Flowering Pics & question about purple plant.


Active Member
Hey first time grower here. Its fall my plants are still outside and the highs are around 60 degrees sunshine/rain.

They were transplanted straight into the ground and were a lil shocked but still recovered.

One Plant turned completely purple, all of the buds did as well. there is still a shit load of crystal build up. I'm assuming it is because of the cold nights. Since all of the other one's are green. Oh well I have 6 plants and they are all around the same size and spaced out rather farm not including the one in the pot.

I took the pics while it was drizzling outside

Guestimates on yield??

In the pic with my hand...clean hand, you can see the towards the top left corner of the Pic of purple.

45 days into flowering.
Average plant is 2ft tall, they were planted verrry late.

Plants only get about 2-4 hours of DIRECT sunlight a day, and have been for the majority of the flowering.
they were on nutes but now im just letting the rain flush them out.



Active Member
Heres pics of my plant flowering day 53 its leaves are also turning purple due to cold weather, i havent used any nutes just water my harvest date is 5th november but im not sure if she will be ready what are your thoughts?



Active Member
Heres pics of my plant flowering day 53 its leaves are also turning purple due to cold weather, i havent used any nutes just water my harvest date is 5th november but im not sure if she will be ready what are your thoughts?
your plant looks healthy but coloring can indicate deficiency. But at this time you should be flushing them anyway. When is last time you added nutes?