To Think Like a Nazi


Active Member
*edit* naaa this belongs in its own thread, so that others may learn as well.

i thank you sir for opening my eyes. i feel like singing a few verses of 'amazing grace' now.


Well-Known Member
*edit* naaa this belongs in its own thread, so that others may learn as well.

i thank you sir for opening my eyes. i feel like singing a few verses of 'amazing grace' now.
See, this is typical Leftist technique. PVS can not articulate a refutation of anything I said so he tries to construct straw man arguments. This is the third straw man he has attempted in this thread. He is even going so far as to create an entire straw man thread in which he argues that we are all discrediting him for not responding in greater length.

The fact is, we are discrediting him because his responses are devoid of content and a clear attempt to misrepresent the issue.

If you think about it, his attempts are no only weak but they are also dishonest. One has to wonder, when someone like PVS is demonstrably dishonest in debate, can we also assume they are dishonest in other aspects of life? If they frequently lie (which is what this type of deception is) do they also cheat and steal?

Well, since the Liberal position is centered around taking that which one man earns and giving it to another (probably themselves) is it wrong to assume that their general mode of thinking is one that is devoid of the concept of honesty? After all it was Marx that promoted the idea that as long as the ends justify the means dishonesty is justified.

Ah, but now PVS will simply say I have compared Liberals to Hitler and am now comparing him to Marx in a simple attempt to deamonize. That way he will side step the issue of his dishonesty.


Active Member
Good luck with that. I have news for you, my corporation isn't so little and IF you do become a lawyer you still won't be able to pay my taxes and you will still be less educated than me. I hire and fire lawyers regularly.
You have one employee.

Funny how you left wing kooks just assume everyone who disagrees with you is a redneck who does manual labor. You are nothing but a little boy still in school and here you are acting like you know the first thing about life. All you know in life is which game is the best for Play station II.
Bro, this is 2009. Here we play PS3

Your generalizations about those on the Right demonstrates your ignorance and your bigotry.
The irony is thick.


Well-Known Member
Am i the only person not forgetting about studies such as by one Stanley Milgram?...

Oh ya, I forgot about that. Did he find that one group was more likely than another to continue? See, I'm guessing that from what I know of those on the Right and Left, the Left would be more inclined to proceed. I say this because the Right tends to be more absolute in their notions of right and wrong and because they tend to act in a more independent manner. People on the Right carry guns to protect themselves, people on the Left plan to call the police. The Right, is more likely to be concerned with our sovereignty, the Left in global consensus. There are many such examples but I think it is safe to say that the Left is far more susceptible to group think mentality.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh ya, I forgot about that. Did he find that one group was more likely than another to continue? See, I'm guessing that from what I know of those on the Right and Left, the Left would be more inclined to proceed. I say this because the Right tends to be more absolute in their notions of right and wrong and because they tend to act in a more independent manner. People on the Right carry guns to protect themselves, people on the Left plan to call the police. The Right, is more likely to be concerned with our sovereignty, the Left in global consensus. There are many such examples but I think it is safe to say that the Left is far more susceptible to group think mentality.
no, he found that anyone would proceed if they were directed to do so in the correct manner.

he was basically showing that nazi's were not some brain-wrecked murderous society, but that any society can turn to those actions if their leader projects his command in a certain way.

it has nothing to do with right and left. americans seem to either be left or right, nothing but, nothing inbetween.


New Member
No, I think that last bit isn't quite true. I agree with the premise of course and I am quite familiar with his experiments, but as for right/left only .. no.

I think the media tries to portray it that way to maintain polarization. Take me for example. I believe on some social issues to be a liberal (pro abortion,anti church, gay rights as an example), but in other areas, mostly fiscal, I am conservative.
Within each main party there is a spectrum ..... but ppl love patterns and trends, so the portrayal is much more homogeneous than reality

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i know it's quite not like that. but i'm just amazed at how ridiculously "you bloody repulican, us liberals", people viciously calling each other liberals, etc etc, it's just a little bit totally fuicked up.

i am who i am, i'll like and support things i feel are correct, but i'd never turn around and say i'm a torrie etc, not one party or side has the all the cards, every party and such has good and bad points, and as you say, you have to focus on the good points, party be damned, no point in being a hard nosed liberal if you can only agree with half of what the liberals are about.

i just find it crazy and hilareous how pettily people argue with each other citing liberal or republican as their proof the other is wrong etc.


New Member
Yah, but they really mean liberal and conservative, it's just that dem's are 60% lib and Repukes are 60% con.

If it was portrayed strictly by ideology..... I think it would be healthier, but the political machines like it the way it is..... instead of ideological ID, it becomes party ID, ... good for polarizing votes. :peace:

yes, I try to only look at the numbers..... numbers are the real truth.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

mainly what i'm put off by though, is just how people will use the label of say lberal, to discredit someones argument, hell, jonny negro is a blakc boy, let's ignore alllll of what he sais cus he's black :D

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Here's my rant:

As usual; The leftist arguments are lacking in substance, common sense, and historically inaccurate, but they can't see it, because their minds have been poisoned (brainwashed), so don't expect any midnight conversions....and I don't hold it against them; the victim mentality fits, because they really "feel" like victims. This victim (slave) mentality prevails long after the US civil war was won, and human rights restored. I feel sorry for the left because all they will ever have is what their masters give them.

And although the right still claims to be on the side of "the people", they have also failed us, as they have clearly chosen a new world order, over US sovereignty, and our Constitutional rights, but I really can't blame them either, because they still believe the right has the best of intentions... the road to hell has been paved with good intentions.

And those of you who are late to the party (wet behind your political ears) calling for "change: Those of us who have a little grey hair, have watched "change" play out over our lifetimes (since the revolution of the 1960's), as our jobs have gone overseas, and our standard of living continues to decline.

I have seen the results of change, and it was a slippery slope, as many of us tried to warn you, in the 1980's. But then the Tim Mcvey incident put an end to the counter-revolution, as all right wingers were demonized, because of the evil deeds of one man.

Now try to forget all you've heard, been taught, believed was right (not easy I know). When was the last time you heard either party in washington "defend our national sovereignty", and look at the ongoing wars being waged, against those who refuse to fall in line with our world order (a nice name for the revised roman empire).

But as much as you try to convince the majority; the Marxists have already won the majority of the hearts and minds of the American people, by... as another poster laid out:

*gain control of the educational system

*Infiltrate the press.

*Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

*Break down cultural standards of morality.

*Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion."

Even now, you see this agenda being ramped up by the current administration, and most Americans march in lock step with these pseudo 60's hippie radicals! You see another Clinton, and all the Clinton cronies, in the white house, and you see change? I see result of decades of the Bush/Clinton Dynasty, still acting as Emperors.

I can understand where you're coming from, because when I was just a child - tripping on LSD - I also saw the virtues of communism, and longed for a utopic communist society, but then one day I realised that not everyone has my best interest in mind, and ultimately I am responsible for my own happiness, rather than looking to others... in Washington, as well as in my personal life.

"Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is quite a different thing, than the promises of happiness provided by an authoritarian government. And once you trade one for the other, there is no going back.... what the government giveth the government can also taketh away, and those promises always come with many strings attached.


Well-Known Member
I see a few groups of political opinions. The right has the following types:

A) The religious. B) Those raised Conservative who just believe what they are told. C) The thinkers. The thinkers were probably Liberal in their youth and have come to see that Conservative ideas simply work and Liberal ones fail. There is a saying that a Conservative is a Liberal who has been mugged by reality. D) Those who have simply always been pragmatic and rational.

Liberals have the following:

A) Those who were Liberal in their youth and never grew up. B) Those raised by Liberals. C) The apolitical Liberal - those who are concerned with how the popular people see them - by far the largest group. D) Those with psychological issues that need to deamonize others irrationally and who loath society. This last group is likely to promote ideas of Socialism even though the entire world save for a few backward Countries have abandon the system as a proven failure. These Liberals cut class the day this was discussed.

Of these groups I see a far greater tendency on the Left to follow the trend - it is simply a Liberal thing to do. Maybe Milgram didn't differentiate but I am confident that had he posed the question he would have found that the few that objected were Conservative. Evidence of this can be seen today. In fact anti-Semitism is down right in vogue in Liberal circles today. Just mention mid-East politics and immediately you get a polarization with Liberals against Israel and Conservatives pro Israel. And I know from experience that Liberals need know zilch about the issue to be anti Israel. All they know is Israel/Jew = strong = bad. Palestinian = weak = good. Never mind the fact that Islam is the antithesis of every Liberal idea. And why do they believe this? They believe it not because they know mid-East politics or have a dog in the fight but because they think it is the right opinion to have. That sounds to me a lot like the willing accomplices of Nazi Germany.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well he didn't ask the questions, so therefore the people who didn't obey weren't conservatives, you can't pull a conclusions for something that was never tested for and never looked into blah blah.

and so if you suffer psychological issues, you're a liberal, you're a fucking genious mate:roll: