40 watt fluoros w/ humidifier and flickering


Active Member
Hey sup everybody. I am currently setting up my room. Got 16 diesel ryder under 2 20 watt fluoros in my room. temps are fine, but humidity was too low. added the humidifier. It turns out that everytime I turn it on the lights begin to flicker. judging by the very few things on the circuit I have no clue why it may be doing this. any suggestions?


Active Member
Hey sup everybody. I am currently setting up my room. Got 16 diesel ryder under 2 20 watt fluoros in my room. temps are fine, but humidity was too low. added the humidifier. It turns out that everytime I turn it on the lights begin to flicker. judging by the very few things on the circuit I have no clue why it may be doing this. any suggestions?
Two twenty-watt flouros is barely good enough for two plants. I would recommend getting a surge protector and adding a shitload more lights.



Active Member
they havent sprouted yet, will add more later. I have just figured the problem out actually I think. I just ran an extension from one room to the other and bingo bango no more flicker. oh yes and thanks for not trying to answer my question (Y)

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
"thanks for not trying to answer my question (Y) "

I don't know what you mean by this but I think he answered your question pretty damn good Mr 3 posts.You need to learn some fucking manners if you want the peeps on RIU to help you out.Thin skinned types don't last long here.


Active Member
"thanks for not trying to answer my question (Y) "

I don't know what you mean by this but I think he answered your question pretty damn good Mr 3 posts.You need to learn some fucking manners if you want the peeps on RIU to help you out.Thin skinned types don't last long here.

Well please read the thread before you post in it as well, mr. fast typer.


Active Member
I did read it, but if I missed something,why don't you explain it to me newb.
:Two twenty-watt flouros is barely good enough for two plants. I would recommend getting a surge protector and adding a shitload more lights.


No offense to this ,you, or anyone else, but how exactly is your post going to help me seeing as how I already quoted how my problem was solved, and your post came right after, huh. Damn. IF Buddy could have solved my problem like you so deem was possible then I would have followed his advice. I'm kinda baked and you still seem wrong, so really dont feel wrong that you are, well, wrong, good-day.v

- ya ol prick


Active Member
:Two twenty-watt flouros is barely good enough for two plants. I would recommend getting a surge protector and adding a shitload more lights.


No offense to this ,you, or anyone else, but how exactly is your post going to help me seeing as how I already quoted how my problem was solved, and your post came right after, huh. Damn. IF Buddy could have solved my problem like you so deem was possible then I would have followed his advice. I'm kinda baked and you still seem wrong, so really dont feel wrong that you are, well, wrong, good-day.v

- ya ol prick
oh yah and no offense mr kash or w.e but go fuck yourself, how about that. do you feel justified now?