Uses of Super Plant Tonic

Georgi345.... You could mix up the SPT at full mixing strength and give it one application.
The micro-beasties in the SPT will breakdown the insoluble ferts in your soil and feed them to Mary for one last kick of goodness. What she does not take in, then can be more easily flushed out of your medium. They will also protect your roots from bad bacteris / fungi and generally increase plant health in general. Healther plants put on more budage and finish better.
So, with the SPT it's not to late.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic....

groovy. 'definitely helps!

über-microbes in the rhizosphere rule. :mrgreen:

'any issues with molasses at watering and/or nute feeding (other than halving the scheduled regime [FF]) after introducing the SPT? my grow's in 1gals 'cause of space issues (and thus the girls are getting fed/watered once per day on average), so would it be advisable then to introduce the SPT application at full strength and then just do clean water for a couple of days to let the microbes do their own unadulterated thing with what's already in the soil, or is this a non-issue?

many thanks!!

groovy. 'definitely helps!

über-microbes in the rhizosphere rule. :mrgreen:

'any issues with molasses at watering and/or nute feeding (other than halving the scheduled regime [FF]) after introducing the SPT? my grow's in 1gals 'cause of space issues (and thus the girls are getting fed/watered once per day on average), so would it be advisable then to introduce the SPT application at full strength and then just do clean water for a couple of days to let the microbes do their own unadulterated thing with what's already in the soil, or is this a non-issue?

many thanks!!

Georgi345.... With containers that small, I'd mix the SPT at 1/2 mixing strength, then give each girl one quart every 4 days (3 times total), then just let them coast. Introducing it at full strength, might cause nute burn (these little buggers work hard & fast, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so beware of the burn).
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic.....
Let's recycle this old thread.... to share some good info with others...


so, SPT has been great, though in my little 1gals even at 1/2 strength SPT and 1/2 strength nutes i got some nute burn... 'toned down the scheduled nutes to 1/4 and that seemed to go pretty well. my new grow's been going gangbusters though with the stuff... my ultra haze mother's going to be one mother beast! :)

cheers and thanks again for all the great infos.


so, SPT has been great, though in my little 1gals even at 1/2 strength SPT and 1/2 strength nutes i got some nute burn... 'toned down the scheduled nutes to 1/4 and that seemed to go pretty well. my new grow's been going gangbusters though with the stuff... my ultra haze mother's going to be one mother beast! :)

cheers and thanks again for all the great infos.

Georgi345..... You're welcome. I'm glad to hear you've got your feeding dialed in and your plants are doing well.
Keep it Real.....Organic....
Hey Ohso, how goes it man? Long time no see. I've been using SPT ever since i first heard you talk about it and let me tell you.....wait you already know how bad ass it is :hump:
Awesome thread! I just re-ordered some SPT and they cut me a deal as I was their first international buyer. The package ended up getting damaged in the mail, so they re-sent the bottles with a $7.50 coupon for next time!! Greatest people to deal with and greatest product.

If someone hadn't stolen my camera i'd have a nice thread going like i had planned. But hey my main girl is currently 7 feet tall much thanks to Super Plant Tonic.......
OK.... It's that time of year.... My girls are all in flower now and I'm checking soil pH on a regular basis to avoid premature yellowing of my older fan leaves.
Remember if your soil pH gets above 6.8, Nitrogen is going to get locked out. No matter how much N is in the root zone. Mary is not going to be able to suck the N up, stay green and finish with maximum yields.......if the pH is high......
That's where some SPT comes in handy. Since, I like using High P Bat Guano (which is alkaline and drives pH up) this time of year..... it becomes very important to keep that soil pH in check. Otherwise, you loose too many fan leaves too early and down goes your yield.
SPT tends to drive pH down. So, I use it for the first half of flowering to keep the root zone happy, healthy, full of life & in the proper pH range. If I notice, my soil pH drifting up, a fertilizer tea with some SPT at regular mixing strength usually helps ease it back down.
If you don't have SPT, using leftover brewed coffee works to. Brewed coffee has a pH of around 5 on average. So, if your soil is sitting on 6.8 or above, pour a quart into your soil, then recheck it the next day. Often, this works and provides a little N to boot.....
Or instant tea with lemon (it contains citric acid), which has a pH of around 5.6. This is also a cheap way to ease down the pH of your soil. Plus the micro-beasties can feed on this stuff too. Again, water in one quart, then recheck the pH the next day (to ensure you get the true reading). Checking soil pH right after making adjustments, does not provide accurate readings.
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real...Organic.....
OK.... It's that time of year.... My girls are all in flower now and I'm checking soil pH on a regular basis to avoid premature yellowing of my older fan leaves.
Remember if your soil pH gets above 6.8, Nitrogen is going to get locked out. No matter how much N is in the root zone. Mary is not going to be able to suck the N up, stay green and finish with maximum yields.......if the pH is high......
That's where some SPT comes in handy. Since, I like using High P Bat Guano (which is alkaline and drives pH up) this time of year..... it becomes very important to keep that soil pH in check. Otherwise, you loose too many fan leaves too early and down goes your yield.
SPT tends to drive pH down. So, I use it for the first half of flowering to keep the root zone happy, healthy, full of life & in the proper pH range. If I notice, my soil pH drifting up, a fertilizer tea with some SPT at regular mixing strength usually helps ease it back down.
If you don't have SPT, using leftover brewed coffee works to. Brewed coffee has a pH of around 5 on average. So, if your soil is sitting on 6.8 or above, pour a quart into your soil, then recheck it the next day. Often, this works and provides a little N to boot.....
Or instant tea with lemon (it contains citric acid), which has a pH of around 5.6. This is also a cheap way to ease down the pH of your soil. Plus the micro-beasties can feed on this stuff too. Again, water in one quart, then recheck the pH the next day (to ensure you get the true reading). Checking soil pH right after making adjustments, does not provide accurate readings.
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real...Organic.....

oh shit i just read this.alot of my older fan leaves r turning yellow and falling off......what can i do about it.......and i have followed your BMO feeding chart to the tee.........the 20th of Aug will be 5 weeks flower.......Help:o
MyGTO2007.... Sorry to hear that. Every plant has slightly different feeding needs, any chart is a basic guideline at best. It's still up to us, the grower, to read the plant (color of leaves, growth habits, etc.), check soil pH weekly and keep things dailed in.
I guess you're about to harvest those girls, if you haven't already. Sorry, I took so long to reply. I've been in and out of the hospital with some health issues.
Keep it Real....Organic.....
so, I've been tinkering around with this terra preta thing and have got to wondering: is SPT a one-stop solution for beneficial microbes, or would additional amendments (such as subculture m&b [or maybe rid-x]) be of further service toward good rhizospheric development? 'possible detrimental reactions from further amendments? your thoughts please.

many thanks!
so, I've been tinkering around with this terra preta thing and have got to wondering: is SPT a one-stop solution for beneficial microbes, or would additional amendments (such as subculture m&b [or maybe rid-x]) be of further service toward good rhizospheric development? 'possible detrimental reactions from further amendments? your thoughts please.

many thanks!
Georgi345.... SPT is like Sub-culture B & M in one package. Or the higher priced AN Tarantcula & Voo doo juices combined. So, money spent on anything else, after the SPT, would be a bit of a waste.
Terra Preta soil is cool. Proof positive that recycling is good for the environment.
I find it very interesting how this choice topsoil, is always increasing in area, both vertically and horizonally. Plus it is very fertile, all thanks to the micro-beasties.
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real.....Organic.....
Georgi345.... SPT is like Sub-culture B & M in one package. Or the higher priced AN Tarantcula & Voo doo juices combined. So, money spent on anything else, after the SPT, would be a bit of a waste.

that's as i suspicioned. thanks!
do you know if there's a "data sheet" anywhere that lists the microbeasties present in SPT? i'm in the beginning stages of an autodidact foray into the realm of microbiology (thanks, actually, in no small part to the spur of this very thread!) and would love to know just what it is i'd be observing under the 'scope!

thanks again!
that's as i suspicioned. thanks!
do you know if there's a "data sheet" anywhere that lists the microbeasties present in SPT? i'm in the beginning stages of an autodidact foray into the realm of microbiology (thanks, actually, in no small part to the spur of this very thread!) and would love to know just what it is i'd be observing under the 'scope!

thanks again!
Georgi345..... BMO will tell you they are beneficial bacteria and fungi, but will not give out their ingredients list on the micro-beasties in the SPT.
I swapped messages with the guy who invented the stuff a few years ago. He told me it contained many of the same ingredients as Sub Culture, but in very specific ratios.
He added they take a large group of harmful bacteria, kill them using heat, pH extremes and UV light, then inject small amounts into the SPT as it is being made.
This causes the benefical bacteria and fungi, to go into defense mode, excreting certain substances harmful to the bad bacteria and fungi. But since the bad guys are already dead, these defense substances remain in suspension. That is part of the reason why SPT can fix soil issues so quickly.
Hope this helps.......
Keep it Real....Organic.....
Hope this helps...

indeed it does.
the known beneficial microorganisms in SubCulture are bacillus subtilis, bacillus licheniformis, bacillus megaterium, bacillus pumulis, paenibacillus polymyxa, streptomyces lydicus, streptomyces griseus, pseudomonas fluorescence, & trichoderma harzianum... so, knowing in part what to look for will be helpful then as well in identifying what all else is in SPT that isn't in SubCulture (and vice versa... i'm guessing that lacto bacilli is going to be one of the constituents in SPT...?), albeit requiring some sleuthing investigation with the scope on my part (which is, of course, half the fun/learning process).

many thanks again!
I just wanted to point out that there might be a danger of mixing SPT with distilled water. I am no expert but I would speculate that the distilled water would create a hypotonic environment and possibly cause the microorganisms to burst.
I just wanted to point out that there might be a danger of mixing SPT with distilled water. I am no expert but I would speculate that the distilled water would create a hypotonic environment and possibly cause the microorganisms to burst.

Please explain why distilled water would do this??
