What up all you cool ass peep's.
Here is some more Bud porn for you all.
I have the coolest wife.
hell the fuck yeah!!!!! plus rep!!!!! 15 times lol. nice bud/booty shot.
What up all you cool ass peep's.
Here is some more Bud porn for you all.
I have the coolest wife.
nice plant pakalolothizz
nice bud shot Boss!!Wowzers!
just for you Boss, updates on bud porn moved back to tomorrow
look for it, 4:20, hawaiian time
no wifeylets see what ur wifes workin with flyin hawaain
no wifeysolo bird
why do you keep thinking I'm british? LOLshow that pastey white british ass.
remember now, not necessarily 4:20 HI time, , , but 4:20 hawaiian timeill be waiting 4:20 hawaiian time, bong in hand rdy for the bud porn
Is the picture to big? There are limits for avi pic size.Oh and can anyone tell me why every time i try to upload avi pic it say upload failed?
You may need to resiz the pics. I have had the problem also. When I resize it to 800x600 it loads fine. I did try to resize a bunch at once and it didnt work. I had to do each one individually.Oh and can anyone tell me why every time i try to upload avi pic it say upload failed?
You thought wrongupdates was tomorrow but just for you, I'll move it over a day and update Friday
thank you for the visit, aloha