1st grow. 250w HPS


Active Member
No foxfarm? seems to be the safe nute to go buy from the general concensus of things, but I think your on the right path with this canna stuff. Me perosnally I'm an organic guy but I was reading some story in High Times and this guy had amazing dank looking grape ape with that stuff. How bout you guys flower with before if so how was your harvest? if not what did you switch from and why? My growing friend likes the Humboldt line I think she uses flavor fulv or something like that. here is a link on the azomite thing I was talked about in a previous post. I use it in my super soil which I'll introduce when I flower but till then I use it in a watering mix( every other watering from a gallon of purified water which has 2tspoons of azomite in it). Its not just for us organies lol read up on it a lil if you need to its good stuff. Now I don't work for these guys so if buy it from wherever you see fit but this link has a lil info on it besides just selling it. Anyways keep doing your things guys everytime I sign in I look forward to your thread. Keep getting high :joint:and getting bye its ruff out there peace:peace:


oh yeah I've got to rummage through some stuff to find which HT issue it was with the guy using the canna but when I do I'll post peace

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
sorry jester didnt mean to get ya in trouble. just thought id put up some interesting pics as i aint got bud porn yet. there still young lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha jesta your trainers must taste lovely man your always putting them in your mouth!

wont be long lgp you'll be brimming with porno