What soil to buy


First time growing indoors in tent.
I have ordered a bag of plagron bat mix soil. Am i right in my research that this will do my plants fine in the tent?


Well-Known Member
Black gold I have heard great things about. If you are getting foxfarms and they have root organics go with root organics they are the same but organics is cheaper and has coco.

If you really are into doing something yourself I recommend a blend of coco, perlite, and compost. Generally it is a 3 2 1 ratio but for moms I go 1 1 1.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
i use biobizz all mix, pH balanced, right mix of perlite etc so it takes all the guess work out, teamed it with biobizz nutes and molasses > ( as i wanted to be organic) and havent really had much of a prob :D


Thanks everyone, I should have said i have the soil already. As to all the reading and research i've done this seems to fit the bill with a 3-4 week fast growth period with just tap water. I'll keep ph at 6.4 before i put germinated seeds in but from what it says it looks fine. I have ordereda batch of stuff at once to save on shipping.
This is the actual soil, maybe some of you experienced ones can help me agree this will be fine. I will have 5 plants at a time in the tent, vented and aired with temp and humidity also controlled.

I can rush out and get other soil but would be happy knowing i'm fine with this.
My reason for going with this is the site was able to supply everything I needed at a good price all under one on-line shopping trip.


Well-Known Member
In the end soil is pretty much soil. So long as it is fairly airy and fluffy with some perlite (some go as much as 50% because plants gain most of their mass from the AIR)

Just get some nutes and you will have a great grow. Just remember to flush!


In the end soil is pretty much soil. So long as it is fairly airy and fluffy with some perlite (some go as much as 50% because plants gain most of their mass from the AIR)

Just get some nutes and you will have a great grow. Just remember to flush!
Thank you ,this is what I needed to hear as growing outside has never given me any problems over the years, i was beginning to think people were putting too much faith in one particular brand.


Well-Known Member
If you understand plant body language enough to grow out doors then you will do fine with what you are attempting. Don't worry about what works for others, worry about what works for you.

Most people say it is completely necessary to keep clones misted and under a dome, I find that it is completely unnecessary. I clone with near 100% success without. I am not saying my way is right or everyone elses way is right. All I am saying is whats right varies person to person, room to room, grow to grow.