nube needs help with light times please healp


Active Member
i personally leave mine on for 24 hrs for the first week or so, but you can just put it on 18 hrs light 6hrs dark to veg it


Active Member
i personally, leave mine on for 24 hrs for hte first week or so, but you can just put it on 18 hrs light 6hrs dark to veg it
vouch the 18/6. 24/0 isnt terrible for the first littlebit but i found the enjoyed the cool down period wall lights where off

you want to go with 18/6 untill u are flowering (creating buds) then you put it on 12/12

Illegal Smile

I'm a 24/7 fan, it isn't a critical detail either way.


Well-Known Member
I like 24/7 too.. easier to control temps for me that way in the basement where it can get a little cool without stuff on.


bud bootlegger
i like 24/7 for the first week or so and than switch over to 18/6 so my babies can have a little resting in between lights on...
just let them veg for aslong as you like and flip the lights to 12/12...just remember that they are more than likely going to double in size or possibly even triple dependent on the strain from when you flip the lights.. so if you only want smaller plants, flip the lights when they are like 10 or 12 inches tall, and if you want monsters let them get as big as space permits before you have to flip the lights...
remember that the bigger a plant is it will support more bud... some people prefer to grow one or two monsters and get more yeild from one or two plants, and others like to grow many smaller plants, sea of green, and get like the same amount of bud from many more smaller plants.. it really is up to the grower and how much space you have and what method that you prefer to use...
best of luck, and i hope this helps some
thanks a bunch guys i think im gunna go with the 18/6 way just because it gets kinda hot in my lil walk in closit and i think ill go with the one or 2 monster plants maby 3 depends on witch ones turn out fem. i just kinda gathered together all the seeds i picked out of my weed over the past years and threw them in between some paper towels got it wet to see what would happen so i dont really know what kinda strains i got. i got like 10 in the dirt so there better be at least 1 fem in there lol.but my lighting situation is questionable at best i got like 5 18 watt cfl's about 3 inches away from the tops with a flood light covering a few hopefully i will be able to get a mh lamp soon and then i got my eyes on a really bad ass t5 fluro but not for another 15 days. u guys think they will be ok with the situation i got until i can get the high power t5 fluro in 15 days because i dont want to waste $25 on a mh bulb if i can last 15 days any help would be... well helpful.


bud bootlegger
i would try to find the biggest wattage cfl's that you can get your hands on.. the more lumens the better, although at such a young age they don't really need as much as they will when they get bigger.. what do you mean by a flood light? you can get a real nice flood light from like home depot for like $50 or so.. it is like a 65 watt cfl jobby.. i also think they go all the way up to 125 watts, which will cost you more money of course. they are on the flood light isle and come with their own ballasts and all..
i am using a t5 set-up for veg as well.. i got the two footer with four bulbs from htg supply for like a buck fifty. been pretty happy with the results soo far, although i just moved it a little a few minutes ago and have now hooked up my hps along with the t5. i should have close to 35k lumens pumping now and hopefully my girls will like it ...
best of luck with your grow
thanks for all your help im just gunna try to slide by with what i got right now i dont want to spend $50 on a flood light bulb when im gunna get a t5 soon and like u said they dont need as much light when there lil like that but when they start getting bigger ill buy one of those t5s did u get the 2 diferent types of bulbs for the t5 (veg and bloom bulbs) or did u just get the veg bulbs and then for bloom u will use your hps.
i think those "i got ripped in 4 weeks" ads are funny i would like to tell them i got ripped in 5 min XD lol