how's she doing? *day 7 with pics*


Well-Known Member
This is my seedling, she sprouted on the 16th. On the 17th and 18th I stretched her because I was a noob and had crappy lights, so her growth was a little stunted.

Anyway, she's recovered from that mishap and this is what she looks like on the beginning on day 7 (her light cycle just started)

How's she looking?



Well-Known Member
aww cute.. looking good man. no signs of strecthing or anything, is that a 1 gal pot?


Well-Known Member
wait, i see the stem is reddening and the leaves seem to be very slightly curling. whats the temp at the tip of the plant? if you dont have a good thermometer, now is the time


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words guys.
As to the size of the pot, I have no idea. It's a fairly decent sized pot though.. nothing to small should fit her quite nicely.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a thermometer so I don't know how hot it is in there, it's a comfortable temperature though.
As for the reddening of the stem, I made a post about that and many people assured me it was just plant genetics, normal, natural, and nothing to worry about.


Active Member
wait, i see the stem is reddening and the leaves seem to be very slightly curling. whats the temp at the tip of the plant? if you dont have a good thermometer, now is the time
What's wrong with reddish/purplish stems?


Well-Known Member
Im assuming its in a closet, they can be deceivingly hot. trust me man, i once thought it was a "comfortable" temp then i got a digi thermometer with a probe(very clutch) and my temps were getting up to 92 during the day... way to hot.. this stunts growth significantly. Not saying this is going on or anything. just saying that you really do need one(homedepot, 15$ for nice one) because the ole putting your hand in there is just inaccurate and you can have some peace of mind. the digi thermometer im talking about records the highs and lows of both it and the probe that comes with it, so you dont even have to monitor it


Active Member
oh, and carefull with getting water dropplets on the leaves, with the light on them you will get burn spots.


Well-Known Member
Cool, although 15 bucks doesn't sound like a lot - to somebody living on their own and struggling to get by it is.
I don't think the leaves are curling, it just looks that way because I got down on my knees and took the picture of the plant sideways so you could see the inner stem growth and stuff.. I just inspected it up close and I don't see any signs of curling.
My plant is gonna have to do without one at least for a few more days until I can sell a bit of this weed I have laying around.

Thanks though, as soon as I have some money I'll invest in a digi thermometer


Well-Known Member
yah i understand completely man. look, nothing is wrong right now. so you dont have to anything right now. but if a problem develops, like the leaves really start to curl.. then its time to do something.. of course, but trust me, when you can get that thermometer get one... or any thermometer shit.. walgreens, 2 dollars


Well-Known Member
And as for heat stress, I don't think thats the case...
She isn't growing in a closet, more like a storage room its about 8' x 4' x 7' (just an estimate)

I have a fan going with the light cycle, and when I go in there it feels cool, not warm... like it might even be too cold in there. ;P

edit: yeah of course. If i start to notice leaf curling I'll be raising my lights ASAP and doing everything I can to fix her.

Thanks for the suggestions c5, +rep


Well-Known Member
here is the curling, lol, i know its not a big deal. just showing you. also i have the reddening boxed here too. reddening that young is usually heat stress



Well-Known Member
yah there isn't a big issue or anything right now. just like to be on top of things.. you got some decent space there.. i would clone this one about 10 times and keep it as the mother. pray to obama or god that its a female


Well-Known Member
yah there isn't a big issue or anything right now. just like to be on top of things.. you got some decent space there.. i would clone this one about 10 times and keep it as the mother. pray to obama or god that its a female
Yeah true dat, I hope I'm not wasting all this time for a male or a hermie plant... but even if I do oh well - its a fun learning experience. :blsmoke:
No idea on the strain, it was a bag-seed I found (I found 10 seeds, and I germ'd them all and this was the only one who made a tap-root)
they look good but ya keep track of the temp it can be very deceiving. Dosent look like they are really stretching too much. Are you using CFL or MH for lighting? and are you using any nutes? I would pick up a temp gauge and i make a data page on microsoft office with the date, time, humidity, temperature and the high and low. By keeping track of the different aspects of growing you can start to try new things with different plants and see how each strain likes something new. For example some plants like it to be closer to 85 deg some like 75 some plants like more humidity than others some like more wind from fan than others. I would put a very small fan in your room as well. Right now is a very important stage in its life to be producing cellular wall strength so i would put a fan in the room as well. Good luck hope to hear more about your grow!


Well-Known Member
Yeah true dat, I hope I'm not wasting all this time for a male or a hermie plant... but even if I do oh well - its a fun learning experience. :blsmoke:

incredibly fun.. lol. 80% of plants are female. you got the odds on your side