water cloning help/sudgestions


Well-Known Member
so you just get a cuttling off a mother cup of water and indirect sunlight?

already took some cuttlings gonna try it my clones in soil look stressed to the max
Still not much change. But on a couple of them the leaves look like they are yellowing. Ive read that sometimes that means that they will start rooting soon? Is that true or are they going to start to die?

Thanks Dark! I think thats the thread that inspired me originally! But im a week into it now and still nothing. I had 1 100watt equivalent CFL about a foot above them. Im assuming that is way too close huh? I moved the light up further and pushed the plants as far away as i could get them but its still only like 2-2.5 feet away. do I need to move it further? Looks like youre having way more luck w it than me.

jzs147, let me know how it goes for you. Id really like to kno how effective this is.

ill keep everyone posted on mine


Well-Known Member
it can take 3 weeks or so to start rooting(plus bigger cuttings take alot longer to root), dont give up hope yet. I didnt write that article btw, but ive water cloned alot and finding the perfect amount of light can be tricky. but yeah, thats too much light imo. i put mine on a windowsill that recieves no direct light at all and it usually takes 2 weeks for mine to get rooted to the level i like. but i failed more than once figuring it out. dont give up bro, you'll get it all worked out soon.


Well-Known Member
i will mate thats all im doing with my water clones on a window seal with no direct sunlight

im also trying clones in dirt in a humity dome with a fluro over the top and i have a couple in rock wool to in the dome im gonna stick with what works best

water cloning sounds the goods nice and easy
Damn! The stems are really white. And there are a couple of them that are turning really yellow and have withering leaves.

I was thinking that the water probably softened the stem a lot so what if I tried putting them in soil to save em? What do ya think?


Well-Known Member
did u make sure to tweak it around so no air bubbles can be on the bottom of the stem and kill it? show me a pic of your clone area.
Yeah, i cut it in water and everything. Id take some pics but ill i have is a cell phone camera and i promise the pictures wouldn't do you any good.

I really want to move them to soil..but idk
Good news!!!...kinda...I have 1 with roots but not at all how i expected. A few minutes ago i went and grabbed my clones to determine which ones i wanted to move to soil and which i needed to give up on. I ended up throwing a bunch of the small ones out and transferred a few bigger ones to soil. But one of them had roots on it...not in the water but right against the foil i had it poked through to suspend it. Looks like it rooted a couple days ago. Just moved it into a shot glass w soil in it...Yay?

This leads me to believe that the bubble stone method (suspending the stems directly above a thing of water with a bubble stone at the bottom. The bubbles pop at the top of the water and moisten the roots with the water.) will work extremely well. Anyone have experience with this?


Well-Known Member
leaving them submerged will rot the stems. they need to breathe just like the root system does. what ever you use as far as pellets or rockwool, make sure the stem is snug with the medium to get good root growth.

your wrong - google rootlest transport mechanism.

and rooting cuttings in a container of water has been around for years.


Well-Known Member
ok tried the water thing and it worked

cup of water clone and thats it

took a bit longer without rooting hormone but it worked
Ok so I only had 1 successful clone out of the 7 or 8 that i took from the crystal plant and put in water.

But I just went out of town for a week and before I did I built a little bubbler cloner. Took a bubble stone and pump that would go in a fish tank, got about a 9 or 10 inch deep long thin container with a snap on lid. Filled it up about 6 or 7 inches high with water, peroxide, and a small amount of bloom nuet. I put several inch round holes in the top (big enough to fit roots through) clipped my clones and put some cloning solution on them (was very careful to not let air in stem). Then I put a strip of tape over all the holes, poked a hole big enough in the tape to barley fit the clone in. I suspended them about an inch above the water and turned the bubbler on so that water gentaly misted the stems all the time. I got home today and out of 6 clones 2 have roots and the others look like they wont be far behind. I think I have my new method. If anyone needs a picture of my system let me kno and ill see what I can do



Well-Known Member
Ok so I only had 1 successful clone out of the 7 or 8 that i took from the crystal plant and put in water.

But I just went out of town for a week and before I did I built a little bubbler cloner. Took a bubble stone and pump that would go in a fish tank, got about a 9 or 10 inch deep long thin container with a snap on lid. Filled it up about 6 or 7 inches high with water, peroxide, and a small amount of bloom nuet. I put several inch round holes in the top (big enough to fit roots through) clipped my clones and put some cloning solution on them (was very careful to not let air in stem). Then I put a strip of tape over all the holes, poked a hole big enough in the tape to barley fit the clone in. I suspended them about an inch above the water and turned the bubbler on so that water gentaly misted the stems all the time. I got home today and out of 6 clones 2 have roots and the others look like they wont be far behind. I think I have my new method. If anyone needs a picture of my system let me kno and ill see what I can do


post a pic give us a look at it

i put 3 in water and 2 have roots and 1 has lilttle nubs so id say in a day or so she will have roots to


Well-Known Member
I made a cloner last night..... a plastic shoe boxes with an airstone...no special rooting hormones or anything... Put a chemdog clone in it and 24 hrs later i have white nubs coming out... i usually clone with just soil, takes about 8 days, but this is the quickest i've ever seen


i've got mine in a mug with water, sitting near the window sil and its still not rooting, shud i stick it under a 15w cfl for 24 hours of light per day?
i cut it in water etc


Well-Known Member
no, it doesnt need anything more than indirect light. adding more light would actually hurt the process. roots and light dont get along. it can take 2-3 weeks, be patient


ok, well i'll be patient and see. for more info i got a bit of cardboard on top of the mug with a hole in it so thats how the clone to be is seated. so basically barely any light is getting to the roots


If you want maintenance and media ($) free just make a DIY aero cloner from a rubbermaid roughneck (those dont leak like most others but it will on occasion if not set right). Remember that cloning off a flowering plant will take much longer to root.