The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Is that 6 1000w 10 600w or 15 400w lamps Bifta?
Boss I bet you got some good venterlation!!
Puts my single 400 to shame but its only for me lolololol


Well-Known Member
Is that 6 1000w 10 600w or 15 400w lamps Bifta?
Boss I bet you got some good venterlation!!
Puts my single 400 to shame but its only for me lolololol
12" carbon filter extractor + 10" inlet fan
and 4 X 10" fans for circulation
10 X 600 watts
plagron bat mix
plagron all mix
plagron alga grow/alga bloom
plagron green sensation
not cheep lol


Well-Known Member
someone needs to show me how too post a video instead of a link
if its youtube ya just get the embedded url from the video and to post ut on riu youl need to paste that embedded url in beetween this {youtube} {/youtube}

change { to [

it will look smothing like [youtube]...embedded url...[/youtube} = ]

it wont display if i write the whole sequence sorry. :-?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
if its youtube ya just get the embedded url from the video and to post ut on riu youl need to paste that embedded url in beetween this {youtube} {/youtube}

change { to [

it will look smothing like [youtube]...embedded url...[/youtube} = ]

it wont display if i write the whole sequence sorry. :-?
Mine always fk up :dunce:


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Which bit do you copy?
I uesed the bit in blue.
See I just get a blank screen.
Iv got it I copying the wrong link


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
your almost there all you need is the blue bit less >< after the "

that should then work maybe without the initial - too

...................................without the dots^^^^

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I got it to work with [youtube]-7NoOhmVMac[/]no dots lol

Hi mr west sorry for the take over kiss-assyou can blame willy

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah he dunt stop till he vomits lol. I didnt quite understand you total loss regarding ur mate that got lifted. Any news on him?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well he's out and hasn't been charged but i think that's cos they're waiting on test results to see what they found actually is. then they'll charge him. good news is they have no proof of any dealing activity so i think they'll have to do him for a shit load of percy. its all up in the air at the mo.

im helping him move house tomorrow.

mr west

Well-Known Member
guy i kno got cought with 7 full grown plants and an oz of speed and a bag with traces of coke on it and he only got like 150hrs cs and a hefty fine


Well-Known Member
your almost there all you need is the blue bit less >< after the "

that should then work maybe without the initial - too

...................................without the dots^^^^
now that was way easier to understand than my interpretation lol. :eyesmoke:

guy i kno got cought with 7 full grown plants and an oz of speed and a bag with traces of coke on it and he only got like 150hrs cs and a hefty fine
true, that just doesnt happen over hear they look for whatever they can fuck you over with it. you guys get all the cool shit this sux :(.

i got a 1200 dollar fine for four seedlings (i was a dumb shit though i couldnt be fucked ad just admitted it was cannabs and smartassly said ya never know it could be hemp):cuss:.. if anything i should have just said they were hemp to small to identify.. but ultimately i should have kept ma mouth shut PERIOD. but then again i didnt go to court either i just said i was working and went about my business as still paying those assholes back slowly but surely i got more important things to spend my money on. "like my medacine :mrgreen:" (which is becoming rediculously hard to find even for me these days it sux..)

but to bring the thread back to a more happy point
managed to get something decent today though durban poison X northern lights (or vice versa cant really member atm and im not really careing :eyesmoke:)

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
When a cop reads your rights to you, say "you dont understand and you want a solicitor before saying anythink else"
From that piont on anythink you do say they cant use because you dont understand you rights lol.