anyone smoked pineapple express?


Well-Known Member
ok bro I use the same how often do you fert and how much you give when you fert ?
Ok heres my method and its worked damn well so far; I wait for the leaves to droop a good bit (not wilting obviously but bending downwards), at this point I feed with one full solo cup of my Tigerbloom+Molasses mixture( 2tsp TigerBloom,1Tblsp Molasses per gallon).


Well-Known Member
Ok heres my method and its worked damn well so far; I wait for the leaves to droop a good bit (not wilting obviously but bending downwards), at this point I feed with one full solo cup of my Tigerbloom+Molasses mixture( 2tsp TigerBloom,1Tblsp Molasses per gallon).
how many watts are you giving them and how much are you getting per plant?


Well-Known Member
how many watts are you giving them and how much are you getting per plant?
I have the three of them tucked tight underneath a 125 watt 2700k CFL in a hood. The plants are in 5 gallon pots, sitting ontop of raised graits that sit over bins to collect drainage. This is my second grow, first indoor (18 y/o), but expect to get 4 ounces, harvesting some time before christmass.


Well-Known Member
I have the three of them tucked tight underneath a 125 watt 2700k CFL in a hood. The plants are in 5 gallon pots, sitting ontop of raised graits that sit over bins to collect drainage. This is my second grow, first indoor (18 y/o), but expect to get 4 ounces, harvesting some time before christmass.
Sorry I forgot to add theyre surrounded by 8 42 watt, 2700k cfl's


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting p express.....
but eventually decided getting reserva privada and dna strains ....

I havnt heard too many great things about g13 labs....
but im sure theyre quallity seeds...

Pinnaple ex sells for around 45 to 50 ....
Where fire og or louis Xii..... or la confedential is going for 60 .......

Pretty much in socal og is the highest rated ...
they have so may hybrids it nutso.....


bud bootlegger
just thought that i would chime in about g13lags.. i've never grown the pexpress, but i did grow out their diesel and super skunk strains, both freebies from the attitude.. and both where pretty badass.. i have to admit that i was a little unsure of g13labs when i started, but now that i have grown two of their strains, i would go back and buy more from them.. the diesel was exceptionaly good... great taste, and great high... an all out keeper in my books.. like i said though, never grow out any p. express, but if it is as good as their diesel and super skunk was than i would surely say go ahead and give it a try.


Well-Known Member
It was really it was a really good smoke
was it from g-13 labs Iwas going to get some but don,t know about g-13 labs or how good there beans are I was sent a free seed of pure gold from them but it sucked when planted it died in two weeks