first grow hydro

Hey, changed the nutes in my 2 bubbleponics res' yesterday. This afternoon the pH shot up to 7.5 and the roots look like ass fucks. The water is all foamy and generally it too looks like ass fucks. I'm not even going to mess around with it, I'm just gonna dump it and clean that res out real good. Should I give the roots a H2O2 bath while I change the water?
Also, my fill and drain lines for my ebb and flow. Will the water drain back down through the fill spout after the pump is shut off?
Also, also. I supercropped my plants yesterday, however I went lower than the top 6 inches. I also fimmed them. Am I going to stress the plants out by asking too much?
Also also also. All my clipping, plant waste, and leaves from the veg room. Can I save them and make hash or should I just pitch it?
Thanks guys.


New Member
I'd dump on redo like you. H2o2 ain't a bad idea. Hsrd to figure out what happened. For future reference, I use florakleen. I put it in the res a couple of hours before the res change and let it get the guck and salt build-ups out. Here's a link:

Yes the water returns to the res via the fill hole when the pump shuts off via gravity.

Don't think you would shock them. They spend a little time now spreading repair and grow nutes but that's a good thing.

Clipping at this stage is good for clones but not much else for the most part. Some strains have some power but it's a rough smoke. When you get closer to flower things get a little more valuable if they fall off the plant.


Well-Known Member
I'd dump on redo like you. H2o2 ain't a bad idea. Hsrd to figure out what happened. For future reference, I use florakleen. I put it in the res a couple of hours before the res change and let it get the guck and salt build-ups out. Here's a link:

Yes the water returns to the res via the fill hole when the pump shuts off via gravity.

Don't think you would shock them. They spend a little time now spreading repair and grow nutes but that's a good thing.

Clipping at this stage is good for clones but not much else for the most part. Some strains have some power but it's a rough smoke. When you get closer to flower things get a little more valuable if they fall off the plant.
good info bro.

hey guys I have a few pics . I made a little cfl thingyofamiggy for a little xtra sparkle in the room. 400w to be excast. 100w soft white x 4 in each room . they go in between the plants for side light and not have to worry about room and heat. and a little blue spectrum for them bitches. I got the whole system on an angle . also coverd the whole room with mylar intead of the top half of the room . I am looking to expand the room . move some things around in the other side of the basment . maybe get a storage bin 20 footer to store all my wifes shit in there and bored up the other side which is 12 by 35 feet:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::fire::fire:.

now you know where I'm going with this ..

I was going over filthy fletch's diy ebb and gro and and I am thinking 30 buckets . sog style 5 sets of 6 plants under 800 to 1000 wats undes each set os 6 plants . 2 weeks for each set . a totle of 10 weeks . 8 weeks with nutes and the lats set with it's own rez with just water in it for flushing. the last two weeks . I am starting to buy the stuff slowly. and by february assembaly should begin. here are some pics of te plants befor and after the sickness . and the little lights i made . one set for eac room . so now each room has 800w of light


Man, those plants looked nice, then it looked like that monkey from Outbreak got into your grow room and infected them. Thanks for the help, again, Mostly. I changed the water out and rinsed the roots from the base to the tips with pH adjusted water. There was so much filth in there. I replenished the res, and topped off my other two res's while I was at it. My mother plants had drank a gallon and a half in 4 days! I foliar fed them also and today, I looked in there and they are doing great. They have all grown on average 3 inches in the past two days, so I cannot wait to get this other tent put together.
Thanks also for the heads up on the physics lesson about water and gravity. My only problem now is that the end caps that I have are not the flush ones, that act more like caps. They are pointed ones that look like a pike, or a spade. Anyway, its a pain in my ass cause they leak more than Ann Drescher. I think I'm gonna pull them off and try and fine the flush ones. Where did you guys find yours?

And I don't know what that Ann Drescher thing was supposed to mean.


Well-Known Member
Man, those plants looked nice, then it looked like that monkey from Outbreak got into your grow room and infected them. Thanks for the help, again, Mostly. I changed the water out and rinsed the roots from the base to the tips with pH adjusted water. There was so much filth in there. I replenished the res, and topped off my other two res's while I was at it. My mother plants had drank a gallon and a half in 4 days! I foliar fed them also and today, I looked in there and they are doing great. They have all grown on average 3 inches in the past two days, so I cannot wait to get this other tent put together.
Thanks also for the heads up on the physics lesson about water and gravity. My only problem now is that the end caps that I have are not the flush ones, that act more like caps. They are pointed ones that look like a pike, or a spade. Anyway, its a pain in my ass cause they leak more than Ann Drescher. I think I'm gonna pull them off and try and fine the flush ones. Where did you guys find yours?

And I don't know what that Ann Drescher thing was supposed to mean.
I think you mean fran drecher


Well-Known Member
OK having flashback again! Not good ones! LOL!
omg. I did not just write OMG . but any way that shit was funny. back to plant growing . set up is going up tomorrow. will post pics . got a cam from my sister . alot better than mine.. clones are looking like they need foodnow that they have roots. little xtra touches to the room. and some lumens here and there from the cfls. and bam we might have somthing going here. let me know what you guys think:weed:


New Member
Well this time I'm ready to grow with you . . sort of! I tried germing my cracked seed in the spongepots supplied with the sannie jack seeds. That didn't go well. They hold too much moisture for my taste and the seeds just sort of died by drowning. I saved 6 out of 16 and put them in rock wool. I just put some replacement seeds in rw today and will get them to seedling stage and put in posts. Just a little experimental false start. I must say the ones that survived are about the size you would expect after a week in the lights. I did tip my tubes and backchecked to make sure all the water returns to the res. The 6 will have about a 10 days start on the newly popped seeds. Looks like I'll be hand feeding as a couple of them look like they are about 4 days away from 4 leaves and 1/4 nutes.


Well-Known Member
Well this time I'm ready to grow with you . . sort of! I tried germing my cracked seed in the spongepots supplied with the sannie jack seeds. That didn't go well. They hold too much moisture for my taste and the seeds just sort of died by drowning. I saved 6 out of 16 and put them in rock wool. I just put some replacement seeds in rw today and will get them to seedling stage and put in posts. Just a little experimental false start. I must say the ones that survived are about the size you would expect after a week in the lights. I did tip my tubes and backchecked to make sure all the water returns to the res. The 6 will have about a 10 days start on the newly popped seeds. Looks like I'll be hand feeding as a couple of them look like they are about 4 days away from 4 leaves and 1/4 nutes.
me and you are moving along at thas same pace . you'rs are from seeds and mine are from clones. , well lets go guys . . mc . kiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass. i have to see pics


Well-Known Member
well here are pics of the updated grow rooms . the clone station is sut down as you can see in the pics . I added the 4 100w cfls . I have the 400w hps shut off for the timebeing. couse I dont want the plants drying out when thet are too small . one clone alreadt did . so I am down to 18 clones 12 in flowering and 6 in veg . both rooms have a 400w hps and 4 100w cfl, bought two new air pumps with2 ports each for each rez . with 2 16" air stones . nomore root problems for me . I just orderd a stoage tank so I can empty the other side of the basement. for the next 2 grow rooms. coming up next year. which will be 30 ebb and grow 5 gallons buckes in the flowering room and for the veg side I will use the fense posts .



New Member
NICE set up! You're gonna get big! What do you have the res wrapped in? How big do you expect the root systems to be when you transfer from the tubes. I'm in that crazy time when the plants have just popped the surface but haven't received nutes yet. Small changes every day. Guess I'm use to the rooted clones I had the last couple of grows.


Well-Known Member
NICE set up! You're gonna get big! What do you have the res wrapped in? How big do you expect the root systems to be when you transfer from the tubes. I'm in that crazy time when the plants have just popped the surface but haven't received nutes yet. Small changes every day. Guess I'm use to the rooted clones I had the last couple of grows.
well the 1 of the rez is wraped in some heavy duty duct tape I got from lowes , and the other rez is wraped in aliminum duct tape (reflective). both are light resistant. as far as the roots go, it all depends on how dry the roots get during the pumps off time . as you can see the stand I have the posts on is sitting on a tilt couse i put a piece of that mat shit under it so the system will drain well . the drier the roots get , the more they will grow and get tangeld up. which doesnt even matter anymore to me right now becouse I am not planing on tranfering them anytime soon . the next grow room wiil be done mid 2010. due to money trouble . remember I have not havested yet:sad::sad:. I just been spending on the room . and spending on pot to smoke . which sucks . with the new grow room in place I wil no longer be cloning . I will be growing from fem seeds , it makes more sence to me . I dont have to worry about checking for males . and clone flower with alternating nodes when plants from seed are not . meaning they are more bushy and alot more branches , meaning more bud sites .

your plants are going through that slow growing stage , I know how you feel man. you want to see them blow up. dont worry they willbongsmiliebongsmilie. smoke somthing for me couse I am dry as fuck right now


New Member
I've done back and forth on the seed vs clone issue. So far seeds 3x and clones 3x. Each have there problems. This time I'm since I'm growing reg seeds in the tubes I figured I would get a male and cross it or backcross it for more seeds and when I have it just right I will start cloning again.

OH, I know they will take off as soon as I am able to get some nutes on them when they get big enough. Problem is some of the plants are about a week-10 days ahead of the other one so I'm hand feeding the larger plants with an eyedropper full of 1/4 nute water. Should me a problem for the little ones in the tube at that dose. I feeed them right after a flood cycle so they have something to eat for the 6 hrs in between.