week 66 flowering plants havent grown


Active Member
can anyone help
this is my first grow and
i have 8 plants and it seems like they have been the same hirght for about 2 weeks

edit: and its week 6 not 66 obviously


Well-Known Member
do u mean havent grown in last 2 weeks or so or hasnt grown at all since being put into flower? after the initial spurt wen put into flower, in say week 5 and 6, there is hardly any new growth, the hairs will start to amber and gradually the buds will filll out. then the last 2 weeks will be wen you notice the calyxes swell and the buds become denser and fatter. normally during the flushing period hope this helps


Active Member
do u mean havent grown in last 2 weeks or so or hasnt grown at all since being put into flower? after the initial spurt wen put into flower, in say week 5 and 6, there is hardly any new growth, the hairs will start to amber and gradually the buds will filll out. then the last 2 weeks will be wen you notice the calyxes swell and the buds become denser and fatter. normally during the flushing period hope this helps
like i mean there wasnt a big sprout like people say there eill be they have been at about the same hight since flowering started

except for about 2
everything else hasn't

here are the pics of one plant

i really didnt know what i was supposed to be taking pics of



Well-Known Member
well ya buds look nice enuff m8, take sum pics of plant from a distance as well and of fan leaves for us. some plants will only grow a small amount when in flower if they are indica dominent but normally at least double overall. canm u run through ya setup and strain etc, by looks of oics u have nowt to worry about :")


Active Member
well ya buds look nice enuff m8, take sum pics of plant from a distance as well and of fan leaves for us. some plants will only grow a small amount when in flower if they are indica dominent but normally at least double overall. canm u run through ya setup and strain etc, by looks of oics u have nowt to worry about :")
i have some pics in my grow journal if u wanna check em out

its in my sig

i have alot of plants and my whole setup pics\

what were those balls i took a pic of???


Well-Known Member
they are jus calxyes m8 perfectly normal, pod sites will develop actually in ya buds but dont worry bout that mate, noy important to ya grw i dont think! always gd to research though get clued up. will check ya pics out