what is this on my little girl???

not what this is on my little one
i've never seen it before on one of my plants
not sure if its a good or bad thing
any help would be great

last pic is my other girl. :) about 5 1/2 weeks in flowering.



Well-Known Member
not what this is on my little one
i've never seen it before on one of my plants
not sure if its a good or bad thing
any help would be great

last pic is my other girl. :) about 5 1/2 weeks in flowering.

What part of the plant are you seeing this? i.e., is it the top of a cola, or an interior stalk, lower buds?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a dried up pollen sack to me.
Yep, if youre pistils(white hairs) suddenly start dying off before she's done flowering, that means it was fully pollinated and the entire plant will be full of seeds, and depending on how far along you are, the seeds could end up being really tiny and give you headaches when.


Well-Known Member
if its only a couple of small flowers it will be ok, some plants do this late in flower, were they fem seeds?

luvvin growin

Active Member
are the yellow hairs appearing all over the plant,or a secluded area?It looks like a pistel to me,not hermie development,usually they have actual pollen sacs swollen and yellow,no hair like strands.