1g per watt question


Well-Known Member
The only reason the vertical gardens produce a lot of bud is because they grow a high number of small plants. If you took the same number of plants grown the same size in a typical SOG it would probably produce more because half of the plant wouldn't be shaded. The trick is to grow many small plants (tighter bud canopy), not to grow them in silly arrangements. The problem is that if you are staying within plant number restrictions you need to find the perfect balance. But in general flowering as soon as possible is the most efficient way to grow.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
the reason why the vert produces such high yeilds is the fact that you are growing all around the light not just under the light - the same numbers of plants that you can put under a light you can also put to the right, left, and top
so if you put 9 plants under a light you could also put 9 right, 9 left 9 top so instead of have 1 600w hps its like you have 4 600w hps - this is ezly done in a vert ,no hanging plants upside down

now the reason for useing smaller plants is you can have less veg time yeilding more times a year
lets say you had a strain that was ready to harvest 8 wks after veg- while you spending 3-4wks if not longer vegging 9plants where as i would be halfway to harvest with my 36 plants in the same space

if your spending 3 months on a harvest -1veg 2flwr-that 3-4 harvest a year
but if you spend 2 months on a harvest- 0-1wkveg 2mth-that 6 havvest a yr
you do the math


150w in SCROG is not + producer ...
FOR 150w HPS !!!
The radiation is 30cm with 150w... a 250w that is virtually identical. Grow a plant is a token of strength, force, to collect big bud.
The time is 15 days of Grow and 65 in Bloom for me. I think not waste your time ? Not at all.
After working with 2000 or 3000W is another story ...
I just want to point out that work with 150w exceed 150gr ! Without recourse has NOTHING ...
Work under 3000W HPS is totally different. The time is not the most important in culture : for the auto production of little Consumers.
The time in 3000W or 5000W is important for dealers in general. (I say this not to see here, but it is often the case !)
Some genetic SATIVA must grow more. Switch to Bloom 9 days is less productive. Making a landrace THAI has 9 days in Bloom will never make a big harvest ... WITH small wattage I speak for small wattage !
To overcome easily Gr / Watt: the best is the SUN ...
I joke...
But say that Scroger product under a little more wattage is wrong!
My work under 150w HPS has allowed me to win 2 contest on another forum ...
I say this not to bother. just because it is the truth. The Scroger can be fun in Hydro!
But with 150w HPS and normal EARTH = Scrog Prod is not + BIG ! ! !
There was not enough radiation !!!
You understood that I speak not of 3000W ! lol !
but I congratulate everyone for your great work with big wattage...



Well-Known Member
check out heath robinsons grow. used 1 600w light and got 1200 grams. his setup was brilliant.


Well-Known Member
the reason why the vert produces such high yeilds is the fact that you are growing all around the light not just under the light - the same numbers of plants that you can put under a light you can also put to the right, left, and top
so if you put 9 plants under a light you could also put 9 right, 9 left 9 top so instead of have 1 600w hps its like you have 4 600w hps - this is ezly done in a vert ,no hanging plants upside down

now the reason for useing smaller plants is you can have less veg time yeilding more times a year
lets say you had a strain that was ready to harvest 8 wks after veg- while you spending 3-4wks if not longer vegging 9plants where as i would be halfway to harvest with my 36 plants in the same space

if your spending 3 months on a harvest -1veg 2flwr-that 3-4 harvest a year
but if you spend 2 months on a harvest- 0-1wkveg 2mth-that 6 havvest a yr
you do the math
Not wrong.

I know what the theory is. The first problem with that is that even if you do manage to arrange more plants around the bulb, half of those plants produce nothing. Also, the light hitting a reflector doesn't go into a black hole, it reflects back down onto the plants giving them more actual light than that just coming from the bulb. Then there is the issue of plant number. Those setups require you to grow a large number of small plants which many of us can not do legally.

Another thing is that you are wasting all the floor space below the bulb.

But you know, I am always open to new possibilities so if someone were to really document their results, I would be willing to listen. But for now, I have seen plants lighted from the side and I was vastly disappointed to see half of a beautiful plant with zero growth on it.


Well-Known Member
um i dont agree heath robinsons grow uses a vert technique and all his plants produced a good amount of bud. I mean 1200 grams with just a 600 watter. Maybe you just set up your plants wrong. https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/149998-heaths-flooded-tube-vertical.html Also theres this other vert grow where the guy yeilds 7 ounces off a 250 watt bulb. He is currently documenting his newest grow and said that his past results are almost always 7 plus ounces. https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/256847-dystopias-ppp-250w-vscrog.html

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Not wrong.

I know what the theory is. The first problem with that is that even if you do manage to arrange more plants around the bulb, half of those plants produce nothing. Also, the light hitting a reflector doesn't go into a black hole, it reflects back down onto the plants giving them more actual light than that just coming from the bulb. Then there is the issue of plant number. Those setups require you to grow a large number of small plants which many of us can not do legally.

Another thing is that you are wasting all the floor space below the bulb.

But you know, I am always open to new possibilities so if someone were to really document their results, I would be willing to listen. But for now, I have seen plants lighted from the side and I was vastly disappointed to see half of a beautiful plant with zero growth on it.
dude, you have to do your math i'll give you one chance to retract your statements only after you have read the heath grows- this guy uses only 1, 600w hps and harvested 40oz dry- now can you dig that and dont take my word for it see with your own eyes here's the links with gr8 HD pics


Well-Known Member
Its pretty hard to denie this set-up. He has empeirical evidence (a fucking photo journal), and its such a simple idea (with a somewhat complex construction).


Although your right about the hoods reflecting the light back down, the law of inverse refraction tells us we loose expedientaly more lumens as we get farther away from the light source. I have no facts but I bet the equation gets even worse when you add a reflective stage to the distance, Heaths grow elminates that distance and utilizes the "back" side of the light. It really is a good idea, got to be tough to get inside the thing for canopy managment..

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Its pretty hard to denie this set-up. He has empeirical evidence (a fucking photo journal), and its such a simple idea (with a somewhat complex construction).


Although your right about the hoods reflecting the light back down, the law of inverse refraction tells us we loose expedientaly more lumens as we get farther away from the light source. I have no facts but I bet the equation gets even worse when you add a reflective stage to the distance, Heaths grow elminates that distance and utilizes the "back" side of the light. It really is a good idea, got to be tough to get inside the thing for canopy managment..
hay cerberus you have to check out that other grow i found this guy uses a 250 hps and he is getting over 250 gpw- fuckin out of this world- his new grow he think he may pull 350+ off his 250whps
here's the link https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/256847-dystopias-ppp-250w-vscrog.html heath and this guy is changing the rules of the game with there vert setups , and this guy only has 3 plants in a vert SCROG insane makes me want to rip down my current setup and start over - i can see now growing under the light is the past and growing around the light is the future also when you get a chance check out heath other grow setup its one of his first http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/heaths-vertical-racks-strainguide.html this is how i want to setup my first vert except i will be useing soil, 2lter pop pots' on hand made bookshelfs and a 600w'er this is just an idea im toying with sounds like a whole lot of watering


Well-Known Member
you got to be kidding me these two grows are in my post #46. Of this thread. When you say you found it you mean you clicked on my link to it.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I am having a disscusion with a firend, we both mentioned the goal of 1g p/watt BUT does that come from the veg room + the flower?

ex. say I have a 600 watter in the veg and a 1000 watter in the flower, what is the ideal yeild? 600 or 1000 or some sketchy math equation.

just a high as hell question, peace
You'll be lucky to achieve 1 gram per watt under 1000w, let alone 600w, because the penetration is diminished.

Plants also take longer to finish - than the estimates - under lesser wattage's.

1/2 gram per watt is pretty good

1 gram per watt is rare, even under 1000w lights

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you got to be kidding me these two grows are in my post #46. Of this thread. When you say you found it you mean you clicked on my link to it.
um i dont agree heath robinsons grow uses a vert technique and all his plants produced a good amount of bud. I mean 1200 grams with just a 600 watter. Maybe you just set up your plants wrong. https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/149998-heaths-flooded-tube-vertical.html Also theres this other vert grow where the guy yeilds 7 ounces off a 250 watt bulb. He is currently documenting his newest grow and said that his past results are almost always 7 plus ounces. https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/256847-dystopias-ppp-250w-vscrog.html
hay cerberus you have to check out that other grow i found this guy uses a 250 hps and he is getting over 250 gpw- fuckin out of this world- his new grow he think he may pull 350+ off his 250whps
here's the link https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/256847-dystopias-ppp-250w-vscrog.html heath and this guy is changing the rules of the game with there vert setups , and this guy only has 3 plants in a vert SCROG insane makes me want to rip down my current setup and start over - i can see now growing under the light is the past and growing around the light is the future also when you get a chance check out heath other grow setup its one of his first http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/heaths-vertical-racks-strainguide.html this is how i want to setup my first vert except i will be useing soil, 2lter pop pots' on hand made bookshelfs and a 600w'er this is just an idea im toying with sounds like a whole lot of watering

you are half right my friend the second one i listed you didnt not list - but i mean no harm i am just a big fan of the vert style of growing . some might even call me a pervert, because i perfer that style of growing- LOL lets grow buds and not shed blood- your are right i gfat the frist one off you kiss-asshay but check it out one of heath first grows - http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/heaths-vertical-racks-strainguide.html

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
You'll be lucky to achieve 1 gram per watt under 1000w, let alone 600w, because the penetration is diminished.

Plants also take longer to finish - than the estimates - under lesser wattage's.

1/2 gram per watt is pretty good

1 gram per watt is rare, even under 1000w lights
1gpw is possible even 2gpw can be done


Well-Known Member
wholly shnikey! I am a dirt man myself and I think the http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/heaths-vertical-racks-strainguide.html is a great idea! gutters and everything! maybe a small irrigation system like a drip feed would work.?

Did you get the part about an S1? taking a female plant, reverse sexing it, then polinating another female with the reverse sexed nuts to produce a fem seed? all so he could start his plants out at 12/12 and go into this setup!?! talk about changing the whole game..

I don't know this Heath guy personally but I'd like to do an apprenticship with him =)


New Member
I don't know this Heath guy personally but I'd like to do an apprenticship with him =)
Just old school stuff, copied and modified from commercial units sold in Europe, that work better and faster. Admittedly the DIY units by Heath are likely much easier on the pocket book. Nothing special though. They have been selling such units commercially for years in the UK. Round ones that have an opening front on hinges for easy acess and maintenance. Huge prices though. Really they are basically just a rethink of the revolving horizontal wheels that were the Fad for a while. Same lighting and SOG scenario but with different watering systems. Many use rock wool instead of soil or clay pebbles etc.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^this guy is such a bitch ass
"dystopia and heath are geting praised to much"

shut up fatbitch
show us your grow setup or stop attacking those who do


Well-Known Member
vetical wall of green in soil can produce 1 gram per watt no problem, do that with a high yielding strain and aeroponic system with co2 and you got 2 grams per watt. heath pulls huge with critical mass, but try pulling 3 pounds per light with pk lol now that takes skill but duable. critical mass and the high yoelding strains just arent the new weeds people want. lemon skunk or lemon cheese or blue hash or nebula kush are the new strains that blow peoples minds with 25 percent thc . youtube vertical growing and you will find wall of green in hydro systems now place some lights down the midle and surround them with walls and your at 1 gram per watt easy. Put some high yieling strains like swiss cheese or ppp or critical mass or chronic or blueberry jam etc and your almost at 2grams per watt. Heath does alot of dwc but aeroponics take the cup whenit comes to yields. but heath is really goos at making kool setups done very professionaly but sometimes cant be run because ud need to own ur own house .


New Member
vetical wall of green in soil can produce 1 gram per watt no problem, do that with a high yielding strain and aeroponic system with co2 and you got 2 grams per watt. heath pulls huge with critical mass, but try pulling 3 pounds per light with pk lol now that takes skill but duable. critical mass and the high yoelding strains just arent the new weeds people want. lemon skunk or lemon cheese or blue hash or nebula kush are the new strains that blow peoples minds with 25 percent thc . youtube vertical growing and you will find wall of green in hydro systems now place some lights down the midle and surround them with walls and your at 1 gram per watt easy. Put some high yieling strains like swiss cheese or ppp or critical mass or chronic or blueberry jam etc and your almost at 2grams per watt. Heath does alot of dwc but aeroponics take the cup whenit comes to yields. but heath is really goos at making kool setups done very professionaly but sometimes cant be run because ud need to own ur own house .
But if your going to take 10 or 12 weeks to get that 2 grams per watt what have you gained. Half the crpos per year means the same total ye ield over all so ther is no gaimn but a heell of a lot more hassle involved. unlss you amke a hinging door which trows out ehe tiers cony tinous run vertical systems. That means a bunch of trays and wool or medai gowing in tube drained trays etc. then it is still the same old thing. If you incraese the lighting and use CO2 then you have increased the cost again plus you have heat problems. Plants need PAR regardless of wheter part is provided by reflected or all by do irect light. A plant does not perform differently to the same PAr no matter how it is d irected to them.

At best the only advantage possible with a vertical grow only lies in that you are no lossing 5% to 15% of your light to reflector inefficiency. That loss in light is easy to make up through the increased efficincy of using areoponics and to a smaller extent by hydroponics.

Fast flowing water is a debit which easily decreases output beyond any increase that could possibly be gained by not losing light to an inefficient reflector. unless you are using very bad reflectors which is not that uncommon with many growers. I guess that means if you have really bad reflectors then you could gain by a cheaper vertical grow room. Just make sure to hav a steop sttol or ladder available at a minimum. And do not exo pect to match the yiels over time of the earogrower with good reflectors and CO2 who in the ends spends the same for higher over all yields and quality. Remember it is the total expenses of wattage and CO2 and nutrients and si oil cost for soil growers over a period of time that matters. It's kilo watt hours not watts that matter.


"The plants were generally 3 feet tall with the ability to produce about $3,500 of marijuana each, authorities said."