What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??


Well-Known Member
I think we are witnessing the beginning of a collapsing government. None of them last forever. bongsmilie

Goverments come and go but the Nations/people remain.

I personally believe that all of this is caused by our inability to hold our courts and our public servants accountable.

"And Justice for all" ?? Nothing but a sales pitch in this day and age.


Well-Known Member
You can never pay off the Federal Debt, they never created the interest so it can never be paid back in full, all you can do is pay off the principal, but if you did that there would not be a single dollar for anyone to use anywhere in the world.

For the most part money is just a symbol on a piece of paper, unless you spend it on some asset its not worth anything.

Big P

Well-Known Member
all the selfish morons fools and hypocritic will sing this:

When it's over
That's the time I fall in love again
And when it's over
That's the time you're in my heart again
And it never ends

All the things that I used to say
All the words that got in the way
All the things that I used to know
Have gone out the window
All the things that she used to bring
All the songs she used to sing
All the favorite TV shows
Have gone out the window

I'm missing you
I never knew how much she'd loved me
I'm missing you
I never knew how much you meant to me
I need you and when you go go go go
I know, it never ends, never ends

but you can only sing that song when its truly over.

so I would say nothing will happen when it goes bankrupt except the people who have the money will move away to a better palce and leave her behind.

just like a slut ex g/f who is beggin for you to come back, but you aint never goin back:blsmoke:

if you make america in to a slut, no body is going to want her. nobody worth anything atleast,

i guess it would be time to prepare for the pimps, who wil become her only friend / enemy

I think you will most likly find me in canada or the bahamas

Big P

Well-Known Member
maybe so hastilly choosing an untested leader will teach us all a lesson and bring us back from the brink in the next election.

maybe it will also change the destructive route that the government has been on even before obama, it seems obamas is just speeding things up into hell.

this man does not care shit about us he only care for his party and its power

a leader that doesnt concern himself with the future is not actually a leader is he?


Well-Known Member
It reminds me of a picture i saw last year, it was a lady pushing a wheel barrel full of money. Not because she was rich, but because of hyper inflation. All that money in her wheel barrel was to buy 1 loaf of bread. 4 families chipped infor that bread. That could be the picture her one day. Yea they say we are one of the rich`s but its all smoke and mirrors. I dont like to be negative but things are going to change and when that change comes it will be a matter of survival of the fittest. Take a good look at everyone around. Next time you see them you maybe ready to rob or steal from them to feed your family. Dont tell me you wouldnt if your 6month old is dying in your arms. We need to these clowns out of the white house and get some real level headed people in there. I want to keep growin my buds damit love ya peace--


Elite Rolling Society
maybe so hastilly choosing an untested leader will teach us all a lesson and bring us back from the brink in the next election.

maybe it will also change the destructive route that the government has been on even before obama, it seems obamas is just speeding things up into hell.

this man does not care shit about us he only care for his party and its power

a leader that doesnt concern himself with the future is not actually a leader is he?

Yea, Maybe Jesus will come back!

all Obama cares about is taking care of the powers that got him elected.

Get ready for a ride!



New Member
Well people can only take but so much.
Gas prices back on the rise.
Home values still plummeting.
The only recourse would be an Uprise.

The way some people talk in this forum if a republican isnt elected
next round. A revolution is just around the Corner.
Are you Kidding? A repuke elected, What kind of shrooms are you eating. The conservative right has made damn sure they won't be elected any time soon.


Well-Known Member
I know some may think the dollar is plumeting.....
But at least we kicked canada's ass......and mexico.... the peso doesnt have shit on the dollar....


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's too late. If we continue on the current path we are screwed. I also doubt it will be like roadwarrior. Who knows what the future holds? Americans need to wake up and get involved so we can fix things before we arrive at the Thunderdome. :peace:


Well-Known Member

(Using my extra Texan accent)

That Russian don't know she-it.

Texas will be its own thing. Fuck all them other states!

(Back to normal self)

I honestly feel we would never allow Mexico to take us back over. No way in hell.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I know some may think the dollar is plumeting.....
But at least we kicked canada's ass......and mexico.... the peso doesnt have shit on the dollar....

thats like saying hey atleast my dick isnt 2 inches long like that poor fella's:bigjoint:

you seen how many euros the dollar is worth? as of today you can buy $1.50 worth of stuff with 1 Euro

atleast this means europeans can basically buy anything they want in america for super cheap

its gonna be nice when all the realestate owners in america are chinese and european.

all your landlords will be foreigners :bigjoint:

Big P

Well-Known Member
and guess what as of today the canadian dollar is just as powerful as the currency we once called "THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR"



Big P

Well-Known Member

(Using my extra Texan accent)

That Russian don't know she-it.

Texas will be its own thing. Fuck all them other states!

(Back to normal self)

I honestly feel we would never allow Mexico to take us back over. No way in hell.

for real, the main place left in america that still has that great american can do attitude is the south, and Ill be damn if they try to put somone of us in the european union

the south will rise again & again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe we should round up all the redicules liberal and send them to california and then unclamp the hinges and drop that state into the pacific ocean to become one self contained bankrupt island of corruption and government toilet. if you liked getting shited on you can just move there:bigjoint:

ill take the dea raids any day compared to the raids on my hard earned money to pay the lazy broke back mountain midgets and thier useless hords.


Well-Known Member
and guess what as of today the canadian dollar is just as powerful as the currency we once called "THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR"


YES!!! I love living on the border! I'll come and spend a few of my canadian bucks in your country.


Well-Known Member
and guess what as of today the canadian dollar is just as powerful as the currency we once called "THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR"


har har har blacks have bad credit. You are one funny guy.