Is bestiality wrong?


New Member
Green Cross is trying to find a way to marry a cow?

It's not worth the headache you'd get from churchers GC....

Just keep that heffer on the side :wink: and get a real wife...if at all possible.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for validating my point - have a nice evening.
Thank you for missing ours. Have a nice evening as well.

Just think of how much money religious organizations have put into lobbying for bills like Prop 8, which deny rights to gay couples, yet do very little to confront the church over molestation of children by clergy.

It's not just the Catholic Church with a monopoly on child rape, though they've perfected the organized criminality of it, right down to internally documented policies which allow it to continue unabated (research the Ratzinger letters to see how the beloved Pope was involved in covering up as many cases as possible by directing that all such cases be handled internally).

If a cleric is caught molesting children, the churches raise their hands in mock horror and proclaim "It's the gays! They infiltrate so they can get to our children." But pedophilia and homosexuality aren't related. Attraction to children is a specific paraphilia, and not even necessarily limited to an orientation but often to a narrow age group.

But if they can deflect and blame it on gay people to protect family values, yay for them.

Obviously there are atheist homophobes as well, because the only thing atheists share by definition is a lack of belief in God. But I haven't seen any "Atheist Family Leagues" funding the restriction of rights for other social groups.


Active Member
What, you mean we can't suppose that when GC starts a thread that uses a common theme among right wing Christians to demonize gays that it's not purely innocent?
And we shouldn't be able to mock the homophobic bible thumpers?
Why not? As long as they're trying to put laws in place that take away the freedom of consenting adults to do what they like, have at them.
Who knows, they might want to pass some laws to get inside your bubble too.
At least you're not 8. Then it's not just your bubble they'd try to penetrate.

Hate is not a family value. Think about it.


Well-Known Member
i think its ok as far as humans and fish but not humans and dogs or horses

(lmaO0)...That makes Logical Sense , since.. Dolphins And Humans are the Only Species of Mammals that Do it for Pleasure as Well as Procreation.. :lol:.

That Was the Best One yEt (LMAO).,Umm..

Your Were Joking Tho' Right? :roll:



Well-Known Member
(lmaO0)...That makes Logical Sense , since.. Dolphins And Humans are the Only Species of Mammals that Do it for Pleasure as Well as Procreation.. :lol:.

That Was the Best One yEt (LMAO).,Umm..

Your Were Joking Tho' Right? :roll:

SO no true! I made a post on this earlier lol.

Some primates, monkies, penguins and other animals also do it for pleasure and recreation/stress relief and to form stronger bonds.

Why, even lions, the males who want to form stronger dominant bonds of there pack will partake in group sex with there other pack brothers. Theres a bunch of stuff like this going on.


Well-Known Member
SO no true! I made a post on this earlier lol.

Some primates, monkies, penguins and other animals also do it for pleasure and recreation/stress relief and to form stronger bonds.

Why, even lions, the males who want to form stronger dominant bonds of there pack will partake in group sex with there other pack brothers. Theres a bunch of stuff like this going on.

Umm,.. I think you are Right.. Lions Do it Like for 5mins or So in between Sleeping, Which ranges in about 20hrs a day!!! While the females do all The Work.. hahahaha, True Royalty, I should Know...:lol: ;-)

but I wasn't trying to state an absolute fact, just wanted to make a Funny, I'll go check that link out too...:mrgreen:


New Member
The church now is stepping away from the communal cup of "blood" (uhhh gross) for the sake of the Swine Flu.

Gotta love the church's die hard positions which change whenever they decide it's "okay" to change....

Such consistency of faith and ritual has to be commended... :lol:


Active Member
The church now is stepping away from the communal cup of "blood" (uhhh gross) for the sake of the Swine Flu.

Gotta love the church's die hard positions which change whenever they decide it's "okay" to change....

Such consistency of faith and ritual has to be commended... :lol:

Aw, ya bunch of predictable "evolved" monkeys. You are always drinking your own piss. At least there is life in The Blood. It's ok you have no clue what that means.

Most people are willing to forgive a young man in his arrogance. Not so much latter in life. You'll see.