can i roll harder?

yea i heard that can make you roll almost twice as hard but im not stickin nothin up my ass no matter how much it makes me roll

well you are smart by not taking more beans. thats how you will poison yourself. you wont roll harder by taking more. also, water is good but don't go overboard. that is equally bad in large amounts...

someone said it though... you have to wait a week or so so your tolerance level has gone down. then try rolling again. also, if you have the chance, I had a lot of fun mixing acid and xtc a few years back... (candy-flipping, trolling, etc.)
I assume If you like xtc then you have tried acid before...

btw, you have no idea of knowing what is in those beans... so potency is usually give or take, along with safety lol. so be careful... :weed:
well you are smart by not taking more beans. thats how you will poison yourself. you wont roll harder by taking more. also, water is good but don't go overboard. that is equally bad in large amounts...

someone said it though... you have to wait a week or so so your tolerance level has gone down. then try rolling again. also, if you have the chance, I had a lot of fun mixing acid and xtc a few years back... (candy-flipping, trolling, etc.)
I assume If you like xtc then you have tried acid before...

btw, you have no idea of knowing what is in those beans... so potency is usually give or take, along with safety lol. so be careful... :weed:

what do you mean i wont roll harder if i take more beans?
yea i think im gonna wait a couple weeks before i roll again.

yea ive heard alot about mixing beans and acid ive done both seperately but not together i would try it but there is NO acid going around here right now i havent seen any in about a year
next time put the pills in your ass and lay on your stomach for 20 min
ewwwwww, lol, but it does work according to the gay couple i work with. kinda shocked me, we were just talking bout x and wether its better to snort em or parachute em and all the sudden the guy smirks and says "wanna know what me and d tried a few weekendss ago?"
me-"not really, its probally something I dont wanna know."(he says lots of stuff thats kinda obscene and makes me uncomfortablefor its *shock value* that i dont wanna hear, wouldnt that be classified as male on male sexual harassment? im getting very tired of his crap.)him-"its not THAT bad, its kinda funny."
me-"fine, what did you and d do last weekend?"
and then he proceeded to tell me about how they got really wasted and wanted to try something *new* so they.....well, im sure you guys can figure out what he said next..
not dissing gay people in any way shape or form btw, im just saying hearing about that sort of graphic/obscene stuff makes me uncomfortable) :peace: