New to Growing


Active Member
Well peeps of RIU ,I missed yesterdays pics didn't get the chance to get up into the attic,as always heres some pics
On another note I got myself some more lights only two 25w 2700k CFL .I have some pics of them 12.50 each, I dropped 1 in the shop and it broke so i swapped it as you do and when I got home I wired up the lights onto 1 plug and only 1 of the fuckers work so i will have to change it tomorrow but that will be another 50w of light :mrgreen:
well tell me what you think of my ladies :mrgreen:



Active Member
looking good there luckydog82, will stay tuned.
Thanks del :peace:

I made one of the beer can reflectors that I seen on the DIY threads,not bad for my first attempt but they don,t really suit the type of bulb it is .I'll get 2 of the spirals but they only come as high as 20w,would it be worth it does anybody know ?:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Thanks del :peace:

I made one of the beer can reflectors that I seen on the DIY threads,not bad for my first attempt but they don,t really suit the type of bulb it is .I'll get 2 of the spirals but they only come as high as 20w,would it be worth it does anybody know ?:eyesmoke:
hey lucky,any extra light you can get will be worth it,i just wish you'd order a couple of 42 watters online tho,that way you'll have peace of mind knowing that your grow is gonna be everything you'd want it to be with out feeling disappointment over what it might running a shit ton of lights my dude,ALL ordered online


Active Member
hey lucky,any extra light you can get will be worth it,i just wish you'd order a couple of 42 watters online tho,that way you'll have peace of mind knowing that your grow is gonna be everything you'd want it to be with out feeling disappointment over what it might running a shit ton of lights my dude,ALL ordered online
thanks nikk but i have only seen 30w max on CFL's ,i lie in europe ,I've seen some 85w online from a local company but there are as big as my 200w,so i will see next week i might order 2 on 14.50 each :weed:


Active Member
thanks nikk but i have only seen 30w max on CFL's ,i lie in europe ,I've seen some 85w online from a local company but there are as big as my 200w,so i will see next week i might order 2 on 14.50 each :weed:
yeah man,that way you avoid disappointment,my very first grow i used only cfls,got a good amount but with all the stuff ive learned since then this time i KNOW im getting a better yield because i bought a 150 watt hps to go along with all my cfls:weed:


Active Member
yeah man,that way you avoid disappointment,my very first grow i used only cfls,got a good amount but with all the stuff ive learned since then this time i KNOW im getting a better yield because i bought a 150 watt hps to go along with all my cfls:weed:
how do you control the heat nikk,any pics of your set up:weed:
how much does the electricity cost you for a grow, roughly


Active Member
Put the new bulbs with the plants,I have to move the setup and move things around to position the lights better than what way i have them,and i have some cardboard that i'm going to use to close in the attic around the grow ,might help me to get away with it for a while longer.I starting to notice the smell when i get close to the plants mmm mmmm :weed:
well tell me what you think of the girls :leaf:



Well-Known Member
the girls are looking good, really short and bushy ,those enviros always do a great job at veg, i use them and a couple of 70 watt hps. hats off to you if you get away with your secret grow. always a hassle in lofts though when the temps drop.


Active Member
the girls are looking good, really short and bushy ,those enviros always do a great job at veg, i use them and a couple of 70 watt hps. hats off to you if you get away with your secret grow. always a hassle in lofts though when the temps drop.
Yeah thats one of my main worries on a cold night the attic can get very cold and i have the lights off at night but my mother is always cold and normally has the heating on so maybe the attic might stay that little bit warmer.Do you know whats the lowest the temps can drop to and not harm the plants.


Well-Known Member
i reckon if you go below 65 ish it could start stunting growth or mess with flowering, problem is most houses are insulated to stop heat being lost to the attic.also different strains can cope with different temps.


Active Member
i reckon if you go below 65 ish it could start stunting growth or mess with flowering, problem is most houses are insulated to stop heat being lost to the attic.also different strains can cope with different temps.
Well all i can do then is hope winter doesn't come too early lol


Well-Known Member
i had to use a fan heater, total frigging pain, got them in main house now so no probs, wonder if heat mats would help.


Active Member
i had to use a fan heater, total frigging pain, got them in main house now so no probs, wonder if heat mats would help.
Well i hope it doesn't get cold bcos i ain't putting a heater up there, its actually over my parents bedroom and i just about get away with the sound of the fan running .
I was lookin at your girls their lookin class :weed:,I don't think mine will get that big but i can always hope bongsmilie


Active Member
I'm high drunk and bored and thought i would put all the pics of the HS together:weed:
might do the other 2 if you's like it:joint::weed:



Well-Known Member
that plant is looking beautiful dude keep up the good work im doing the same thing just about in my cabinet grow in my sig. cheer and im scribed


Active Member
Well people this is day 24 of flowering ,the plants are getting very bushy i'm going to move things around to give me more room ,anyway tell me what you think folks :mrgreen:

