week or two older. LGP hasa brand new 250w hps bulb and my veg light is well over a year old lol. Her cheese was topped early where as im leaving the jtr to go singel cola as subcool suggests

Is that the rare JTR lamp shade pheno? LMFAO

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
well folowers of this thread it is day 9 of flowering for ma 4 girls. yes i said 4. i have confermed today that the bubilious is a female.

all the girls







Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Looks like they will be ready just in time for christmas!
Same for me too I hope. I have just put another Widow and G13 in my flower room too.
the G13 wont be ready in time but I also have one I put in to flower a few weeks ago.

We could be harvesting around the same time. bongsmilie :mrgreen: bongsmilie :mrgreen::mrgreen: bongsmilie :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: bongsmilie :sleep:


Well-Known Member
they look really nice... tight inter-nodes... and all the new growth have good dark green color... Very nice LGP....