• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Is Obama competent?


New Member
It's a simple question which has been coming up more and more....

Is Obama competent?

Obama has failed at every policy endeavor so far.

Health care is sinking his Presidency
Obama tax schemes are causing a meltdown of confidence in business and the hope of the nation
Russia has played Obama like a fiddle
Two wars fester without a commander in chief at the helm. (troops, what troops?)

Here's just a small example of the latest blunder.... one of biblical proportions. Iran is basically GIVEN the bomb under the tacit permission of Obama, who just two weeks ago at the UN declared he was going to rid the world of nukes (who's he kidding...other then himself?_

Russia "Dupes" United Nations and President Obama on Iranian Scheme

Posted by Michael James Stone

Iran wins six-power legitimacy for uranium enrichment - contrary to UN resolutions

DEBKAfile Special Report

October 5, 2009, 5:41 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov

If Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is to be believed, Iran came out of its first diplomatic engagement with the big powers flushed with success. Not only has Tehran gained international legitimacy for its enriched uranium program - contrary to UN Security Council resolutions - but third-nation help is on tap for reaching a higher grade of enrichment.

Monday, Oct. 5, Lavrov let the cat out of the bag when he said in Vienna that an agreement reached between Tehran and six world powers last week for Russia to help enrich uranium for an Iranian reactor had yet to be finalized.

He said experts would meet soon to implement the plan, after the IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei stated in Tehran Sunday that the experts would meet in Vienna Oct. 19 to discuss the deal for Russia to take some of Iran's processed uranium and enrich it further.

The Russian minister referred to "an Iranian reactor," whereas the IAEA chief spoke of enriched uranium to be reprocessed abroad "for use as medical isotopes." Visitors are shown around a small medical reactor in Tehran to demonstrate that its nuclear program is innocuous although Western intelligence believes it to be a link in Iran's covert plutonium bomb project.

The plan to be cleared in Vienna is for the transfer of Iran's stock of uranium enriched to 3-5 percent to Russia where it would be further reprocessed to 19.75 percent. Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton explained Monday that this level "is barely under the 20 percent definition of weapons-grade" uranium.

None of the representatives of the big powers attending last Thursday's meeting with the Iranian negotiator Saeed Jalili last Thursday, Oct. 1, revealed that Russia's helping hand would effectively jump-start Iran to cover the distance to 90 percent enrichment in no more than a week or two.

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi was perfectly correct when he said there has been no change in his government's "nuclear stance" as a result of the Geneva conference. Not only has Iran not given an inch, but it is presenting the conference and the IAEA chief's visit as "Western acknowledgement of its right to pursue civil nuclear technology including enrichment."

The harsh sanctions hanging over Iran's head have melted away. Indeed, Tehran is effectively off the hook of past sanctions which punished it for pursuing a banned enrichment program.

Furthermore, Moscow will boost enriched uranium stocks four to fivefold.

If the Vienna meeting on Oct. 19 approves this arrangement, it will cut the ground from under any US or Israeli demands for further UN sanctions. It is therefore hard to understand why the Israeli government headed by Binyamin Netanyahu has not spoken up in protest against a deal which shortens Iran's road to a nuclear weapon.


Well-Known Member
I think that after nine months of this POTUS, the more pointed question is just how incompetent is he???

Only time will tell.
And sad.


Well-Known Member
doesn't it depend on what his agenda really is? if his goal is to turn the country into another version of the foundering european model, he might be considered extremely successful. if his goal is to show the world that america no longer wishes to lead the way, but to meekly follow the commands of the rest of the world, he's a real winner. if his goal is to humble this country in the eyes of the world, apologizing for every real or imagined slight and holding the u.s. up as the scapegoat for every country with a grudge, there is none better for the job. if his goal is the destruction of any semblance of a free market and the ruin of long standing industries in favor of the false egalitarianism of socialist philosophy, he's certainly getting it done. if his goal is to make the people pay for the excesses of the bureaucrats in charge of building the welfare state, he's got to be one of the most competent mother fuckers alive. if his goal is to abolish individual liberties and replace them with hive mentality and group-think, he's got a way to go, but he's doing the best he can.


New Member
If his goal is to bring us in line with EU mentality.... he is failing at that too. This all should have been a slam dunk with the Dem majority in Congress (health care/stimulus 1,2&3/eject both wars/close gitmo). Nope.... he's on a big slide downward.

Now he may have tried to achieve it..... but he hasn't really achieved anything of permanence. His economic policies will be reined in as soon as he leaves the White House...maybe even before.

I just don't see any competency, other than his campaigning.


Well-Known Member
Yup, you guys are right.

Obama is most confounding.
He has the backbone to stand up to the big meanies at Fox.
He acts tough with the Chamber of Commerce.
He likes to push around his fellow countrymen who have the temerity to disagree with his agenda...

And yet he is a pantywaist when it comes to dealing with Putin, North Korea, Iran, and other Dictators and Despots.

This is not helpful to the future of our nation.


Well-Known Member
If his goal is to bring us in line with EU mentality.... he is failing at that too.
look around at the number of people that are willing to give up the traditions of individualism and self-reliance for the nebulous concepts of hope and change. there are far too many blind followers, waiting none too patiently for their fair share of the american dream, for the rhetoric of the liberal establishment to not have a lasting effect on this country. the promises have been made and that is all that will be remembered. the unwashed masses have been properly indoctrinated with the notion that the wealthy have made their fortunes on the backs of the poor, through avarice and deceit, and, having seen steps taken by the government to punish the successful, they can only believe it is time for their own greed to be slaked. we have become a nation of self-described victims, waiting for the messiah to carry us home. shown the folly of a socialized system, we are told "but this is america and we can do it better", even as that nationalistic arrogance is demonized by the very political animals that use it to justify their endeavors.


New Member
Exactly..... how embarrassed is Hillary Clinton now? They practically bitch slapped her in Moscow this week. She could probably hear the laughter as she left the room. She must realize she is in a slow hell.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the hell people expect from this guy. This is nothing more than the same cult of personality we see in Tiger Woods. The difference is that Tiger really has skills.

Harvard is notoriously aggressive in enrolling and promoting under-qualified black students. Not saying that Barrack didn't have the grades, but I'm sure his being black helped. Obama was a two term Senator and he actually won his seat by having his opponent disqualified by digging up dirt about his nasty divorce. The man has accomplished nothing save for knowing how to capitalize on the public desire to see a light skinned, articulate black man succeed.

For crying out loud the man thinks that the way to economic security is to pass out checks in Detroit. I wonder how much crack our tax dollars paid for in that single act.


New Member
He's exactly what the detractors during the election said he was.... inexperienced... at everything.

Of course we were all told we were nuts.... but how else do you explain the absolutely abysmal foreign policy gaffs?

He's either incompetent.... or he hates us all.


Well-Known Member
Well, he was able to be elected president of the USA, despite his affiliations which would derail other peoples attempts at such a job.


New Member
You must have a very low bar for measuring success. I can't think of one yet.

Missile shield .. gone .. got nothing in return

Top jet fighters .. gone .. who needs high tech equipment?

Stimulus .. didn't work .. where's the rest of the money?

Cash for Clunkers .. didn't work .. it did help unions though (with our tax money)

Gitmo .. still there .. what's the problem?

Obama has become a punching bag for our enemies. He coddles the dictators and disses his allies.

Health Care .. a butchers tale .. Needing a political victory is a poor swap for mountainous debt and less quality health care. Drop the ego Obama.

Obama bows to Saudi Kings and yet can't maintain protocol with the Queen of England. He professes to want to make a nuke free world (keep dreaming!) while he doesn't even mention the countries of Iran and North Korea in that speech... nice touch.

Obama ignores the green revolution going on in Iran (yes, it's still going on but you couldn't tell that by listening to the White House), and yet finds time to scold Honduras for following their own constitution.

He is either incompetent .. or he hates us all.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I bet Jimmy Carter is happy as hell with Obama. With Obama's performance, he just may take the title of the most ineffective and useless president away from Carter.


New Member
I think so too :lol: Jimmah has been rooting for Obama .. a clear sign Obama is going the wrong way.

Who loves Obama?

N. Korea

That's quite a list of admirers.....


Well-Known Member
Obama HAS done at least one thing that is positive in my opinion. He is ending (and has already ended for NG and Reserves) stop loss for all soldiers in the US military.

He's right about it not being fair to force somebody to stay who is beyond their active contract, especially when the volunteered in the first place. It's a way of indirectly drafting people, and was never meant to be used on such a large scale. The stop loss policy has been abused for too many years now, and I'm glad that it's coming to an end.

So many people seem all about this war that they haven't participated in. It's easy to be such a hardass from your couch.

..and yes, I think he's competent, and much more so than the alternative option at the time of his election.


New Member
I think he can do that because he wants to retract from both wars. Yes, it is a good thing tho. But we need a cogent plan in Afghanistan & Pakistan... things are getting out of control... if he decides to fight... the longer he waits.... the greater the cost in lives.
How many soldiers are going to die simply because Obama can't come to grips on what to do about Afghanistan? That place is becoming less safe every day.


Well-Known Member
You must have a very low bar for measuring success. I can't think of one yet.

Missile shield .. gone .. got nothing in return
Yes they scrapped bush's idea of missile defense because they reviseds the plan think it would be smarter to have it in southern europe possibly turkey. Since the major threat for missiles being launched at europe comes from iran at the present moment. They have ships that will fire sm-3 missiles to intercept missiles in the mean time.

Top jet fighters .. gone .. who needs high tech equipment?
The F-22's cost 350 million dollars each and have never been used in combat and laser planes are just retarded.

Stimulus .. didn't work .. where's the rest of the money?
22% been paid out and 43% is already obligated. The majority of spending is to be spent in the 2010 fiscal year(began oct.1st) and 90% of the money will be spent by the end of the 2011 fiscal year.

Cash for Clunkers .. didn't work .. it did help unions though (with our tax money)
C4C helped out dealerships, people in the car market and yes even the evil unions. The faults of C4c would have been that it only had a month to be formed before it was put into action but that's what happens when government moves too fast.

Gitmo .. still there .. what's the problem?
It's supposed to be closed by Jan. but it probably won't seeing as we don't know what to do with the 229 prisioners. There are still a couple of months until the Jan deadline so there is no telling if the courts or congress will slow down the process even more.

Obama has become a punching bag for our enemies. He coddles the dictators and disses his allies.
I think this is in refernce to the missle shield? In which case it's already been covered. The cold war is over.

Health Care .. a butchers tale .. Needing a political victory is a poor swap for mountainous debt and less quality health care. Drop the ego Obama.
There is already a huge number of people who aren't insured or are under insured. There is already lower quality healthcare if you don't have money.

Obama bows to Saudi Kings and yet can't maintain protocol with the Queen of England. He professes to want to make a nuke free world (keep dreaming!) while he doesn't even mention the countries of Iran and North Korea in that speech... nice touch.
One. The queen of england isn't a real leader. 2. Mr conservative bush holds the saudi kings hand. The saudi's aren't even an enemy of the usa.

Obama ignores the green revolution going on in Iran (yes, it's still going on but you couldn't tell that by listening to the White House), and yet finds time to scold Honduras for following their own constitution.
I think at the present moment we're much concerned about nukes than being usa world police it's called diplomacy.

He is either incompetent .. or he hates us all.
Or he's thinking things through unlike the former president
I know you right wingers hate when we break apart your posts lol, but it was the most logical way to respond to that I hope I'm not making you lose your message:mrgreen:


New Member
Gee, how cogent...
the missile shield was given up for NOTHING..... no way around that. Obama was naive. The NEW plan is the cover your arse political plan and nobody in the military thinks it is even close to being the same deterrent.

F-22's Oh I see.... 350 mil is too much? Why the concern now? Obama has NO trouble spending a TRILLION dollars on a non existent crisis, but 350 million per plane is too much... oh..okay. It hasn't flown in combat... so what? It's kind of the point....perceived strength reduces violence. By the way.... we have many countries itching to buy these Jets...so the 350 Million price tag is bogus.

Gitmo.... Ur just repeating the excuses Obama gives.... He promised to close it down. Either he knew he was lying on the campaign trail or he is super naive.

Punching bag.... no not just missile shield. We are losing our grip on world affairs...which means democracy is losing its grip. Dictators LOVE Obama...when is that EVER a good thing???? And a BIG PS ... the cold war is NOT over. Russia doesn't believe that and it takes two. They have been actively weakening us since Obama took office. Hillary was literally made fun of in Moscow last week. They smell the fear. They didn't even bother for her to leave the country before they slammed her. That's not respect..... they don't respect us.

Govt. health care is NOT what the American ppl want. Taking away free will is NOT the answer.... EVER!! Freedoms given away never come back.

The Queen has protocol...you insult the country of England when you cannot even bother to learn them. It's about being able to act like a class guy. He and Michelle failed miserably in that area. Bush holding the Saudis hand is not a negative portrayal nor is it SUBMISSIVE. Holding the Kings hand strengthened Bush's image, there's a big difference between taking someone's hand and BOWING to them. Presidents don't bow.

Too concerned about nukes? Put down the pipe.... Obama has been completely inept with Iran. they too are laughing at Obama... and us. The latest agreement now legitimizes Irans program and makes sure they give 5% enriched and receive 17.5% enriched in return....taking the time to high grade weaponry from four months to four weeks. How about supporting the ppl of Iran? Too much to ask? Perhaps they can bring about the change needed. Obama has been GUTLESS and the world watxches it all. Dictators watch .. and learn.

The despots have learned that this is their chance to get one up. A noob like Obama is more than they could have ever hoped for. They know it won't last and are taking every advantage possible,....before the country can replace Obama.


Well-Known Member
I think he can do that because he wants to retract from both wars. Yes, it is a good thing tho. But we need a cogent plan in Afghanistan & Pakistan... things are getting out of control... if he decides to fight... the longer he waits.... the greater the cost in lives.
How many soldiers are going to die simply because Obama can't come to grips on what to do about Afghanistan? That place is becoming less safe every day.
I've been to afghanistan twice, and I would say that there is no real "plan" for it. They have no designs on getting out of afghanistan anytime soon.

What the US government is trying to accomplish in that region of the world is something that is going to take at least 20 years. The sad thing is, it will probalby never happen and will be time spent in vain. The people there really don't care either way as long as SOMEBODY is pouring money in to their corrupt government (2nd weakest in the world, next to somalia which has no real government).

We're trying to win hearts and minds. We build schools for their children and they burn them down ( the locals, not taliban) because they know that we'll just build them a better one and when it is suitable they keep it, and turn it in to a taliban training facility, or hospital. We provide millions in humanitarian aid, and the locals sell it for profit, or give it to the taliban.

That's the "plan". Hearts and minds...... and they're sticking to it. At this point, they feel like they owe it to them. The thing is, the people don't care. Their hearts and minds are with whoever gives them the most because they don't want to do it themselves. Too many people have already died fighting a war for people who don't give a fuck about you or me, when they should have been doing it themselves the whole time. They have no sense of ownership, or allegiance to their country.

That's the difference between us and them. They will not fight for their own shit; their own freedom from oppression. They're perfectly happy letting us attempt to do it for them, while throwing unbelivable amounts of money in to their government. I was there in 2004-2005 and 2007-2008, and from what I could tell, there was 0 progress made.

The sickest thing about it is, 90% of the weapons they use against us, were bought by us. It's almost like the whole thing has been staged, and was a very deliberate plan that was designed in the early 80's by the US government.

I'm not going to go in to depth about the rules of engagement, but they are a joke. Just keep that in mind when you think about all the weapons that we have, or are losing. When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter, because we can't use them according to the geneva convention.