I Hate Fucking Drug Dealers


Active Member
how does anyone ever expect to make any decent money if every time u buy from them its different, mostly crap, and they charge the same amount for a bag of schwagg as they do for some mids.

it pisses me of when i could prolly get a better sac for the price more consistently from a white tee boy on the corn in cleveland than from a dealer that i know. if i had a gun and no value for my life than i would do this. this is why SAFE ACCESS is prolly the best argument we have for legalization.

i mean dont get me wrong ive had good dealers in the past but it would be so much easier to go to the store and buy a quarter every few days then fuck around for a week tryin ta find it. i would easily pai 15-20 more a quarter just to have it be easy and consistent.

another thing if i call u to try and get a sac and u cant do it than just say so don't fuckin string me along and make up excuses to make me wait fuck u, if u cant do it say so and ill go somewhere else.

cant fuckin wait till my plants r done so i dont have to deal with these fuckin assholes anymore.


bud bootlegger
well, i would say they don't telll you that don't have it and string you along because they don't want you going somewhere else... and i couldn't agree more about safe access and stuff, but according to politicians, they would rather have us "drug addicts" getting shot and robbed and mugged having to go to the hood to get what we are looking for, even if it is just weed...
i was going to say to start to grow your own, but it sounds like you have already done that... growing your own is soooo much easier than having to deal with dealers


Well-Known Member
I think you mean "I fucking hate drug dealers"

"I hate fucking drug dealers" just makes you sound like a hooker.
hahaha maybe thats wat itll take for dude to get his herb.,.,lol.,stop bitchin he doesnt clock in .,.,nor does he sit ina cubicle ina 3piece suit and thing.,.,pretty sure thats why he drug deals so hes on his own time.,.,when i was a vendor.,.i was on my time.,.,when ui get a pound load an start vending then u do buisness the way u do buisness.,.,to each his own.,

strain stalker

New Member
hahaha maybe thats wat itll take for dude to get his herb.,.,lol.,stop bitchin he doesnt clock in .,.,nor does he sit ina cubicle ina 3piece suit and thing.,.,pretty sure thats why he drug deals so hes on his own time.,.,when i was a vendor.,.i was on my time.,.,when ui get a pound load an start vending then u do buisness the way u do buisness.,.,to each his own.,

...someone needs a joint, tweak...tweak...tweak....


Well-Known Member
the problem with the ignore list is that other members will quote their post and you will still see it.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
LOL - He is the ONLY person on my ignore list. His posts make me want to kill myself. bongsmilie
Me or Woodstock.Hippie?

I try to write posts in a sensible and inoffensive manner. It seems Woodstock Hippie never has a point, and never has a clear meaning.

[Title] Most of the post.

[Post] The last few words

^ both of those - not a complete sentence or thought.

Add another unrelated sentence that means nothing here.
That's how to make a Woodstock.Hippie post.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
the problem with the ignore list is that other members will quote their post and you will still see it.
Yes, but for the most part, when you see their quotes it's someone ridiculing them. Because if they were so retarded to have to have been ignored, then who would quote them and praise their name?

Then you can share a laugh with the quoter about having seen the post of someone ignored.