CLONING and cloning clones???


Active Member
im wondering if cloning the mother plant then cloning that clone and cloning the clone's , clone looses yield and thc after doing it a while?


Well-Known Member
nope, have had a few moms that have been handed down as clones and been subsequently recloned and used to spawn further generations...I know a few people that have very unique, old school genetics that have been kept alive by cloning for 10+ years. I put my moms outdoors every season to veg and flower under the sun, taking clones to replace them during veg and they always turn out just like I remember.



Active Member
nope, have had a few moms that have been handed down as clones and been subsequently recloned and used to spawn further generations...I know a few people that have very unique, old school genetics that have been kept alive by cloning for 10+ years. I put my moms outdoors every season to veg and flower under the sun, taking clones to replace them during veg and they always turn out just like I remember.

hell yeah, that'll work cuz im'a try to flower my WW and clone it and keep on doing the same, thank you bro:weed: