Money Talk - Everyone encouraged to read!


Well-Known Member
Im a 22 year old, young professional with an entrepreneurial mindset. I gave come a long way in my short time out there and have made progress at what I feel is a much more accelerated rate than what most people my age have accomplished. Ive put in hard honest work and im never hesitant to take risks in order to accomplish a goal Ive set up for myself. Im never satisfied with what I have or where Im at, I always want more, to learn more to understand more to do more, I have a deep need and desire to keep accomplishing more! I just cant get enough of personal success and being able to take credit as well as responsibility for the way my life goes.

Ok Im rambling, the point of this thread is this:

Im very interested in learning more about the stock market and other investment opportunities and was wondering if any of the people that roam these forums would have info they'd like to share as far as what may be a good business venture to consider or what you believe the best ways to invest money would be in todays market.

Im researching the stock market, real estate (many areas of it, got my foot in the door in some of these and working my way up), business credit lines, and anything else that sounds like a good way to make money, conventional or not im open minded and want to explore every venue that may bring profit.

Basically, I want to share Ideas and thoughts with whoever is willing to share, discuss, listen and contribute. I want to have discussions about whats happening in different areas, what businesses are booming, who is making money and how, I want to get ideas going around and people involved in working towards their own success instead of slaving for someone elses riches!!!

I also want to encourage ANY discussions related to finances. Im sure if we get enough people talking we can get ideas brewing and maybe people will realize its not hard to make it big and live life the way YOU want to live it, on your schedule.

Not any get rich quick scheme I mean legitimate investment opportunities and business ventures that require organization, discipline, planning, dedication and the need to constantly learn more to exceed and prosper. Anything thats worth doing will require hard work, but I have no problem working hard to advance myself, rather than dedicating the majority of my life to help someone else live the life I want to be living.


Well-Known Member
lots of money in bikini coffe shops man, cheap and easy to run.. worth looking into in the right market, along with reb box.. and someone should come up with a red box type deal for video games..


Well-Known Member
red box makes crazy money for what it does! I dont see why there couldnt be a red obx video game version, They take your CC info when you use them so you probably wont want to steal it. Although games are usually more expensive than movies do youd run a greater risk of higher losses. Im going to look into that see if its a legitimate possibility and what the risks might be. Thanks for that it sounds like a good idea to explore!

The bikini coffee never crossed my mind, I could also see that working though in the right area, not sure it would fit in here in my area but maybe theres more chance of it in your area. Although im sure that in the right location I could make that thrive here, hmm... something else to think about!

Ive networked with alot oe people and I continue to do so. Some states have amazing deals on Real estate riht now with all the foreclosures, REO properties and Short Sales going on there's deals out there if you know where to look and how to properly go about it! Potential for profit is off the charts with multi unit properties selling at discounted prices, one of these in the right location can generate enough income to acquire another! Single family homes are dirt cheap in most areas and in Florida there are killer deals on condos and townhouses, Ive seen beach front condos on high rises going for $150K! Talk about luxury, not to mention PROFIT!
Stay away from real estate. I can't stress that enough to you. with the way this economy is right now, think for a second. Yes, houses are cheap because people are loosing them left and right and properties are vast and cheap to come by these days. BUT, if people had money to purchase a property right now they wouldn't have lost their home in the first place. Now our goverment is sinking shit loads of money into things that conserve and produce energy. look into oil drilling, solar plate companies, greenhouse companies, things like that. Also notice how the price of gold has jumped in the last few years. Its been doing well for me lately. Stick with a Roth IRA, Thats your best bet and the safest way to not loose any cash. But if you want my opinion. Stay away from real estate. Unless your opening a resturaunt. People are always gonna need to eat. But check out the statistics on the rise in homeless in the US in the past two years ( all those new homeless people are alloud food stamps through wellfare now, and their allowed to use those food stamps in, You guessed it, restaraunts.) Now this is just my opinion, but so far its done well for me. Can't hurt you to look into it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Stay away from real estate. I can't stress that enough to you. with the way this economy is right now, think for a second. Yes, houses are cheap because people are loosing them left and right and properties are vast and cheap to come by these days. BUT, if people had money to purchase a property right now they wouldn't have lost their home in the first place. Now our goverment is sinking shit loads of money into things that conserve and produce energy. look into oil drilling, solar plate companies, greenhouse companies, things like that. Also notice how the price of gold has jumped in the last few years. Its been doing well for me lately. Stick with a Roth IRA, Thats your best bet and the safest way to not loose any cash. But if you want my opinion. Stay away from real estate. Unless your opening a resturaunt. People are always gonna need to eat. But check out the statistics on the rise in homeless in the US in the past two years ( all those new homeless people are alloud food stamps through wellfare now, and their allowed to use those food stamps in, You guessed it, restaraunts.) Now this is just my opinion, but so far its done well for me. Can't hurt you to look into it. Good luck.

lol property is always going to be a good way to invest as long as u have enough money to keep it for a few years, yeah alot of ppl have been loosing money but what goes down comes back up


Well-Known Member
Real estate is a tricky business right now, thats why you NEED to make educated and informed moves in that industry. Where I work im very involved in the real estate market all over the states and Ill tell you, things are still not stabilizing in the majority of the states. California also has crazy deals now with the way the economy. Its a risky move but if you research your market and make educated decisions with your money, you shouldnt have a problem making money in the real estate game. Ive seen hmes in Detroit ging for less than 5K for multi units and less than 3K for single families, granted there not in the best condition but damn, a home for less than you can buy a car is a deal no amtter what. Get one in the right place, rehab it and hold it for a while or rent it while the equity builds in it and you can make a quick turnaround. Real estate is risky but in my opinion, with the right decisions the payout more than outweighs the risk.


Well-Known Member
Anyone here dealt with the stock market? Id really love to hear from someone whos invested in it or wants to invest in it.

Im also looking into starting and acquiring small businesses. You can establish business credit fairly easy and once you have that, you can play around with your business credit and leave yours alone and not risk it in your investments. Businesses tend to get more credit to work wth too and as a LLC ive been told your protected to some degree should things get bad.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
MY MAN..thank you for this thread

Im currently in multiple business classes and have the same mindset as you

NOW is the best time to invest in real estate. However this dosent mean some guy with alot of money can just start investing and make tons of money. You need to be educated about the market.

The stock market? Im skeptical about investing. I hate things i cannot control. Go ask Donald trump why he didnt get into the stock market, he'll give you the same answer. However, if you are WELL INFORMED about business's, business history, market trends, and have a keen eye to business that succeed, i doubt you will fail. My uncle did this. He dropped outa college with no where to go. Instead he went to the library day and night, researching. He saved his money wisely and only had so much for personal spending. He was a smart man who knew how to control his spending, and knew the stock market.. Now he hes worth atleast 7-800k, not working a day past 21.

I guess the key is RESEARCH and TAKING CLASSES. Dont expect to invest in some company you "think" will do good. Thats when you loose money..


Well-Known Member
I'm quite in the same situation as you. I got my financial aid refund check not too long ago, and want to invest a couple hundred in some security. Not all that much, but I'm looking to offset the interest on my student loans. I've been thinking about investing into a mutual fund -- easy & safe.

But right now, in my financial position, at my age (21), I think that is my safest bet. I know the stock market is tricky, and you need to know what you are doing, so I'm going to be safe and take it slow as investments go.

Off the subject (kind of), I think we need a financial sub-forum. I'm sure there are other business/finance majors here and they would love to give input to the people who don't learn about finance in school.


Well-Known Member
MY MAN..thank you for this thread

Im currently in multiple business classes and have the same mindset as you

NOW is the best time to invest in real estate. However this dosent mean some guy with alot of money can just start investing and make tons of money. You need to be educated about the market.

The stock market? Im skeptical about investing. I hate things i cannot control. Go ask Donald trump why he didnt get into the stock market, he'll give you the same answer. However, if you are WELL INFORMED about business's, business history, market trends, and have a keen eye to business that succeed, i doubt you will fail. My uncle did this. He dropped outa college with no where to go. Instead he went to the library day and night, researching. He saved his money wisely and only had so much for personal spending. He was a smart man who knew how to control his spending, and knew the stock market.

I guess the key is RESEARCH and TAKING CLASSES. Dont expect to invest in some company you "think" will do good. Thats when you loose money..
No Problem bro I feel this will be beneficial to me as well as anyone who decides to take part. I know there is something I can learn from everyone I meet, everyone I talk to. I like to network and put myself out there. I LOVE to learn and Im always looking for something else to incorporate into my business plans and thoughts.

I want people to come to this thread and contribute ANYTHING they feel is a good idea, thought, plan, business venture... anything! Its an awesome feeling to educate yourself about something that may be beneficial to YOURSELF. Im so dedicated to this because im SICK of working and devoting the better part of my days, weeks, months and years to an "employer" who will always be better off then and will NEVER depend on me as I would have to depend on them.

Everything you posted about your uncle clicked with me, sounds like a very smart man to me. He did things that I have done and that I plan to do. If he's available and open to you as a resource for knowledge I would love to hear what you can learn from him about the stock market. I know its one of the riskier venues to make money in but I dont plan to jump into it until I understand it completely, or at least as much as possible. I believe in taking educated, well thought out and planned risks.

What kind of classes are you taking and what area are you most interested in? Do you have any plans of investing in real estate? Thats what I have the most experience in right now since I work in the industry, If I can help in any way just let me know! If I cant help you myself Ill look into it and try to come back with something.

I plan on taking classes in the near future, Its hard for me to commit to a class because I only like to learn what I feel is relevant to me and my ideas. I keep an open mind about everything, but I do analyze things and as soon as Ive thought about it, If I feel it wont benefit me then I feel its unnecessary. One of the reasons I dropped out of college and that I never really got interested in it is because you are pretty much FORCED to learn things that are completely irrelevant to the course Im trying to take in life. Not only that but Im supposed to PAY for something that I DIDNT ask for in the first place? No thanks, Ill keep my money and put it into something that WILL benefit me and Ill dedicate my time to something that interests ME.

Anyways, I'd like to see more people here throwing ideas into the pot.

Johny, thanks for the post man we definitely think alike. Maybe you can post here what your learning in your classes and share the wealth with whoever willing to soak it up, I appreciate your input!


Well-Known Member
I'm quite in the same situation as you. I got my financial aid refund check not too long ago, and want to invest a couple hundred in some security. Not all that much, but I'm looking to offset the interest on my student loans. I've been thinking about investing into a mutual fund -- easy & safe.

But right now, in my financial position, at my age (21), I think that is my safest bet. I know the stock market is tricky, and you need to know what you are doing, so I'm going to be safe and take it slow as investments go.

Off the subject (kind of), I think we need a financial sub-forum. I'm sure there are other business/finance majors here and they would love to give input to the people who don't learn about finance in school.
Matt, what are you studying if you dont mind me asking?

Ive looked into CD's and a few mutual funds, They are definitely good investments to make cause like you said they tend to be safer than alternate routes. It seems you need to invest larger quantities for longer periods of time to really see any real profit. Im not discrediting them, I know Ill have money in funds at some point, I just know that Im not at the point yet where I can put enough into these investments to see the kind of returns Id like to see.

Do you have any specific funds in mind? or are you still spinning the idea around in your head?

If my info is wrong, please by all means correct me! I dont want to go around having incorrect information in my head. On the same note, If I happen to learn something that contradicts something I may have already said I will make every effort to correct it. Im no genius, far from it, but I do like to know what im talking about and will make every effort to ensure that my info is accurate. A financial sub forum is an excellent Idea, I meet so many people in my day to day life that just dont know how to manage money. They accrue debt like its the thing to do, charge credit cards to the max, finance things they dont need, sign contracts they haven read... If people were more financially educated EVERYONE would benefit from it.


Well-Known Member
Are we talking pork bellies?
Definitions from

Pork Bellies:
Futures contracts involving pork-related commodities. Pork bellies are a staple in many diversified portfolios, especially before summer, when pork products are in the highest demand. The term comes from the fact that American-style bacon is made from the underside of a pig. Due to religious prohibitions, Islamic finance forbids pork bellies and other pork-based trades

What Does Futures Contract Mean?

A contractual agreement, generally made on the trading floor of a futures exchange, to buy or sell a particular commodity or financial instrument at a predetermined price in the future. Futures contracts detail the quality and quantity of the underlying asset; they are standardized to facilitate trading on a futures exchange. Some futures contracts may call for physical delivery of the asset, whereas others are settled in cash.

The terms “futures contract” and “futures” refer to essentially the same thing. For example, one might hear somebody say he or she bought “oil futures,” which means the same thing as an “oil futures contract.” To get really specific, one could say that a futures contract refers only to the specific characteristics of the underlying asset, whereas “futures” is more general and also can refer to the overall market, as in “He's a futures trader.”

Jimmy, Is this what you are referring to as pork bellies? I understand what it says, but Im not sure if thats what youre talking about, I havnt heard of the term before.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its from a 80's movie.Dan Aykroyd is a millionaire that deals in pork bellies.I do have a friend that is in that game though.Im not interested in it at the moment so I have zero serious advice.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, dont have time to read what you said a bit of a hurry
But heres an article i think you may find intresting involving the stock market.

I came up on that article too earlier this week. It did discourage me from the stock market, at least from putting any money into it any time in the near future, but not enough to where I will close the door on it completely. Ill read up on it and study it for a while until Im comfortable with putting money there, until then Ill be watching it closely.

Retro, thanks for the article!

Its a shame the level of greed people reach. There is enough action out there for everyone to make it out of it in very good standing but greed and greedy people and groups shit all over the possibility of that happening.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its from a 80's movie.Dan Aykroyd is a millionaire that deals in pork bellies.I do have a friend that is in that game though.Im not interested in it at the moment so I have zero serious advice.
LOL thanks for the post anyway, learned something new!

found this link too from a search I did based on your post.

Not the first money making idea that comes to mimd, but one I want to lean about!

Like I said, I can learn something from everyone, even if you didn't mean to teach me haha

If your friend is a member here see if he wants to stop by and share his knowledge, it would definitely be appreciated!