talkin to cops while high

:leaf:ok heres my talking to cops while high storie and i want to here yours:leaf:
alright a few days ago i was walking around campus at my high school and officer tucker*our local school cop* pulls up asked me why my eye are red i smell like smoke and finaly checks if i was inschool after lunch*i wasnt* so hese gonig to take me in and heres wat i say to him *shits his pant* holy fuck its barny...
what i ment to say was plz dont take me in tucker ill never do it again...but no i yelled holy fuck its barny...:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:oh ya i dint get arested? WTF?

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
How old r u cuz??? There goes legalization lol... I hate fukin cops... Only once when I got pulled over... Cop asked me if I had weed cause I looked to chill... I said not anymore do u???

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
:leaf:ok heres my talking to cops while high storie and i want to here yours:leaf:
alright a few days ago i was walking around campus at my high school and officer tucker*our local school cop* pulls up asked me why my eye are red i smell like smoke and finaly checks if i was inschool after lunch*i wasnt* so hese gonig to take me in and heres wat i say to him *shits his pant* holy fuck its barny...
what i ment to say was plz dont take me in tucker ill never do it again...but no i yelled holy fuck its barny...:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:oh ya i dint get arested? WTF?
A) Bullshit
B) You're just plain retarded
C) How do you have a vague thought that he can arrest you for saying that?
ok peter you jack ass remember i skipped out on half the day and was only going back to catch my bus home truancy is agaisnt the law dumbass....thats why i coulve gotten arested


Well-Known Member
ok peter you jack ass remember i skipped out on half the day and was only going back to catch my bus home truancy is agaisnt the law dumbass....thats why i coulve gotten arested
omg... ur obviously too young to be on here... we r grown ups on this site with grown up problems not truency... who the fuk cares about truency??? ur lucky, they didnt throw u in the slammer till ur 18 while buba played ur ass like an acordian in a corner for 3 years... fukkin kids!

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
ok peter you jack ass remember i skipped out on half the day and was only going back to catch my bus home truancy is agaisnt the law dumbass....thats why i coulve gotten arested
omg... ur obviously too young to be on here... we r grown ups on this site with grown up problems not truency... who the fuk cares about truency??? ur lucky, they didnt throw u in the slammer till ur 18 while buba played ur ass like an acordian in a corner for 3 years... fukkin kids!
Maybe you two can pool your money together and share a copy of hooked on phonics... just something to consider.


Well-Known Member
I call this, "Proving your maturity over the Internet." Take notes class, this is going to be on the test.
maturity??? ur the one comenting on spelling... first off i can spell jus fine, i perfer to type this way cuz im lazy... im on comps and phones all day so the less letters i have to type the better.. and for other ppl who really cant spell, whos gonna spell check shit??? did u not understand what we were saying??? cuz if u dont i think u need phonics... agreed sum ppl on here cant type worth shit but i how ever am not one of them... im lazy not uneducated!!!!

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
ur the one comenting on spelling...
When shit's too hard to read because of spelling and grammar looking like a first grade student's, then I'm going to comment on that.

This, the below quote, doesn't sound like anything I've seen a mature person say. This isn't saying you're underage, you're at least immature. And the 'your mom' comment made you lose all validity in my mind, I refer to 'your mom' retaliations as 'the refrain of the retards'
"omg... we r grown ups on this site with grown up problems not truency..."


Well-Known Member
When shit's too hard to read because of spelling and grammar looking like a first grade student's, then I'm going to comment on that.

This, the below quote, doesn't sound like anything I've seen a mature person say. This isn't saying you're underage, you're at least immature. And the 'your mom' comment made you lose all validity in my mind, I refer to 'your mom' retaliations as 'the refrain of the retards'
"omg... we r grown ups on this site with grown up problems not truency..."
that quote was basing the fact that ppl who worry bout getting arested for truency r obviously underage and not permited on this site... do u care about sum1 posting a thread on how he was truent??? not i.. y cuz im of age where i dont go to school... u cant be truent from college or university as its ur $ wasted... really, do u care about his truency concerns and how he "outsmarted" the cop??? and my "mom" quote was based on u puttin down my choice of spelling not the above quote u stated, so dont turn it around

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
that quote was basing the fact that ppl who worry bout getting arested for truency r obviously underage and not permited on this site... do u care about sum1 posting a thread on how he was truent??? not i.. y cuz im of age where i dont go to school... u cant be truent from college or university as its ur $ wasted... really, do u care about his truency concerns and how he "outsmarted" the cop??? and my "mom" quote was based on u puttin down my choice of spelling not the above quote u stated, so dont turn it around
Whatever you say... I think you just outsmarted yourself right there though.