When does the pollen sacks form into seeds?


Well-Known Member
Ok my male plant i have growing has about 1000 pollen sacks on it and none of the sacks has formed into seeds yet and i was wondering when will the seeds start forming? i live in Canada so its getting a bit chilly here at night we already had about 4 nights of frost........And another question i have that iam not quite sure on either is that can a male plant produce female seeds as well as it can male seeds?


Well-Known Member
a male plant does not produce seeds it pollenates the female and the female plant makes seeds AFTER it has pollen on the female pistils.


Well-Known Member
males don't form the seeds they only produce pollen to impregnate the female, unless you have one around with some bud on it or the plant is a hermaphrodite your just about out of luck.


Active Member
a male plant does not produce seeds it pollenates the female and the female plant makes seeds AFTER it has pollen on the female pistils.
Yeah, so if all you have there is one male your out of luck. At best you can dry it and smoke it...just be prepared to smoke a lot to get high.

Male + Female = Baby


Well-Known Member
Yeah, so if all you have there is one male your out of luck. At best you can dry it and smoke it...just be prepared to smoke a lot to get high.

how do you dry amd smoke a male if they dont have bud??? all they have is stems and leaves. can you smoke the pollen sacs or something cause ive never heard of that.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Yeah, so if all you have there is one male your out of luck. At best you can dry it and smoke it...just be prepared to smoke a lot to get high.

how do you dry amd smoke a male if they dont have bud??? all they have is stems and leaves. can you smoke the pollen sacs or something cause ive never heard of that.
you won't get high on the male. it's a useless plant unless you need it for re-production.


Active Member
you won't get high on the male. it's a useless plant unless you need it for re-production.
You can get high by smoking dried male leaves, if you've ever done it then you know this is true. The high is nowhere near as good, shorter lived, and you need to smoke a lot more than usual. Also tastes like shit but you can get high. Desperation has led me to this discovery... took 3 big bows of leaves but I got high.


Well-Known Member
420swed is a phoney. If you look up his other posts hes giving advice to people growing and in one he is able to identify from a photograph that a plant is male. If he has been on this site for as long as his profile says he has and made all those posts, youd think hed know that male plants produce pollen and female plants produce seeds when pollenated. Either its more than one person using that account or something stinks in denmark.


Active Member
420swed is a phoney. If you look up his other posts hes giving advice to people growing and in one he is able to identify from a photograph that a plant is male. If he has been on this site for as long as his profile says he has and made all those posts, youd think hed know that male plants produce pollen and female plants produce seeds when pollenated. Either its more than one person using that account or something stinks in denmark.
That is a pretty dumbshit question...


Well-Known Member
420swed is a phoney. If you look up his other posts hes giving advice to people growing and in one he is able to identify from a photograph that a plant is male. If he has been on this site for as long as his profile says he has and made all those posts, youd think hed know that male plants produce pollen and female plants produce seeds when pollenated. Either its more than one person using that account or something stinks in denmark.
First of all i do know the difference between what a male plant looks like then a female plant its not to hard to realize unless your a complete noob but anyway i didn't grow out a male plant to the extend where you see over 1000 pollen sacks i usually pull the males as soon as i see the first 2 sacks but this year about the middle of August somebody stole 4 of my female plants that were already budding at the time and all my other plants that didn't show there sex they left them there so that morning i went back to my plants and i seen 4 of my plants cut right from the bottom of there stock so then i had to dig up the rest of my plants(8 left) and move them to a different location and the first thing i thought of was taking the 7 plants that i could see pistils on and bring them to a different spot and i left the one plant in my old spot that hasn't showed any sex then about a week later i start seeing balls from that 1 plant I left and my other location was far enough away from the male so it wouldn't pollinate my ladies so i just let it grow and i was hopping to get some NL seeds from it but i guess thats not possible. I never knew people could be so braindead(greensister) for asking such a simple question.



Well-Known Member
Im not one for arguing online but your statements did not address the very core issue. If you know so much, how could you know so little? You can call me a noob or whatever you wish to make yourself seem experienced enough to defend your lack of knowledge, but i know im not the only one who sees thru it. I may not have been growing for years and years, but i do know the basics, it would seem more than you do.


Well-Known Member
Im not one for arguing online but your statements did not address the very core issue. If you know so much, how could you know so little?
Because i wasn't very concerned on researching on male plants.

You can call me a noob or whatever you wish to make yourself seem experienced enough to defend your lack of knowledge, but i know im not the only one who sees thru it. I may not have been growing for years and years, but i do know the basics, it would seem more than you do.
If you think you have more knowledge of growing weed then i do lets sees some pics.


Well-Known Member
"First of all i do know the difference between what a male plant looks like then a female plant its not to hard to realize unless your a complete noob but anyway ...."

Read the words that i post in the order they appear and then you will be able to give an appropriate answer. I didnt say anything about not being able to identify the visual differences between a male and a female plant. I pointed out that you dont know what their roles are in nature, and yet i see so many posts where you are giving advice to people. Its like a dentist not knowing about floss and telling people how to take care of their teeth. There is nothing worse than someone who doesnt know what they are talking about spreading disinformation and for the people who hear it to believe it as fact.

"If you think you have more knowledge of growing weed then i do lets sees some pics. "

Do a search. I have several posts with pics and result reports.

"Because i wasn't very concerned on researching on male plants."

And you see where that got you. What else dont know you that you dont know? Do you even ask that question of yourself?


Well-Known Member
"First of all i do know the difference between what a male plant looks like then a female plant its not to hard to realize unless your a complete noob but anyway ...."

Read the words that i post in the order they appear and then you will be able to give an appropriate answer. I didnt say anything about not being able to identify the visual differences between a male and a female plant. I pointed out that you dont know what their roles are in nature, and yet i see so many posts where you are giving advice to people. Its like a dentist not knowing about floss and telling people how to take care of their teeth. There is nothing worse than someone who doesnt know what they are talking about spreading disinformation and for the people who hear it to believe it as fact.

"If you think you have more knowledge of growing weed then i do lets sees some pics. "

Do a search. I have several posts with pics and result reports.

"Because i wasn't very concerned on researching on male plants."

And you see where that got you. What else dont know you that you dont know? Do you even ask that question of yourself?
I don't understand why you think what you have to say to me really matters. Because by trying to say that I "spreading disinformation and for the people who hear it to believe it as fact" . Because from my experience of growing weed plants has proving to me this year by me growing 8' plants. so everything that i give advice on is from my own experience and from all the research i have already done through the 2 years of being a member on rollitup.

"If he has been on this site for as long as his profile says he has and made all those posts"

And If you were still wondering about all my posts and threads i have posted then you might clue in and realize more then 3/4 of the posts were to do with learning about different techniques on growing.


Well-Known Member
what a pissing contest this has turned into.
males do not produce seeds, pollinate a female to produce seeds.
also, search bar. that is all.


Well-Known Member
what a pissing contest this has turned into.
males do not produce seeds, pollinate a female to produce seeds.
also, search bar. that is all.
That was the simple answer i was looking for in the first place but some people just have to TRY and be smart about it.