to be honest, we've been on the way to insolvency for quite some time and there hasn't been an honest politician in the white house for as long as i can remember. brak has merely made his predecessors look responsible by comparison. he has preyed on the guilt and greed of the masses to reach his present position and continues to do so, perhaps thinking that he is still in the midst of campaigning or maybe taking a page from the playbooks of past socialist leaders. actively vilifying media that opposes his agenda, compiling enemies lists and undertaking the most massive public takeover of industry in the nation's history all seem eerily reminiscent of stalin, mao, castro and a slew of petty dictators, including a few tyrants from our own past. he is the chavez of north america, but here he has a more rebellious public to deal with.obama accomplishments:
1. lied to the American people
2. bankrupted the country
accusations of rigged elections ring hollow in the world of politics, where only the most devious survive. our leaders have been deceiving us for decades and using any tricks they can to increase their own political worth. they surround themselves with sycophants and like minded lackeys, so that the dirty work can be done while their hands remain relatively clean. while i doubt that they have seen themselves as destructive agents, each new crop of political animals has done its part in bringing us to the sorry state we are in today. they have all played on our fears and hopes, trying to bring this country's future in line with their own visions and, with each change of the guard, doing a bit more damage, straying a bit farther from the intent of this nation's founders.3. rigged the election
4. put commies n terrorists in power
5. ruined America
but this is the mindset of the liberal establishment, all rights flow from the hand of government and the future of the nation is the sole responsibility of that government. they discount the role of the common citizen for anything more than supplying them with the necessary votes and see the population as their atm. they seem to consider themselves the only ones equipped to deal with the fate of the nation and the taxpayers as children in need of guidance. who can blame them for such a view when so many are crying out for government assistance and demanding that these few right the wrongs of society? until the people start acting like adults we can expect to be treated like children. those of us that are willing to take responsibility for our own actions will just have to put up with the puling mob and their power hungry keepers, we'll just have to keep footing the bill for those who aren't willing to endure the pains of adulthood.But this administration has gone off the deep end..... pedal to the metal debt.
but this is the mindset of the liberal establishment, all rights flow from the hand of government and the future of the nation is the sole responsibility of that government. they discount the role of the common citizen for anything more than supplying them with the necessary votes and see the population as their atm. they seem to consider themselves the only ones equipped to deal with the fate of the nation and the taxpayers as children in need of guidance. who can blame them for such a view when so many are crying out for government assistance and demanding that these few right the wrongs of society? until the people start acting like adults we can expect to be treated like children. those of us that are willing to take responsibility for our own actions will just have to put up with the puling mob and their power hungry keepers, we'll just have to keep footing the bill for those who aren't willing to endure the pains of adulthood.![]()
lol. isn't that the truth.
You are a victim of fear mongering.
"he is attacking capitalism"
"he is killing america"
too funny boys, too funny.![]()
What the fuck is your point!Great insightful post.
Oh a lighter note:
Was she competent?
I'm sorry I don't scare and cry at every little change. I'm a rational adult, I don't live my life in extremes like some of the members here (ie: CrackerJax: "He didn't wear a pin on his jacket, he must be the devil!").Ha, laugh now, just wait. Live in your happy Obama world while it lasts.
My point was that was the other option. would you be happy with that instead? dddddduuuuurrrrrr.What the fuck is your point!
america is dying and the likes of brak, pelosi and the other leaders of the democratic party are among the ones choking the life out of it. capitalism, the private ownership of labor and the means of production, is a cornerstone of the liberty we enjoy. the redistribution of wealth in a capitalistic society is accomplished not by governmental edict, but by the failure of established businesses and their replacement by newer, more competitive models. the bailouts, instituted under the bush administration and overseen by a predominantly democratic congress, have taken that necessary, if painful, step out of the hands of the people and a free market and placed it in those of bureaucrats and political animals. they have consolidated the power of those industries and handed the reins of that power to those beholden to our would-be masters. obama and his cronies have gone on to further cripple the nation's businesses by trying to institute harsh restrictions in the name of the hysteria over man-made global warming, an attempt to make us less competitive with unrestricted, lesser developed countries and redistribute wealth on a global scale. finally; they are now trying to demonize yet another industry, health insurance, with shoddy anecdotal evidence, in a power play to nationalize even more of the america's major businesses.You are a victim of fear mongering.
"he is attacking capitalism"
"he is killing america"
WRONG "Us People," were against tarp as well.I'm sorry I don't scare and cry at every little change. I'm a rational adult, I don't live my life in extremes like some of the members here (ie: CrackerJax: "He didn't wear a pin on his jacket, he must be the devil!").
Additionally, where did you get the idea that I'm an Obama supporter? I'm just trying to argue against crazy and sane arguments.
It's fine to not like Obama, just have a valid reason opposed to this crazy shit.
Government spending is a great example of a valid reason. However, where were you people when Bush was going crazy with money? Probably applauding Bush for completing a sentence.