

Well-Known Member
Hey Riu, (This may be confusing) I've been rolling alot of joints lately, usually I just smoke from the pipe or bong, so I had about 16 nice size roaches, they were very resin soaked :blsmoke: I made 4 joints out of those (along with kief), I smoked those 4 joints until they were all large roaches but still very resin soaked. I now have rolled one super joint from those 4 roaches (basically soaked in resin), kief and grinded up Kali Mist. it's 1.5 grams, and Im going to smoke it, anyone else ever like to roll joints from roach weed? bongsmilie
chyea they get me super blazed!!
i used to keep a sandwich bag filled with roaches....
teehehe my little hurricane stash lol
Hey Riu, (This may be confusing) I've been rolling alot of joints lately, usually I just smoke from the pipe or bong, so I had about 16 nice size roaches, they were very resin soaked :blsmoke: I made 4 joints out of those (along with kief), I smoked those 4 joints until they were all large roaches but still very resin soaked. I now have rolled one super joint from those 4 roaches (basically soaked in resin), kief and grinded up Kali Mist. it's 1.5 grams, and Im going to smoke it, anyone else ever like to roll joints from roach weed? bongsmilie

I love my roach I like to save all my roaches and when I feel like getting my fingers smelly..I will roll myself a fatty from "roach weed, dirty weed" whatever ya wanna call it.

With a nice hot tea...I you gotta a wicked "Hippy Breakfast" lol.
Yea we used to call these "Generation" joints. I saved about an 1/8th of a bag worth and I can't remember what generation we were in lol...think we got to four.
Funny.I just smoke a roach joint for no reason I have like 50 saved and said fuck it ill roll some up and im blazed
Damn, I wish I read this this morning. I have never thought of doing that. I always unwrap and dump my roaches into a bowl
Yea we used to call these "Generation" joints. I saved about an 1/8th of a bag worth and I can't remember what generation we were in lol...think we got to four.
I've always heard the same. You use 6 regular roaches to roll a father joint. If you can save enough father roaches you can roll a grandfather joint. That's as high as I ever made it. :p
Yes sir, we call it a "2nd generation" blunt/joint. Save those and you can have a 3rd generation. I've gotten up to 4th generation but had to put it out half way, haha i got way too dizzy
cool man.

i smoke joints all the time. i never save the roaches. i throw the roach in the next joint every time.
Hey Riu, (This may be confusing) I've been rolling alot of joints lately, usually I just smoke from the pipe or bong, so I had about 16 nice size roaches, they were very resin soaked :blsmoke: I made 4 joints out of those (along with kief), I smoked those 4 joints until they were all large roaches but still very resin soaked. I now have rolled one super joint from those 4 roaches (basically soaked in resin), kief and grinded up Kali Mist. it's 1.5 grams, and Im going to smoke it, anyone else ever like to roll joints from roach weed? bongsmilie

hahaha at first it was like "BAH whats this dudes deal? he from the states or something??" but then i took a second look....... hows it goin mah brotha? sorry for the american joke, but some buddies from the states throw their roaches out!!!!!
(not hatin ethier, to all ther amero's out there, unless you waste your weed.........)

i ALLWAYS smoke my roaches, i even try and scam them off of friends when they come over "for a cup of tea" ;). my personal favorite is Blunt roaches, get 2-3 of them and MAN thats a nice smoke session. just thinking of this i wish i had some to roll up into a nice fatty joint.

Yes sir, we call it a "2nd generation" blunt/joint. Save those and you can have a 3rd generation. I've gotten up to 4th generation but had to put it out half way, haha i got way too dizzy

thats awsome, we use the terms first gen, second gen ext. one time we got all the way up to an 8'th gen joint, but we couldn't smoke much resin.....
Hey Riu, (This may be confusing) I've been rolling alot of joints lately, usually I just smoke from the pipe or bong, so I had about 16 nice size roaches, they were very resin soaked :blsmoke: I made 4 joints out of those (along with kief), I smoked those 4 joints until they were all large roaches but still very resin soaked. I now have rolled one super joint from those 4 roaches (basically soaked in resin), kief and grinded up Kali Mist. it's 1.5 grams, and Im going to smoke it, anyone else ever like to roll joints from roach weed? bongsmilie

They're called 'Generation joints' over here in Canada.

I've smoked a 9th generation joint before, might as well have been all fucking resin.

1st generation is a joint of roaches, 2nd is a joint of those joints roaches which was made out of roaches, etc etc etc.
I've smoked my roaches when I don't have anything else to smoke (which is rarely lol), but I just usually throw them away =x
Generation joints, shit I live in Canada and ive never heard this term before, thanks for the info, I think 2nd generation is as far as ill make it this time, probably throw this roach in the bong bongsmilie
Generation joints, shit I live in Canada and ive never heard this term before, thanks for the info, I think 2nd generation is as far as ill make it this time, probably throw this roach in the bong bongsmilie

Haha, Pretty much what I do with my roaches too.
This is back in the day of my youth (about 13-15) when I wasn't allowed to own any paraphernalia. Forced to buy a cig roller and roll my joints that way.

I was a lazy fuck to my core, still don't know how to roll a proper joint, if I have no pipe and absolutely cannot craft one *no tinfoil and pop bottle with a sharp object* then I'll wrap a zigzag around a pen and pack that shit in real tight.

So I feel ya when you say straight to the bong lol.
i like to smoke bong loads of roach weed....i think it tastes the best that way, joints are nice thought they last a long time with all the resin
.,.,build up a draw.,.one time i connected like 3 blunts and rolled a 8th smoke a 8th inna blunt.,.,the roach is a blunt.,.,lol