Another CFL 1st grow/ KC Brains NL Special + Seedsman WW


Well-Known Member
Great Grow, subscribed + rep
these are the same seeds I want to start with (NL special) so keepin an eye on this one
keep up the good work and please please review the final product


Active Member
i just wanted to make a quick post showing how resilient our favorite plant really is. I will post some before and after pics of the clones I took, the time dates are correct so you can see how long each clone took to recover.

1-3 clone A
4-6 clone B
7-8 clone C (pics reversed)



Active Member
Ok, time for an update. My seeded plant, NL#4, doesn't seem to be putting on much new buddage, I think most of its energy is going into seeds and trichs. I clipped a small bud down low and took a look at the seeds, they looked like some nice little walnuts. I'm going to start flushing it and will probly chop it in ten days to make room.

NL#2 is looking really really nice, it's really putting on the weight and is going to have 12 nice 4"-8" buds when it's done.

WW#1 that was put in the flower cab really has had a vertical growth spurt, fortunately the first pistils showed today, so i hope the vert growth will slow down and it can start filling out that main cola.

WW#2 is still in veg, i topped it a couple days ago to stimulate side branching for cuttings.

NL clone A is looking nice and healthy, no pistils yet. NL clone B is still in veg and will be used for a few clippings before being put into flower, no room anyway. NL clone C is growing roots and will get transplanted into its final pot in a day or two.

Pics 1-4 NL#4 day 28 of flower
Pics 5-7 NL#2 day 16 of flower
Pic 8 NL clone A
Pic 9 WW#1 day 1 of flower
Pic 10 NL clone B
Pic 11 NL clone C
Pic 12-13 WW#2 day 24 of veg
Pic 14 seeds from NL4



Well-Known Member
Damn they look frosty. and the beans look good too... how much longer you letting the clones go before flowering them?


EDIT: I re-read... I guess they'll move in when there is room. Nice.


Active Member
Hey Jig. Ya, I'm really not sure what imma do with the third clone. When i take the big seedy NL out that will give me room for two small clones. So im thinking I will put the small clone C in as well as the vegging WW. Then i will still have the healthy clone B and whatever WW cuttings i have still in veg. I don't plan on keeping actual mothers, just will continue to take cuttings from each subsequent generation, then put into flower so i can keep a bunch of smaller lollipops.

By the time that big NL#2 gets out of flower I should have more than enough clones to take its place. I'm hoping i can fit 8 of the smaller square pots into the flower cab once i get the 2 big plants outta there. If so then I will germinate my Dinafem Cal. Hash Plant seed that i have and will try to keep all 3 strains going. Once i get everything dialed in, I'm hoping to put one clone in a week, while also taking one out. As long as they all stick close to an eight week flower and I can fit 8 pots in there, then it should be possible.

At first i plan on putting clones in flower at various heights to see what hieght is most ideal to get nice, proportioned lollipops. I was reading Raidermans journals and he had ideal heights for indicas and sativas to get a nice SOG of budsicles. My first NL clone went in at about 5", Ill do the next one at 4".


Well-Known Member
Damn dude... that's a plan if I ever heard one. You really have things figured out... or at least set up so you can figure them out.

It's really cool seeing the developement (of my self and others) as we grow more. We never really grew badly... but just keep getting better. Your deal is gonna be so sweet in 6 months... pulling a plant a week. Maybe mix in another strain... that'd be hot.

keep it going strong bro.


Active Member
Only took a couple pics, batter was low on the camera, but i did do a lot today.

NL4 really isn't putting on any new bud growth, but it is getting frosty and the seeds are continuing to swell. I went over it with a fine toothed comb and found an old nanner that had already expelled its pollen. I also found a few really ripe seeds that were about to fall out. I really think its gonna be a week, two weeks max to chop. i continued flushing with RO water.

NL2 continues producing healthy, frosty buds. i see a couple spots where the pollen got to the flowers, but i think overall it should be fine. i watered with 2tbsp/gal of EJ Bloom. I think i will get some HPK by Roots Organic next week to use as a bloom booster.

The WW1 seedling and NL clone have really stretched in the last week, at least a foot vertical growth. But they are both starting to bud and i hope the worst of the stretch is finished.

I took 3 clones from the WW2 that was still in veg. I cut it until it was left with 4 tops.

I took 2 clones from the other healthy NL clone. I threw away the third NL clone, it was recovering, but i just didn't have a place for it any longer and it wasn't nearly as healthy as the rest.

I went ahead and switched the lights in the veg chamber to 12/12. It's just the WW2 and the NL clone 2 but from now on I am going to start flowering under the CFL's for the first week or two to keep the stretch under control. The first two that i started under CFL's didnt stretch nearly as much as the two that i started under the 70watt HPS. Once the big NL4 gets out of the flower chamber in a couple weeks, the WW2 and NL clone should be done stretching and starting to bud to take its place.

The 5 clones i took i will leave on a window sill for a couple weeks until i can switch the lights back. I think by the time i get NL2 out of there I should be able to start adding a clone a week.

Pics 1-2 NL4 35th day of flower
Pics 3-6 NL2 24th day of flower



Active Member
Quick update in case anyone is still following along, lol. I started the other NL clone and the other WW on 12/12 this week. From now on Im going to start flowering under mixed CFL's to keep the stretch down. The first 2 that i put in flower under the HPS stretched way too much. I've had to employ some pretty creative LST to keep em down. Thankfully they are beginning to fill out now though.

Pic 1-4 NL2 Day 28 of flower
Pic 5-7 WW1 and NL clone
Pic 8-11 WW2 and NL clone



Active Member
If anyone's still watchin, let me know, i feel like im talking to myself heh. Anyway, a couple pics, the NL2 is at about 40 days and is really looking close to finished, gonna give it another week or so for that final push. I'm really glad i got a line of clones going off her. Can't beat a 7 week flower. It's practically odorless as far as the rest of the house goes. If you put your nose right in it though it's got a funky, fresh citrus smell with a hint of something spoiled. I can't wait to smoke some at full cure.

Other pic is the WW that is on 22 days of flower. If it goes the full 9 weeks that it's suppposed to go, it should be nice and plump.



Well-Known Member
You know I'll be wachting till the end my man. I think you've seen I haven't even been updating my journal that much, but I'm still on RIU all the time. And I'm watching your journal with much interest.

Hard to beleive it's your first. Everything looks so great.

That white widow is going to be deadly looking by the time it's done.... it's already looking great.

NL is picture perfect looking. I think we are all just jealous.

Keep it up. Gonna be some bomb smoke.


Active Member
Thanks Jig, I appreciate it. My first grow wouldn't have been nearly this successful if it wasn't for this website and the free exchange of ideas and information. That sounds like Socialism to me!!!!!!!!!! damn commies And here's another close up i took of the NL, it's starting to purp up a bit.



GAWD.. those nugz look awesome man... impressive first time grow .. how do u move those cfls in the box. by drilling holes and using zip ties to hold them? you say u kept it 2-3 above the entire time? do you have to move it constantly? Or did just a few adjustments.


Active Member
ya zipties, and i also ran a couple 24" pieces of threaded rod through the cab and kept it suspended on chains so i could easily raise or lower it.


thanks for you last repose. I am assembling mine this week. Also how many CFL's did u use and what wattage?


Active Member
couple 40watters and 3-5 20's depending on what the temps were running. The 40w 2700ks that home depot carries are a little better and cheaper than you find at Lowes, IMO
did u top your plants?if so how many weeks intill u did it? awsome grow man.sick buds.i hav a grow going and wanted to kno .im a newb and dont jack threads.good luck with the out come of your grow.awsome
hey wats up guys got a ? being a newbi and all i have a seedling that is a day older then the other(right side) but the other seedling(left side) seems to have more stem to it then the oldest one y is that.. would like the insight like i said im a newbi thanks



Active Member
did u top your plants?if so how many weeks intill u did it? awsome grow man.sick buds.i hav a grow going and wanted to kno .im a newb and dont jack threads.good luck with the out come of your grow.awsome
Ya my NL2, which is the real beauty was topped(FIMMED) and vegged for about 3 or 4 weeks because i wanted to get a few cuttings from her. I've got 12 full tops on her.

hey wats up guys got a ? being a newbi and all i have a seedling that is a day older then the other(right side) but the other seedling(left side) seems to have more stem to it then the oldest one y is that.. would like the insight like i said im a newbi thanks
I germed five seeds. 2 of those were way more vigorous than the other 3, they ended up being males. In fact the big fat beauty that i got running right now was the runt of the litter. It took a couple extra days to germ, and the first two weeks were SLOW. But what I found out was that it was putting all its energy into making a healthy root system. Once that was done, it exploded in growth and ended up being a real nice BBW!