DillWeed's 2009 fall grow journal: BLUEBERRY, VIOLATOR KUSH, SENSI STAR and more...


Dill-congrats on your last 2 grows, awesome. I read your entire first grow and half of your second grow when i decided to have a try myself. After watching you finish up your last grow I cant wait to see this one. I am PUMPED to be following along live with you this time.


Well-Known Member
Enufff! Already!
We dont need to waste dills precious time with tent questions....
Or stroke dills ego by calling him the michael jackson of riu??????What????Lol
We are ready to seee some dill beasters.....Right?

So i pose a question .... a limerick if you will....

So why start a grow so early....
Nobody wants to see a seedling surely....
Couldnt grow v kush or connie chung.....
Cause dill did it already son!....
Thats why i start my journs when veg is done.....

Well im still waiting for my seeds kings kush , kandy kush, rks(really killer skunk), and la confi.....
I Love reserva privada seeds and dna..... and i wish u grew some of that so i know if it was worth the pay..
later dills...

the L.A. CON is def worth every penny as are the other 2 i have friends growing them an i have clippings waiting to be mothers


Dill, I am about 5 weeks into flower on my first grow. I have been searching through the forum looking for basically an explanation of the rate of bud growth...

for example at 4 weeks are your buds usually 1/2 of what they are when u harvest, is there usually a big growth around week 3, then slow growth, then another boom at week 8?

i hope you know what im askin



Well-Known Member
Dill, I am about 5 weeks into flower on my first grow. I have been searching through the forum looking for basically an explanation of the rate of bud growth...

for example at 4 weeks are your buds usually 1/2 of what they are when u harvest, is there usually a big growth around week 3, then slow growth, then another boom at week 8?

i hope you know what im askin

Theres no explanation to bud growth. Because some plants take 7 weeks and other can take up to 10 weeks, growth is random. However Bud growth does follow in this fashion.
Initial strethcing. Early bud development then rapid growth. Then it slows down and quickly swells. Then growth completely stops and you wait for trics to change. Growing different strains at the same time will give you a lot of experience with this.


Well-Known Member
Theres no explanation to bud growth. Because some plants take 7 weeks and other can take up to 10 weeks, growth is random. However Bud growth does follow in this fashion.
Initial strethcing. Early bud development then rapid growth. Then it slows down and quickly swells. Then growth completely stops and you wait for trics to change. Growing different strains at the same time will give you a lot of experience with this.
Couldn't have said it any better myself, my friend. +Rep! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
also the down side unless you use like 5 gal dwc buckets is. different strains want different nutes. check my journal in sig theres 4 diff strains


Well-Known Member
it takes about 3 years to grow from seed to full budded smokeable plant. then just cut the branches off and roll em up lol


Well-Known Member
Stop getting his hopes up, bro! Everyone with half a brain knows it takes four years and not three! :leaf::-P
i know man i was ust thinkin of them new auto flowering thins that you just plant and give em like 20 hours dark aday and they ust grow out figured i save him a year with ne technogoly. lmfao:dunce: