Why are we fighting?


Elite Rolling Society
nixon ,ford and carter as president no one ever had any issuses , and were allways on the same page i remember the 70's a lot diff then you do roseman
I smoked a joint every morning when I woke up, and daily did mushrooms, peyote buttoms, mescaline, acid, psyllicibin,..........I barely remember any of it, but i lived in a DREAM of Peace and Love.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
that explains it roseman when we look back at this decade ,if we stay high enough it will have been one full of love and understanding as well


Well-Known Member
Why are liberal tokers and conservative tokers getting in arguements? We should all just be working on the goal we all want accomplished. Hell, this is roll it up .org not pissandmoanaboutyourdifferences.org. We should come together and fight for a legal marijuana and a safer America. I understand lefties and righties don't agree on the aspects of politics or the president. Cone together and fight for a legal marijuana. Send the Obama administration well writen, well thought out essays about the perks of legalization. Alright u guys, get writing!
Maybe they missed their 2 oclock nap.... I dunno :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The "Real" ObamaSanta did not endorse this message from the douchebag Cloud City.
The "Real" ObamaSanta is another user with many posts who makes 30 posts a day and says he's a retired millionare yet he spends every waking hour here on this site. Can you guess who he is?


Elite Rolling Society
The "Real" ObamaSanta did not endorse this message from the douchebag Cloud City.
well, that was rude. No need to resort to name calling in a very peaceful thread

who or what is Cloud City and what does that have to do with the topic here?


New Member
"In the late 70s, the bikers and rednecks and Nazi's and haters discovered smoking pot and it all changed."
You forgot conservatives, libertarians and John Birchers, (The early version of Libertarians), Basically, they fall into the hater category though. How anyone can smoke the sacred weed and then go on about denying people their human rights as compared to (Their) money, belies all precepts of the noble smoke. The brotherhood died and the greedmongers took over, yeah, they may share a joint with you, but then disallow you medical, food, shelter and all things of the brotherhood of man. Why you say? Well, it just doesn't feather their "bottom line".


New Member
"In the late 70s, the bikers and rednecks and Nazi's and haters discovered smoking pot and it all changed."
You forgot conservatives, libertarians and John Birchers, (The early version of Libertarians), Basically, they fall into the hater category though. How anyone can smoke the sacred weed and then go on about denying people their human rights as compared to (Their) money, belies all precepts of the noble smoke. The brotherhood died and the greedmongers took over, yeah, they may share a joint with you, but then disallow you medical, food, shelter and all things of the brotherhood of man. Why you say? Well, it just doesn't feather their "bottom line".
I sure miss you coming into the forum every day, Med-'O-Mao. I mean, it was a lot of fun handing you your ass all the time. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah libertarians are "Haters."
Libertarians arn't going to denigh you anything you worked for.
Libertarians arn't gonna point guns at you.
Libertarians arn't going to tell you what to put in your bodies.
They arn't gonna tell you what you can't put in your body.

The reason libertarians are attacked is because they don't support the use of force.
Everyone wants to be able to use force for their reasons.
Wether that is chasing ghosts in Afganistan.
Or kicking in your door to pay for farsical health-care schemes.
Everyone thinks their ideas deserve the power of force.