Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
The beach is hot! Good thing for the ocean:mrgreen:

the branches on the sativa were so weak and lanky that when the buds started to put on weight, the plant LST,d itself:lol:
alohas! It's hot, I gotta get back to work and jump in the water! LOL:hump:
Enjoy the water.:finger::wink: It was 45 and rainy today. The sun is gone already..:cry::mrgreen:bongsmilie:peace:

Lorenzo no not really maybe a little. A good way to use nutes in soil is to go 1/4 strength on one feeding then 1/2 the next the full after that then back down to 1/4 then half then full again and see how she likes it. Adjust to how she reacts, like our sativa just wants full heavy nutes on every watering!!! You gotta feel it out cuz the soil sponges the nutes and it might build up if the plants not using it.

CPH. No the weight makes it hang over where we gotta tie all the branches up so they don't touch the ground. But if they didn't do that I wuld tie it down so it wuld do that for yeild.
That makes since. Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Hour 20 incounting. I'm going to play on my phone for the rest of the day. Lol my boss is a coke head and todays payday so he's cool.


I love the cold! And rain! Makes you wanna relax drink coco and eat butter and soda crackers

arent you hawaiin??? wtf do you know about the cold? lol you wanna see cold come to chicago in january. 30 below is cold!!!


Well-Known Member
Boss you guys shuld, we will take you guys to swim with wild dolphins and stuff. It's pritty cool. Maybe hike to a water fall and jump rock. Take your wife to the beach to poke hinalea, u guys will have fun.
Thanx KKday.

We look forward to it. I love jump rock's. We have a spot called monkey canyon.
Dolphin's sound awesome.
Take it easy bro.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Nah, the sativa , I believe, is a super silver haze, the indicas is kkdays bagseed:mrgreen: called ke'ahi. The widows are at our other grow site, still vegging. Not sure when we will check that site. The waterings there are far and few in between, and I'd like to keep it that way:D the coco coir is holding water good so far, but it's still establishing roots, so it will drink more down the line...anyways the widows came from kkday and it's 60/40 sativa.. So we will see how it does this short season.

Jah Live


Active Member
whelp temptation got the better of me this evening,got laid off this morning cut a third of a plant ...incredible so far and im baking some thirteen g brownies...


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, things are looking good. You two are doing a great job with the mauka grows. I dont know how you guts do it. Its alot of work hiking around this rock. I love to hike and do often but I cant imagine hauling soil water ect. Keep it up brother


Well-Known Member
arent you hawaiin??? wtf do you know about the cold? lol you wanna see cold come to chicago in january. 30 below is cold!!!
No brotha that's freezing, 45 is nice. 50 is perfect.

Hey boss I'll even let you water our plants! Lmao

hey doc we gotta another water mule^^^^^^ lol


Well-Known Member
What up peep's.
Where is everyone?
Well I just finished gardening.
I am taking the family to see Where the wild thing's are.
So I figured I should have a nutrisous breakfast. See Pic's.



Active Member
boss are you a profesional nutritionist???lmao!!!wow those brownies had me walking into wall evry time is woke up last night.they were a blast...i gotta find more pot recipies!!!


Well-Known Member
That's good shit I love making edibles.
I like to see how potent I can make them. And still not tatste the herb.
I try to make them so you would not even know it's in there.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning gang! thx for visits! went out last night, had some fun:weed: ,,,,but talk about blame it on the alcohol,,,, just laying low this morning, trying to recover....
.....what happpens at the club stays at the club....;) LOL , aloha gang, have an awesome day


Active Member
lol doc you should perscribe yourself some of these brownies i wish i could hand you a couple,they would rid you of any pain as well as make you slightly retarded...hows the waves been???