Please Please PLEASE look at this plant!!!


Well-Known Member
I Will keep posting pics.

This is my special lady, grown from a regs mexican bagseed...

The only female of 3 I planted, she has purple hairs everywhere.

Can anyone tell me :
- how much longer, any guesses? I'm on week 5 I think...
- what strain this may be if any?

And what do you think????

u need to reread...he was talking about the leaves....
and r u saying a plant cant turn purple without the cold?????????????that is lol
missed that huh? and no he didnt say that, he's saying thats the most likely cause. reread the thread.........:peace:


New Member
That's so sad, I'm gettin' really anxious but those buds just aren't big enough. I just picked up a pocket scope and all those trichs are pretty clear.

I know a lot of leaves yellow during this time, is it normal for purple and brown tinted leaves as well???
and i guess u missed this
which is what i was responding to

i quoted him cuz he quoted me
so how bout u reread and spare the bs before u go jumping in the mix


Well-Known Member
lol, chill man, i posted that right after i posted the first one. alright, we are both right, the original poster is talking about both the pistils and the leaves being purple colored. im sorry I thought he was still talking/asking about both still, not just only the leaves themselves. my bad......:peace:


New Member
lol, chill man, i posted that right after i posted the first one. alright, we are both right, the original poster is talking about both the pistils and the leaves being purple colored. im sorry I thought he was still talking/asking about both still, not just only the leaves themselves. my bad......:peace:
no worries
just kinda seemed like u were attacking me for quoting that other person....
he obviously didnt read beyond the post he quoted me on.....
he just read it and bashed it cuz it said P def


Active Member
Soo... what's the concensus of opinion ? do the yellow leaves on A.w.J13's plant look like normal dieoff of foliage or .. a problem ? looks to me like normal die off ...

just my opinion .. I do think a larger pot would slow down the die off

also thought u might like to see this Mekong Haze ... Sativa .... purple

