wow,Tio,is it THAT serious?
im sorry guys i really intended to diffuse the situation,i tried to calm him down a few times,and let him know that there are GOOD people on this site....oh well,im still cool with all of sorry about this tio
this guy told me all sorts of tricks. i completely forgot all but one. he told me to pinch above 3 to 4 internodes. yes, he spoke words, and my mind imagined images of said plant structures.
There are many ways to train your plants. My thread is about converting one main cola (central leader) into 4. Topping above the say......4th node, maybe 7th will get you a bushy plant but not new, dominant central leaders. I'm not saying that's good or bad, your end product is your call. I'm just trying to distinguish between the two.i had no pictures, posts,replies. i remember, i tried this different ways, many times. after a few years, i knew what i was doing. now if time permits, i continue to top, after the first time. i like 12 tops, you have to tie them up well!
i have heard that you get better yield if you simply bend the tops of the plants and continue to tie them down so that all the tops are equal distance to the light and therefore think they are the top. With them growing horizontally. Wouldn't that yield a lot higher?
I thought this was a good pic so I figured I would whore it you to ya UB.
tio,whats the earliest youve topped a girl,i did as soon as i seen a second node,maybe the first true node,its growing 2 colas but i just wanted to ask you
hmmm,for a second i thought i reinvented the game...oh well,toucheReally never gave it any thought, I just do it when its vigor ramps up. Perhaps 2 weeks old, 3-6 nodes.
Here is my understanding of why UB's method works in laymans terms:
You grow your plants healthily for 2-3 weeks so that a healthy root system can build up.... remember most of the work during the early stages in happening below ground and not above it for your viewing pleasure!!!
Your wanting at least 5 nodes IMHO.. this ensures that as this growth stage has been reached, that your root system is healthy and ready to provide the energy for the next step.
Now... here is the bit that ppl seem to be getting confused with.. the 2nd true node.
If you look at any standard "topping" photo you will the see the 2 "Pottential" shoots above the origin of the fan leaves. What you are looking for here is a "Pottential" 4 shoots or lower branches.
So count up from the base of your babies and find those 4 potential bottom branches and make your cut (root as a clone if you want at this point).
What happens now is a rapid redirection of the hormones and energies of the plant. As there are now only 4 "Pottential" branches on the plant.. and your plant has a very healthy root system bellow the surface.. you will see a rapid growth rate on the those branches and 4 main thick branches will take place of the single main stem.
Then just watch them fly!!!!
Nice one UB!!!!
I'm using smart pots and my babys are doing amazing, I got pics some posts back, not to many.Have you ever used the Smart pots? I'm thinking a Smart Pot might achieve similar results if I can't find the paint. Local growers here in the pacific nw say the air pruning of the roots increases the yield substantially. I'd appreciate your opinion.
Here's a link to the manufacturer.