What to Hang?? help out

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
I think my question is pretty basic... the basics..

First of. Can i start trimming while the plant is still rooted?

What do you guys slice it down with? Last time it was reminiscent of a hack saw. there has to be smoother ways.

And finally...What do you hang for air dryin? I seen people hang up the whole effing plant upside down. I seen others snap almost every branch and fix that up to hang individually.

Does it matter? Would hanging the entire plant take longer to dry or get "crispy outer tips" while upside downe>?

also i plan on following this post by a RIU member..


I particularlylljhnbg like the paper bag method. Any more advice when to place into a paper bag? or to spread the buds evenly? or stack them. STACKING seems to throw me of.


Active Member
Thats also how I do it.. make sure they are in complete darkness or the thc in the buds will be slowly transformed into an other chemical with we do not like so much...
The pic's above are the one way to do it.. this has the advantage that when u take down your plants the leaves around the buds are not yet dried out an much easier to remove with scissors then when dry.. u also can more easily collect this thc rich leaves to make hash... the advantage of the other way (to hang the plant fully up side down) is that as long as the plant isn't fully dead... (hanging upside down this plant is not dead its merely dieing) while dying in a last hope it drains as much as it can from the leaves to enforce the buds... this is done by the plant because in nature a plant with has not been "visited" by male plants also produce buds.. when one male seed (can't recall correct term in english and to stoned to look it up u knw) gets to the bud it still can produce seeds.. The only purpose in the plant's life is to produce seeds for seedlings and thereby ensure existing, (with is main goal of all life btw)
i know for sure my cat likes to eat the leaves!! <- see how stoned I am...


Active Member
Also In general the longer the drying time better the taste... you also want to keep the buds out of spaces with have high humidity and you best have some air movement to shorten the dry period with no negative results.. Also last week before harvest: don't give any more additives in water, they'll taste less good.. Also last (or last 2) day(s) before harvest give no more water... Shortens the dry period also a bit

Best Regards


Active Member
There are allot of techniques who shorten the dry period but this will almost everytime result in Taste/quality loss and therefor I cannot stand for them...


Active Member
There are allot of techniques who shorten the dry period but this will almost everytime result in Taste/quality loss and therefor I cannot stand for them...
I deff agree with this guy im a very patient person when it comes to my buds i hang my whole plant upside down, two days later the leaves droop down then i cut for trimmings to make cannabutter which im making right now lol, then once they are slightly crispy on the outside i fill the paper bag about halfway to get that compressed kinda compact nug, every day i take the buds out and put them in a different order for a more even dry and to check for mold. during this step remember that there is still moisture on the inside of the buds that will come out so do not leave the bag closed until you feel the buds are dry enough inside then you can close the bag still make sure to check tho when closed. the buds will still be slightly moist in the middle at this point but the buds are fully ready to smoke. but if you want higher grade weed then curing is your best option. when you smoke those buds man all this time is worth while trust me

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
hey thanks dudes... kP2...sooo...the whole plant? those are trimmed whole plants you got hanging? is that 2nd pic purple?

thanks whateverone,, appreciate you.. already gave it its last watering last night. this weekend is chopping time. So friday its doing 50 hours is pure dark.

I only have the entire attic to dry. will surely be dark while they dry. located in chicago... its about a bitter 50 degrees outside nowadays.. Temperture up there reads 61 F when the lights are off ..think there will be a humidty problem? I don't have that kind of reader. nor any option.

the whole plant then.. upside down. except for the branches that are bound to break off, as i already see two hanging from a plant thread.


those purple!!!?

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
oh...and if going to be the whole plant....you guys use razors.
or like spring loaded scissors? cause these stems are as thick as double a batteries.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks dudes... kP2...sooo...the whole plant? those are trimmed whole plants you got hanging? is that 2nd pic purple?

thanks whateverone,, appreciate you.. already gave it its last watering last night. this weekend is chopping time. So friday its doing 50 hours is pure dark.

I only have the entire attic to dry. will surely be dark while they dry. located in chicago... its about a bitter 50 degrees outside nowadays.. Temperture up there reads 61 F when the lights are off ..think there will be a humidty problem? I don't have that kind of reader. nor any option.

the whole plant then.. upside down. except for the branches that are bound to break off, as i already see two hanging from a plant thread.


those purple!!!?
if you cut whole plants, hang on something so you can cut off the individual branches and hang them. easiest way is start from the bottom branch (the top as you look at it hanging), remove it, prune it, hang it in your drying area. getting rid of the main stalk/s reduces the chance of mold, and shortens your dry time by a few days. i use sewing shears to prune and chop, they are strong enough for thick stems, and precise enough to snip bud leaves.

and yep, those are purple :p


Active Member
theres alot of different ways to hang and dry there's really no wrong way freedomfighter the most important thing is that your in an attic so make sure that there is a good amount of air movement so put some fans in there i would hate to loose those huge ass buds to mold


Well-Known Member
I take off the fan leafs a day before harvest, then i cutt 'em, cure 'em, dry them slow, upside down (dont really know why) and pack 'em into glass jars so they marinade for a month or so (- the stuff I'll be smokin for that month):weed: