Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Mean da kakio!!! Lol (only Hawaiians know lol) that's what I'm talking about boss when I say your lucky, if only my wife shit krip buds like that!! Lucky guy you! What does she eat? She got a sisster? lmao. Nice boss tell the wifey thank u very much, she's a good sport.
Thank's KKDAY.
She really is cool peep's.
You will meet her. We ae hopingo come out there next year.

i had a feeling i got that bit wrong! still my spelling so bad anyway hoped no one would notice. nice buds boss and u got plans 4 that vw?. hope thw waves good dr. and yea its a 400w flynflo n thanx fella.
Thank's eyeco.
Yes I have plan's for all 4 of my VW's.

What up everyone.
I got to get grooming. 2 and a half Erkles comin down today. And 1 Bubblegum.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Morning Boss! Good to see ya! Positive vibrations to you buddy, I'm gonna hit the beach:mrgreen:I know, hard work:lol:LOL
enjoy your day y'all,,,,,I will:cool:

Jah Live!


Well-Known Member
:joint:well i guess there is a difference between flyin high and flyin low but izzzz alll goood digin da pics doc AND ITZ FINNALY DA WEEKEND LETS GET TOGETHER AND FEEL ALRIGHT :leaf:ONE LOVE:leaf:


Active Member
HEY ONE OF MY PLANTS IS AT 80% RED hairs?????this after 23 days flowerin'...is it possible for 23 days to finish a plant out??? ive never seen that???


Well-Known Member
Boss you guys shuld, we will take you guys to swim with wild dolphins and stuff. It's pritty cool. Maybe hike to a water fall and jump rock. Take your wife to the beach to poke hinalea, u guys will have fun.


Well-Known Member
Did you guys mean for her to grow like this? {LST}

She looks a lot like mine did, with the fingers sticking up.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
The beach is hot! Good thing for the ocean:mrgreen:

the branches on the sativa were so weak and lanky that when the buds started to put on weight, the plant LST,d itself:lol:
alohas! It's hot, I gotta get back to work and jump in the water! LOL:hump:


Well-Known Member
Lorenzo no not really maybe a little. A good way to use nutes in soil is to go 1/4 strength on one feeding then 1/2 the next the full after that then back down to 1/4 then half then full again and see how she likes it. Adjust to how she reacts, like our sativa just wants full heavy nutes on every watering!!! You gotta feel it out cuz the soil sponges the nutes and it might build up if the plants not using it.

CPH. No the weight makes it hang over where we gotta tie all the branches up so they don't touch the ground. But if they didn't do that I wuld tie it down so it wuld do that for yeild.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Kkday, you working still yet? Poor thing:( the ocean is nice you know:mrgreen:

that's allright, you only get 2 more hrs left:D aloha!!! LOL
don't work to hard:D