

Well-Known Member
Rational people rock* :smile:

*Not all atheists are rationalist. But all rationalists are atheists.

....oh well, so much for science. :lol:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, I think you and I are a good example that not everyone arrives at the same conclusion when presented with the same story. What I believe isn't necessarily what others believe,but I know what I think makes sense.And I like to have tangible evidence.So when I look at the universe that I can personally observe,nothing jumps out as "intelligent design" to me. And even if I'm wrong,I can't see myself worshiping a creator who demands undying loyalty when he has shown no concern for his creations,who will condemn those creations he supposedly loves as children to eternal punishment for meaningless infractions and major crimes without discrimination,telling us in one breath we have free will and then smiting us for exercising it.
I have no need for such a diety,and by his inaction and indifference if he does exist,he has proven himself to be either A.fallible and not omnipotent or B.Omnipotent, but cruel. That's my take, the "truth" I feel from within. In the matter of faith, truth is subjective.
Yes, all things are possible.But are they probable? Nobody will know for sure until we see it for ourselves.Or not.:peace:
LOL, raised a Jehovahs witness? NO, but I did know this guy in high school who was relentlessly teased for being one. I had a fondness in my heart for the guy, what can I say?
I have no proof to offer you Stoney. I can not place before you even an ideal of "one" god. I still don't know why that in particular should be a line of your questioning..
I suppose to me it only is logical that there are not so many "heads" up there making sane decisions, as we, mankind, are all examples of that relevancy belonging to "the ideal."
My opinion is that if you live life like there is no tomorrow, that you miss out on what is the BIGGER picture.
I have no desire to define that in detail why it SHOULD take precedence upon any human soul, I only know what I know......and I know I am not delusional.
If you think about it, people didn't even believe us capable of having cars not too long ago....of traveling to the moon, let alone shooting rockets at the moon to find water.
I'm young, and it was in my lifetime that having more than one TV (black and white) in the household was considered being rich....and than along comes the cordless phone, the cell, the computer and all of its endless elements now present in the common household.
Time will take man places untold.
That's my point.
We evolved. We continue to evolve.
At what price I ask? Should it not be obvious that we are at stake of destruction as the human race is known to be?
Are we going to evolve with our intelligence that takes us to another dimension where we are living under the sea and past Pluto?
I plainly see this to be what it just is......intelligent design.
I see no "reason" in defining it in its entirety. I only see purpose.
The logic is in being in touch with truth. The truth comes from within. Within is an entirely different defintion altogether.


Active Member
Ya thats a good theary, Ill tell you what. You go get the most dynamite or explosive you can get and then blow it up. If the explosion results in a timex watch then I will agree there is no God and that life in all its complexity was made by a big friggin bang.
If that explosion resulted in a watch I would believe in "god" no scientific theory do they mention solid complex things like watches being created from explosions. The big bang "theory" (which is fact by the way whether or not "god" exists) basically says everything already existed, just smaller than an atom. The explosion merely dispersed these building blocks throughout our known universe and the laws of physics took over. Billions of years later here we are, no almighty creator. Leading scientist believe this and some still believe in "god", but they also know that even if "god" exists the world as we know it was not created in 7 days, nor was man kind created in a poof of magical miracleness. I find it completely hilarious the believers still deny scientific facts like evolution, but I can understand why they choose not to believe in science; Ignorance is bliss.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think you and I are a good example that not everyone arrives at the same conclusion when presented with the same story. What I believe isn't necessarily what others believe,but I know what I think makes sense.And I like to have tangible evidence.So when I look at the universe that I can personally observe,nothing jumps out as "intelligent design" to me. And even if I'm wrong,I can't see myself worshiping a creator who demands undying loyalty when he has shown no concern for his creations,who will condemn those creations he supposedly loves as children to eternal punishment for meaningless infractions and major crimes without discrimination,telling us in one breath we have free will and then smiting us for exercising it.
I have no need for such a diety,and by his inaction and indifference if he does exist,he has proven himself to be either A.fallible and not omnipotent or B.Omnipotent, but cruel. That's my take, the "truth" I feel from within. In the matter of faith, truth is subjective.
Yes, all things are possible.But are they probable? Nobody will know for sure until we see it for ourselves.Or not.:peace:

I don't think that you and I were presented with the same story.
See Stoney, the "story" I was presented with came from the soul.
Thinking back, I am not really sure I even gave any real signigicant belief in God in my youth.
It was when I was 16 and lifeguarding at a pool (that was never even in need of a life guard) that I dared to TEST God......and He gave me more than ample proof of His existence.
I received the tangible evidence, make no mistake about that.
The words "intelligent design" don't appeal to me at all either........that's science, undefined of course.
I don't see God as being the slightest bit unconcerned for his creations.
The free will given us all is just do with whatever we see fit.
I only see the world as being allowed to exist "as is" with supreme reason........the most important being His need to have us love Him wholeheartedly, with reason.
If the world had been created for "perfection" as man deems perfect, we would be nothing more than genetically inclined choice, no reason.


Active Member
If that explosion resulted in a watch I would believe in "god" no scientific theory do they mention solid complex things like watches being created from explosions. The big bang "theory" (which is fact by the way whether or not "god" exists) basically says everything already existed, just smaller than an atom. The explosion merely dispersed these building blocks throughout our known universe and the laws of physics took over. Billions of years later here we are, no almighty creator. Leading scientist believe this and some still believe in "god", but they also know that even if "god" exists the world as we know it was not created in 7 days, nor was man kind created in a poof of magical miracleness. I find it completely hilarious the believers still deny scientific facts like evolution, but I can understand why they choose not to believe in science; Ignorance is bliss.

You are very intelligent but you are not very wise.


Active Member
A simple reason to at least try and believe in God is that without a God your life has no purpose or meaning. Your uniqness means nothing. And even an intelligent man such as yourself would admit that he is not 100% sure of Gods existence or non existence. So if your as smart as I think you are you will ask Jesus to forgive you for your beliefs and that you will keep on believeing in what you want. Then maybe God will show Himself to you in sum way. Peace out dude .




A simple reason to at least try and believe in God is that without a God your life has no purpose or meaning. Your uniqness means nothing. And even an intelligent man such as yourself would admit that he is not 100% sure of Gods existence or non existence. So if your as smart as I think you are you will ask Jesus to forgive you for your beliefs and that you will keep on believeing in what you want. Then maybe God will show Himself to you in sum way. Peace out dude .

First, there is no such thing as "trying to believe"... please explain to me how one would "try to believe" in anything exactly. You either believe or you don't. There is no choice at all in the equation. Whether I believe gravity exists or not, I'll still fall to my death if I decide to walk off a building. The evidence is there, regarding God, gods, or any of the religions ever presented to mankind via mankinds ancient imagination (except for Scientology of course!), which is, the absense of any. I have nothing to examine to determine the validity of any such things. None. How could I possibly make a choice to believe, even if beliefs were based on choices to begin with... which they aren't?...

That's the thing you guys don't get. I'm not actively choosing not to believe in a God, I simply have not seen enough evidence for my mind to make up it's own decision whether or not it accepts these ideas as actual truth of reality or just some other imaginary idea... No different than Santa Claus, no different than the Easter Bunny... no different than Thor, or Zeus. You can at least understand that much right? Think about all the other gods you don't believe in.. then apply your own personal reasoning and logic behind why you do not accept them as real to the God you do. That is the reasoning of an atheist.

I certainly beg to differ with your statement that without God there is no purpose or meaning. Meaning and purpose are both subjective. You have your own purpose, you make your own meaning. Your purpose is not the same as my purpose as we are not the same individual. That is perfectly acceptable. Religion tries to tell everyone that they all have the same meaning and purpose. I find something disturbing about that. The robot, follower mentality is disturbing.

Life becomes much more enjoyable and beautiful looking through an atheists eyes, I can assure you. :weed:

Here's some eye candy for my atheist friends!

Did dinosaurs live with human beings? - as asked by a creationist (or the best Poe *thanks Morgen* I've ever seen in my life!)

Also, Babs, Miui... this is what religion does to someones mind;



Active Member
First, there is no such thing as "trying to believe"... please explain to me how one would "try to believe" in anything exactly. You either believe or you don't. There is no choice at all in the equation. Whether I believe gravity exists or not, I'll still fall to my death if I decide to walk off a building. The evidence is there, regarding God, gods, or any of the religions ever presented to mankind via mankinds ancient imagination (except for Scientology of course!), which is, the absense of any. I have nothing to examine to determine the validity of any such things. None. How could I possibly make a choice to believe, even if beliefs were based on choices to begin with... which they aren't?...

That's the thing you guys don't get. I'm not actively choosing not to believe in a God, I simply have not seen enough evidence for my mind to make up it's own decision whether or not it accepts these ideas as actual truth of reality or just some other imaginary idea... No different than Santa Claus, no different than the Easter Bunny... no different than Thor, or Zeus. You can at least understand that much right? Think about all the other gods you don't believe in.. then apply your own personal reasoning and logic behind why you do not accept them as real to the God you do. That is the reasoning of an atheist.

I certainly beg to differ with your statement that without God there is no purpose or meaning. Meaning and purpose are both subjective. You have your own purpose, you make your own meaning. Your purpose is not the same as my purpose as we are not the same individual. That is perfectly acceptable. Religion tries to tell everyone that they all have the same meaning and purpose. I find something disturbing about that. The robot, follower mentality is disturbing.

Life becomes much more enjoyable and beautiful looking through an atheists eyes, I can assure you. :weed:

Here's some eye candy for my atheist friends!

Did dinosaurs live with human beings? - as asked by a creationist (or the best Poe *thanks Morgen* I've ever seen in my life!)

Also, Babs, Miui... this is what religion does to someones mind;


Well Dinosaurs existed before humans were created. Im not a preacher so Im not trying to convince you. I just wish every 1 would cover their bases just in case Hell is a real place which unfortanately if God exist some kinda hell has to be real. Like I said you can believe what you want but just dont start putting down religion(which Im against) like sum atheiest and leave the word God in the constitution and other things which are part of our history. Believe it or not most Christians just want to help you they arent trying to turn you into a religious robot. lol By the way how did ya like my plant ?? Pretty friggin awesome. God created that 2. heeeeeeeeeee


Well-Known Member
"Believe it or not most Christians just want to help you they arent trying to turn you into a religious robot."

Public policy is affected, all our lives are affected, laws are in place which prey on those who defy morals which came from fucking cristians "morals" or "whatever".



Active Member
A simple reason to at least try and believe in God is that without a God your life has no purpose or meaning. Your uniqness means nothing. And even an intelligent man such as yourself would admit that he is not 100% sure of Gods existence or non existence. So if your as smart as I think you are you will ask Jesus to forgive you for your beliefs and that you will keep on believeing in what you want. Then maybe God will show Himself to you in sum way. Peace out dude .
I believed in "god" when I was a kid just as much I did the Easter Bunny and Santa, Like many other youth I started to question gods existence during my teen years. From my understanding near death experiences bring you closer to "god" and even make believers out of non believers. Yet when I died for the first time in my life for two minutes, I saw no light got no message from any one or anything. In fact its almost completely impossible for me to explain what it was like to die. All I can tell you that it is non existence, you feel nothing no pain, no torture, no happiness, no bliss. You think nothing, you see nothing, you hear and taste nothing. This experience completely confirmed for me that there is no afterlife and when its done its done. I was not revived due to some miracle of "god", but I was by a nice doctor in my local hospital. I believe that there really is no true purpose for the existence of life, It's just a result of chemical reactions in our universe, reactions that can and have been recreated here on earth. I am content with having no purpose here, it makes me feel more at peace with the world, and this lets me live my life the way I want. I don't have to follow society along any of the narrow paths it has created, I can make my own. The future of my life is mine and it isn't laid out already by some "god". I am not one who says people shouldn't believe in "god", because I know not everyone can understand or comprehend what I know and believe. I think many people should keep believing because it gives them the peace they deserve in life, and helps comfort them in bad times and when it's time to die. I say there is no purpose or reason for life to exist, but that doesn't make it meaningless, life is what you make of it and nothing more. So if you live your life the way you want, then your life did mean something, to you and those who loved you.


Well-Known Member
Well to me atheism means you dont believe in God, hey it doesnt bother me what you believe, you probably believe in the Big Bang theory also. Ya thats a good theary, Ill tell you what. You go get the most dynamite or explosive you can get and then blow it up. If the explosion results in a timex watch then I will agree there is no God and that life in all its complexity was made by a big friggin bang. No it doesnt bother me if there are stupid people on the earth either . They can believe or NOT believe anything they want.
Wow, that was so stupid you're either making a joke or have no education.


Well-Known Member
So what is this special purpose or meaning?

Here's some things to consider:

How many diseases have been cured by religion?
How many people has religion put on the moon?
What technological advances has religion provided that allow you to sit at your computer and say that there is no meaning without God, instead of scrabbling around in a field looking for grubs and berries?
Apparently someone else felt there was purpose in learning something about the world and improving the plight of people instead of looking at scripture and saying "Here's all the answers."

Life is for living. If you need a god or scripture to make it worth something, you're not doing it right.

A simple reason to at least try and believe in God is that without a God your life has no purpose or meaning. Your uniqness means nothing. And even an intelligent man such as yourself would admit that he is not 100% sure of Gods existence or non existence. So if your as smart as I think you are you will ask Jesus to forgive you for your beliefs and that you will keep on believeing in what you want. Then maybe God will show Himself to you in sum way. Peace out dude .


New Member
Well, I gotta give credit where credit is due..... only in North Carolina do they still insist on having a book burning WITH a BBQ dinner. Classic stuff!! :lol: A social event!!


Well-Known Member
The next time someone says "Nobody REALLY believes in angels..."

It's cute how for 2000 years each generation has expected Jesus to come for them in their lifetime.
100 generations later, and they're still sucking it up.

If anyone has the link to the survey on rapture belief I'd like to see it. There's an inordinate amount of crap to search through looking for rapture stuff on Google.
If I remember correctly 40% of americans expect the rapture to occur within the next few years and are looking forward to it.
Imagine 40% of your neighbors wishing death and destruction on many of the people they know just so they can snuggle up to Jesus. Assholes.

Ipsos also had a poll a few years ago where a significant number of people believed that Jesus was coming in 2007. He didn't.
So check again. Oh he's certainly coming in 2008. Oh damn, wrong again.
Well, we're positive he's coming in 2009! That's great folks. You've only got two more months to be shown once again, that your beliefs are ridiculous and unreasonable. Patently more so than the generational believers, even.

Though when two ideas are irrational, is one *more* irrational than the other?


New Member
Jesus gave every indication that he would return soon. One of the reasons why the whole thing fell apart after he died (if he ever existed at all that is).... All of the Apostles thought it would happen in their lifetimes... wrong wrong wrong.... and still wrong.