Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow


Well-Known Member
no I meant I hadn't listened to flying lotus in a while....

[ y o u t u b e ] sequence of numbers after the = sign in the youtube videos web address [ / y o u t u b e ]

no spaces, but otherwise its exactly as written above including the [ ] [/ ]
haha k cool cuz I went ahead and fimmed last night ;-)

and thanks TLD, this beat's for you :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
I got an Oakton ph meter today but no ph up or down because I have some for my hot tub at home and it's bromine and chlorine free so would it be ok to use it as my ph adjusters?

the ph down's ingredients are- 92% Sodium Bisulfate, 8% Inert ingredients

and the ph up is- 98% Sodium Carbonate, 2% Inert Indegredients

thanks, & sorry I'm still a nub :dunce:


Well-Known Member
you can try it.... seems high on the tds side ;)
I just tried lowering the ph of my water(8.0) with a really weak solution and brought it right down to 6.0. I think I'm going to try it since the tap water's ph is so high

edit** I just read that the sodium carbonate is essentially limestone so that can't hurt them if it's a weak enough solution && that it's a food additive


Well-Known Member
I REALLY wish I was there to smoke with you.........
that wouldve been nice man. it was one of those fatties where I had to set it down and come back in 15 minutes to finish it haha :joint: wouldve been no problem if I had a partna workin on it with me ;-)

one of these days soon tho TLD, we'll arrange a meeting


Well-Known Member
is it even worth trying to save them by buying some spider miticide? I have a enough clones to start a new batch. blows.... :evil:



Well-Known Member
if you do it right and all the plants are in veg.... you can get rid of them for good..... but it is a procedure of precision...... and on a side note.... I ranted off bout medium choices etc somewhere soil vs. hydro .... I rememberred you were interested in the topic....


Well-Known Member
if you do it right and all the plants are in veg.... you can get rid of them for good..... but it is a procedure of precision...... and on a side note.... I ranted off bout medium choices etc somewhere soil vs. hydro .... I rememberred you were interested in the topic....
clones are in veg but 4 in bloom. dont mind tossing those 4 out and saving the clones.

and yea you started something good in another thread but cut it a bit short. please, continue :leaf:


Well-Known Member
it was a rant somewhat off topic...... for some one like you I would want to spend some time to get the specific and scientific in the right orders because you already expressed interest

that could take a bit to put together..... it will get done.....


Well-Known Member
Last time I had mites I was ready to start some new stock. I killed the 2 mothers I had and started over. Sterilized everthing.

Turns out it was my cat that brought them in. From then on nothing went into the grow room but me.
damn cat! maybe it was my cat too then....

I just don't know enough about spider mites right now. Like the old saying "know thy enemy" but I'm having a hard time finding info on the whole process of controlling them. I don't mind losing the 4 I have in flower but if I could save my clones, that'd be rad. and then of course, I was going to steam clean my room after clearing out those 4. but should I bug bomb the room or just use some Doktor Doom or a similar spider miticide? fucking spider mites.... :wall:


Well-Known Member
bleach and warm water for cleaning the room..... plants in veg can be kept at higher humidity (60-70%) with lower temps (60-68 degrees), being misted a few times a day even, provided there is proper air flow.... I would neem oil the plants twice a day and rinse off after, then give the plants a "sponge treatment" then treat with garlic barrier, then bleach clean the room, and repeat two more times.... I just got the bastards as well, they are moving inside as the season changes ;)