Is it possible


Active Member
To use a 1000watt hps bulb on a 600 watt ballast? I understand the bulb life will depreciate like crazy but would it work. Im hurtin on funds and dont wana spend the xtra 100 bucks for an 600watt hps bulb. Yet I still have a 1000 hps bulb from my last grow. Would it work?


Well-Known Member
NO! You can use a 600 watt bulb on a 1000 watt ballast, but you can't run a higher rated bulb than the ballast. What will end up happening is that it will initially turn on, but after a few minutes the bulb will start pulling too many amperes once the sodium gets hot enough, either the ballast will overheat and burn up, or it will trip its breaker. Repeated cycles of this will burn up that bulb pretty quickly too.


Well-Known Member
NO! You can use a 600 watt bulb on a 1000 watt ballast, but you can't run a higher rated bulb than the ballast. What will end up happening is that it will initially turn on, but after a few minutes the bulb will start pulling too many amperes once the sodium gets hot enough, either the ballast will overheat and burn up, or it will trip its breaker. Repeated cycles of this will burn up that bulb pretty quickly too.
True Dat! Done it.


Active Member
Thx alot guys! Well shit looks like ill be commin outa pocket before the switch to flower, Anyone ever ran 3 600's and put the 2 outside hoods on HPS and the center hood MH? I mean your kinda blending spectrums I guess, or should I just run all HPS for flower


Well-Known Member
nope, itll burn up the ballast, and wear out the breaker from all the nuiscance tripping... prolly kill the lamp too nodrama said it too


Active Member
Thank you newbie, next time Ill take into consideration how YOU would like me to post my threads. Being that you are NEW you may find that sometimes its hard to get people to post on your threads therefore, being mysterious sometimes helps to get people to post. Welcome to roll it up


Thank you newbie, next time Ill take into consideration how YOU would like me to post my threads. Being that you are NEW you may find that sometimes its hard to get people to post on your threads therefore, being mysterious sometimes helps to get people to post. Welcome to roll it up

I'm sorry that you obviously took offense to what I thought was a fair criticism. I may be a newbie on this forum, but I fail to see what that has to do with YOUR inability to post a thread with a meaningful title. Doing so only increases the quality of the forum as a whole, as you don't need to drill down to figure out the topic of YOUR post.

I didn't realize being intentionally vague was a strategy in invoking responses here on roll it up, my mistake.


Active Member
Its cool man, sorry for ripping you a bit. In all honesty sometimes leaving the title like that sparks curiousity in the members of this site ultimately making them want to read the post. The longer you are on this site you may post threads yourself and get no responses therefore you may see my point when that happens. Wasnt really trying to be a dick just been on this site awhile now and nobody else has ever had a problem with the way I post. So. hearing that from a new member wasnt really what I was looking for. And if you would have ATLEAST replied to my post in a positive way I probably wouldnt have taken it as offensive. Its just like you posted just to give me shit yet gave no valuable info on what I was asking. Just my .02 cents

gcvt420- I prefer only ushio or hortilux bulbs and unless there used I can not find one for MUCH cheaper than 100 bucks


Well-Known Member
You can mix MH with HPS, but overall yield will probably be better with all HPS. HPS gives off quite a bit more lumens than MH.

I just purchased a new 600W Hortilux HPS bulb for $60 last week, so they are available for under $100.


I didn't mean to be a dick. I apologize.

Guess I could have really been more constructive and also been more careful about how isay things when grumpy. Anyway, I have been pretty happy with if you decide to grab a different bulb. Also (not sure if it's a wise idea) I saw someone else mention inexpensive ballasts from

Things you probably already saw. :). But maybe helpful if not.


Active Member
Thanks keenan, I got 3 lumatek 600's just only have 1 hps bulb and 3 MH's. No worries on the previous post we all have our days including myself and today was one of em hahaha. Welcome to roll it up though, its a good site. Have a good night brotha

NoDrama- can you send the link? My only issue with online is what happens when its deffective? It has happened before, thats why I shop local and support our local community business. It sucks because you pay more, but if something goes wrong its replaced same day at no expense. So there for I can not get a bulb for under $100. But send me that link and Ill check it out, money is tight so I may take another chance on an online site


New Member
Thanks keenan, I got 3 lumatek 600's just only have 1 hps bulb and 3 MH's. No worries on the previous post we all have our days including myself and today was one of em hahaha. Welcome to roll it up though, its a good site. Have a good night brotha

NoDrama- can you send the link? My only issue with online is what happens when its deffective? It has happened before, thats why I shop local and support our local community business. It sucks because you pay more, but if something goes wrong its replaced same day at no expense. So there for I can not get a bulb for under $100. But send me that link and Ill check it out, money is tight so I may take another chance on an online site
post some pics if you have any.



Active Member
Ill post some pics tonight, I have a grow journal too but cant figure out how to post the link. Its a medical grow, between me and my 2 roommates. All have proper perscriptions and are abiding by all state and county laws. (just thought Id throw that out there ; )


New Member
Ill post some pics tonight, I have a grow journal too but cant figure out how to post the link. Its a medical grow, between me and my 2 roommates. All have proper perscriptions and are abiding by all state and county laws. (just thought Id throw that out there ; )
no proof of your grow but all you do on this site is bash people.
i looked at your profile page and posts and answers and you have brought 0% info to the site but you start ripping on me asking why i am here on R.I.U.
(what a joke :lol:),



Active Member
hahaha what do you want me to do LUDA go in the grow room right now and turn the lights on!!! YOUR A DEUCHE MAN GET THE FUCK OFF MY POSTS. You obviously dont know shit about growing if you expect me to go into my grow room and turn the lights on while in there dark period. Aw you poor baby must still be upset about me bashing your idiot post awhile back. GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND MOVE ON MAN. AND I HAVE A FUCKIN GROW JOURNAL YOU DEUCHE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GO INTO THE GROW JOURNAL SECTION AND SEARCH FOR THE ONE BY SUPERDAVE! IS IT THAT HARD YOU FUCKIN RETARD