

"An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist knows that heaven is something for which we should work now - here on earth - for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist thinks that he can get no help through prayer but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue, and enjoy it. An Atheist thinks that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment. Therefore, he seeks to know himself and his fellow man rather than to know a god. An Atheist knows that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An Atheist knows that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An Atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated. He wants man to understand and love man. He wants an ethical way of life. He knows that we cannot rely on a god nor channel action into prayer nor hope for an end to troubles in the hereafter. He knows that we are our brother's keeper and keepers of our lives; that we are responsible persons, that the job is here and the time is now."

Madalyn Murray O'Hair


I can definitely relate, :clap: +rep

I see none of the sheep replied, the truth can have a nasty sting.

Guys, I seriously suggest watching this. Believers and atheists alike. This is one of the best explinations of what it's like to become an atheist, I can personally relate to this, as I'm sure a lot of you guys can too.

Babs, pay attention to this. I'd like your opinion on what the guy says, if you wouldn't mind.



Active Member
"An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist knows that heaven is something for which we should work now - here on earth - for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist thinks that he can get no help through prayer but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue, and enjoy it. An Atheist thinks that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment. Therefore, he seeks to know himself and his fellow man rather than to know a god. An Atheist knows that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An Atheist knows that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An Atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated. He wants man to understand and love man. He wants an ethical way of life. He knows that we cannot rely on a god nor channel action into prayer nor hope for an end to troubles in the hereafter. He knows that we are our brother's keeper and keepers of our lives; that we are responsible persons, that the job is here and the time is now."

Madalyn Murray O'Hair

And an atheist is generous, kind and forgiving of everyone! Ha!

And here I thought atheist didn't have a statement of faith.....I mean manifesto.


Sounds like common sense more than a manifesto. Don't be scared, it's just logic linked to love.
I think you Lost him at common sense, and confused him with logic.

To bad his faith is linked to the genie in a bottle, they sure do love their jeebus juice.


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is Maui takes the basic tenants of religion and simply plugs in atheist instead.

Pretty lazy intellectually....
CJ, just because you wrote the book on 100 PLUS ways to insult an individual, just to make yourself look important, doesn't mean you've ever stated an actual case.
Maui has stated actual reasoning......with sentences. Take lessons. Observe more than repetitively chanting your ignorant insults "you" C*J deem wise. :roll:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I may sound arrogant when I say "I am my own god," but I'm not saying "I am a god". It just means I am the master of my own destiny, for good or ill, and I do not accept the belief that there is an all powerful being manipulating the universe and everyone in it.It means I look to myself to find answers,and that I am responsible for my own actions.If I do "good", it is because I choose to, not because I am afraid of the threat of being burned for eternity as punishment by a vengeful diety for not conforming to the laws of his particular religion.
It means that I accept that there may be nothing after this fact,I must assume it, since there is no concrete proof of an afterlife.It means I must make good use of the life I have now, because there are no guarantees.
I have no need to feel superior or godly.I know I am not omnipotent,in fact, just today my klutzy ass tripped over my own feet,and my big toe became tangled in the leg of my sweat pants and I crashed into the door.It was certainly humbling,because it demonstrated yet again just how omnipotent I ain't!:mrgreen:
Atheism is a personal belief in ones ominipotence----L I M I T E D.
This qualifies YOU as gods in your grotesque view of what is humble.


Well-Known Member
Atheism is the belief of using reason. This automatically disqualifies a personal G*D..... which is an unreasonable thing to believe in. Religion is also completely egotistical.
Every last time you define yourself, or atheism for that matter, it is an indicative description of a self-righteous pompous wannabe.
You are hung up on religion......must be a reason.


Well-Known Member
I may sound arrogant when I say "I am my own god," but I'm not saying "I am a god". It just means I am the master of my own destiny, for good or ill, and I do not accept the belief that there is an all powerful being manipulating the universe and everyone in it.It means I look to myself to find answers,and that I am responsible for my own actions.If I do "good", it is because I choose to, not because I am afraid of the threat of being burned for eternity as punishment by a vengeful diety for not conforming to the laws of his particular religion.
It means that I accept that there may be nothing after this fact,I must assume it, since there is no concrete proof of an afterlife.It means I must make good use of the life I have now, because there are no guarantees.
I have no need to feel superior or godly.I know I am not omnipotent,in fact, just today my klutzy ass tripped over my own feet,and my big toe became tangled in the leg of my sweat pants and I crashed into the door.It was certainly humbling,because it demonstrated yet again just how omnipotent I ain't!:mrgreen:
Ok, I'm trying to catch up on these posts, but will backtrack later.
I have no problem with you being your own god Stoney. That's a right we all as human beings have..or at least SHOULD have.
I believe in God and believe I am somewhat a master of my own destiny.
You should look to yourself to find answers. I do. See how we're not so different thus far?
If I do good, it's simply because I want to as well....not to score points with God, or society for that matter.
The fear instilled Biblically with fire, etc.....I feel is just another one of man's fallacies in comprehension. I believe hell to be the TOTAL ABSENCE of God. I believe here on earth, no one, upon no one, is living with the absolute total absence..atheist or not.
I don't follow why it is you must assume there is no afterlife soley because you've received no "concrete" proof though.
The human mind cannot even comprehend eternity. I would think that fact alone would keep you open to the probabilities of an "intelligent design".....and not as prescribed by a mere book.
I'm clumsy as shit myself, life circumstances don't allow me to be anything less than imperfect. And that is the understatement.
Stoney, I am impressed that you are actually conversing, rather than immediately lashing out like a lunatic.
No offense to you for who may or may not be your friends, but I have seen that many are not capable of just conversing on a "real" and down to earth level.
For this reason, I shall rep thee.
LOL, I've never announced a rep before. :mrgreen:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
"Hell is the absence of God"...that sounds a lot like my mom....are you by chance a Jehovah's witness?She was until I became a teenager, but she still believes a lot of the stuff they do.
I am open to possibilities,I don't believe I know everything.But certainly no religion I've ever been exposed to or learned about has in any way convinced me of the existence of a god.And who is to say, if there were a god, it would be just one?Why not several?Who is to say the Greeks may not have had it right?
Many creationists attack evolution and the big bang, saying it states something just came out of nothing(which it doesn't, it just offers an idea of how THIS universe may have come about),and yet they expect us to believe the exact same thing about a creator.Where did this creator come from?Who created the creator? If you attempt to ask these questions, you're told in hushed tones not to question the Lord....and that's one big way in which religion loses me. It doesn't want to offer proof or explanation,it requires you to embrace blind faith.
Science offers suggestions, and then attempts to disprove them in order to eliminate those that cannot stand up to scrutiny.It encourages people to ask questions,to learn rather than blindly accept what they are told.If there is no real proof of something,it either means the evidence to support it has not been discovered yet,or that it is false.I like that,because I know no one is attempting to pull the wool over my eyes.
As for the afterlife, I have no proof of it, so I'm not going to get my hopes up.I'm going to live like I don't have an afterlife to look forward to. And even if I'm right,it's not like I'll ever be totally gone,because I will decay and return back to the earth to be reused as the components or nutrients for some other organism...and that's good to know. If there's something more,that's a bonus.
Ok, I'm trying to catch up on these posts, but will backtrack later.
I have no problem with you being your own god Stoney. That's a right we all as human beings have..or at least SHOULD have.
I believe in God and believe I am somewhat a master of my own destiny.
You should look to yourself to find answers. I do. See how we're not so different thus far?
If I do good, it's simply because I want to as well....not to score points with God, or society for that matter.
The fear instilled Biblically with fire, etc.....I feel is just another one of man's fallacies in comprehension. I believe hell to be the TOTAL ABSENCE of God. I believe here on earth, no one, upon no one, is living with the absolute total absence..atheist or not.
I don't follow why it is you must assume there is no afterlife soley because you've received no "concrete" proof though.
The human mind cannot even comprehend eternity. I would think that fact alone would keep you open to the probabilities of an "intelligent design".....and not as prescribed by a mere book.
I'm clumsy as shit myself, life circumstances don't allow me to be anything less than imperfect. And that is the understatement.
Stoney, I am impressed that you are actually conversing, rather than immediately lashing out like a lunatic.
No offense to you for who may or may not be your friends, but I have seen that many are not capable of just conversing on a "real" and down to earth level.
For this reason, I shall rep thee.
LOL, I've never announced a rep before. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I can definitely relate, :clap: +rep

I see none of the sheep replied, the truth can have a nasty sting.

You want my take on this video?
OK, I will do the best I can with limited capabilities tonight, as I am extremely tired and stressed out. I hope for now, it will suffice. I just can't get too deep with it at the moment, but know I could get deep with this, LOL.

My mind went in a million directions as this guy spoke. Yeah, of course, I get it....imagine that.

You misunderstood my earlier stance with not easily being mesmerized with science. I am so easily taken in for fleeting moments with it's intricate details and sporadic chain of events.
The beauty alone of watching a MJ plant grow from seed to beautiful bud astounds me. I will stare at my plants for hours alone daily while flowering, LOL. When I look at nature alone, my mind is on an eternal drift.

As I watched this, I was taken to a place of the womb. What a spectacular creation we are. The developing fetus is an astounding chain of events. You never know just how much so until you are a woman who carries full-term and nurtures from thereon.
It then led me to think of how the fetus recoils during the aborting process. There is a point during gestation where all the faculties have reached a point of "just so" whereas the fetus actually FEELS the pain as the forceps are being applied to crush their skull. The fetus will, as a protective response, literally recoil.
I can't help but do the same while in that train of thought.
I am so against abortion, simply because so very many years ago, I watched a video of the actual fetus response while being "chopped." It is a vile display of human ignorance.
Do I feel it is a woman's choice still? Yes. And I will just leave that there.

In the beginning, I stated reality itself is too hard to believe on a human level.
Knowing that, what are we, but human?.........capable of fallacy after fallacy, yet expected to learn from it all....and to take upon the next step within reach.
Yet, it is my personal opinion, that step within reach, is INFINITE. Our human minds will always make us pause in amazement. Some will question further while others will strive at full-force to the next dimension.
The one amazed takes time to reflect more deeply on the complexity, yet the simplicity of it all... while the scientist, sees it as his next quest for the most basic answer.
I have had a dream for many years now that has me strapped with turmoil.
I always awaken at the end, while forgetting immediately everything dreamt prior to. There is this defined mathematical equation that is pictured as art in a complexity I could not describe. Every last time I have had this dream, I become so disgusted with myself that I did not take notes....I even left a notebook and pen by my side. Most often, I was just all too tired and it would have been virtually impossible for me to fully awaken to take on that task.
There's something about that dream that is "key" though.......and I'll just shut it on that note.
This guy on the video is stating that everything "fits"....and all the answers are but a few books away. That's where I just shut down and no longer take it seriously.
My thoughts run so much more deeply than that. You don't get that. You see it as simplicity at best and stupidity at its medium. My mind works a million miles per minute and leaves me unable to even converse so often. I can't even keep up with what is seen. I've learned to not even attempt to "keep up" any longer.
The human mind is just not designed to take in and absorb at full force the extrinsic value of "it" ALL.
Could you even imagine man using 100% of their intellect value? Think long and hard on that one.
See, I truly can. I have.
It is a point where man will fail itself moreso than bring answers....simply because the mind is oh so powerful, and with that power, comes greed. The greed brings evil upon themselves and the world.
You ask me what I feel.........mere words cannot even begin to touch the surface. Go beyond those words, there lies my faith, which in and of itself, is not defined by Webster's.
The example of the car with the complexities of all of it's combined elements that make it complete is too simplex an example when comparing to "life."
Years ago, I knew this man who was unable to read, yet he was able to figure out whatever it was that was wrong with your car, despite the make/model. I sat so many times with so many of my cars and watched him work on them. Was I interested in mechanics per say? Was my goal to go into the field? LOL, hell no. But it was a realm I wished to, at minimum, embark upon....if even on a "retarded" level.
Hey, I took a carburetor apart and put it back together. That should say "something."
"But"......was that my forte? Nope.
We, as humans, are all supposed to learn from one another---on unlimited levels, but at the "right" speed.
I honestly don't see one human as being so significantly more important than the next. We are all but pieces of the puzzle........and it will never be anything short of a puzzle. At minimum, there will always be that missing piece......whether it was the piece stuck to our shoe that we carried outside never to be found---or the one we just can't see.
Life, to me, is a never ending boundary in the flesh. The wise question to ask is.......will it lead me and mankind to the ultimate dream--as man knows the capacity of dreaming to be?
I know that answer to be something of a varying circumstance from yours and others.
I have with depth lived, dreamed and otherwise reached for an extension of this vision we call life. I don't have "the" answers, nor do I have "the" proof.
Although, if it came right down to it, I could, IN FACT, prove science to be SO far from even being remotely exact.
I have experienced miracles that science would be alluded by. To date, they would positively have no answer....their best hypothesis at hand would be "faith."
Am I claiming myself superior for having had this experience? No way!!!
.....more down to earth--so to speak?
Yes, quite possibly that simple.


Well-Known Member
"Hell is the absence of God"...that sounds a lot like my mom....are you by chance a Jehovah's witness?She was until I became a teenager, but she still believes a lot of the stuff they do.
I am open to possibilities,I don't believe I know everything.But certainly no religion I've ever been exposed to or learned about has in any way convinced me of the existence of a god.And who is to say, if there were a god, it would be just one?Why not several?Who is to say the Greeks may not have had it right?
Many creationists attack evolution and the big bang, saying it states something just came out of nothing(which it doesn't, it just offers an idea of how THIS universe may have come about),and yet they expect us to believe the exact same thing about a creator.Where did this creator come from?Who created the creator? If you attempt to ask these questions, you're told in hushed tones not to question the Lord....and that's one big way in which religion loses me. It doesn't want to offer proof or explanation,it requires you to embrace blind faith.
Science offers suggestions, and then attempts to disprove them in order to eliminate those that cannot stand up to scrutiny.It encourages people to ask questions,to learn rather than blindly accept what they are told.If there is no real proof of something,it either means the evidence to support it has not been discovered yet,or that it is false.I like that,because I know no one is attempting to pull the wool over my eyes.
As for the afterlife, I have no proof of it, so I'm not going to get my hopes up.I'm going to live like I don't have an afterlife to look forward to. And even if I'm right,it's not like I'll ever be totally gone,because I will decay and return back to the earth to be reused as the components or nutrients for some other organism...and that's good to know. If there's something more,that's a bonus.
LOL, raised a Jehovahs witness? NO, but I did know this guy in high school who was relentlessly teased for being one. I had a fondness in my heart for the guy, what can I say?
I have no proof to offer you Stoney. I can not place before you even an ideal of "one" god. I still don't know why that in particular should be a line of your questioning..
I suppose to me it only is logical that there are not so many "heads" up there making sane decisions, as we, mankind, are all examples of that relevancy belonging to "the ideal."
My opinion is that if you live life like there is no tomorrow, that you miss out on what is the BIGGER picture.
I have no desire to define that in detail why it SHOULD take precedence upon any human soul, I only know what I know......and I know I am not delusional.
If you think about it, people didn't even believe us capable of having cars not too long ago....of traveling to the moon, let alone shooting rockets at the moon to find water.
I'm young, and it was in my lifetime that having more than one TV (black and white) in the household was considered being rich....and than along comes the cordless phone, the cell, the computer and all of its endless elements now present in the common household.
Time will take man places untold.
That's my point.
We evolved. We continue to evolve.
At what price I ask? Should it not be obvious that we are at stake of destruction as the human race is known to be?
Are we going to evolve with our intelligence that takes us to another dimension where we are living under the sea and past Pluto?
I plainly see this to be what it just is......intelligent design.
I see no "reason" in defining it in its entirety. I only see purpose.
The logic is in being in touch with truth. The truth comes from within. Within is an entirely different defintion altogether.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is this?! Some kind of new tactic? Get the believer to start laughing at our funny jokes, lulling him into a false scene of security?

I don't trust you.
ROFLLLLLLL.........I warned you, dare not to have a personality, hehe.


Active Member
Well to me atheism means you dont believe in God, hey it doesnt bother me what you believe, you probably believe in the Big Bang theory also. Ya thats a good theary, Ill tell you what. You go get the most dynamite or explosive you can get and then blow it up. If the explosion results in a timex watch then I will agree there is no God and that life in all its complexity was made by a big friggin bang. No it doesnt bother me if there are stupid people on the earth either . They can believe or NOT believe anything they want.